While Nestlé boycott is mostly known, we chose this campaign, which has been running, to inform you in what state. And why this multinational is still ignoring thousands of people and organizations protesting the abuse that made the promotion of infant milk.
UNICEF sources said a million die each year and a half children not fed breast milk. And many more fall ill. Breast milk provides the best way to start living for all newborns, and an important source of survival.
companies producing milk powder promote their products in hospitals and among mothers and health operators to increase their turnover and profits.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF have an International Code which prohibits any form of promotion of infant formula. Nestle violates this code more often than your competition.
One of the most successful strategies used by Nestlé is to provide free milk in hospitals, initially making milk bottle favors the failure to accept the breast, the child will therefore be dependent on artificial milk. Once home, the mother will have to buy milk in some places can cost more than half of family income. Sometimes mothers without resources excessively diluted milk powder and it implies a lack of food, as well as in many poor countries the water is contaminated and can cause diarrhea, dehydration and even death. Either the product labels are not in the local language, leading to greater ignorance.
The first Nestle boycott was suspended in 1984 when the company promised to respect the International Code established, but Nestlé breached its promise, and in 1988 resumed the boycott action, concentrating the action in the best-selling product and famous: the Nescafé.
The Nestlé now admits that free supplies are bad, but it does not make them disappear in hospitals, to governments to introduce laws on the subject. Nestlé's works to reduce the use of breast milk and increase the sale of its milk powder.
A resolution of 1986 World Health Assembly stated that "no supply, free and support of powdered milk for children has to offer to hospitals or maternity departments. The small amount needed must be purchased by institutions. "
Does Nestlé boycott is working?
The Nestlé is concerned about the damage that this boycott can have on their sales and reputation. The boycott is supported internationally by thousands of people and organizations, including the Church of England. The boycott will continue until Nestlé cut all irresponsible marketing practices. The company is the subject of a boycott in 19 countries (Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Mauritania, Mexico, Norway, Philippines, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States). The Nestlé boycott is the subject of worldwide publicity for their irresponsible milk powder, and L'Oreal (owned by Nestle) for testing using animals.
What can you do?
- Do not buy Nestle Nescafe and write stating that you are supporting the boycott (Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Nestlé SA, Avenue Nestlé, 1800 Vevey, Switzerland).
- Distribute brochures boycott.
- Ask any community group, union, churches and other organizations to join the global campaign. What
Nestlé makes the world?
• The Nestlé has subsidiaries in Brazil, China, Colombia, Egypt, El Salvador, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Lebanon, Mexico. Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Turkey. And the company L'Oreal is also in Peru and Morocco.
· Relations union: in 1989 workers at a chocolate factory in Caçapava, Brazil, organized a strike. Complained about the miserable working conditions, discrimination against women, lack of adequate protective clothing and safety meager conditions. After two months of the commencement of the strike, the company had dismissed 40 workers, including most of the organizers.
· Marketing irresponsible: Nestlé recently has again violated the WHO code on the milk powder with the publication of his new hypo-allergenic milk, Good-start ("Good start "!!), U.S. . The consumption of this product has occurred in some children with an anaphylactic shock.
· Tests on animals: L'Oreal is being boycotted by the tests carried out using animals. The same Nestlé has been criticized by the BUAV for having cancer test your coffee using mice.
Nestlé Products:
While Nescafé is the product of choice for boycott any product that can be drawn Nestlé campaign. Some of them are:
Nescafé, Nesquik, Nestea, Bonka
Mineral Water: Perrier
Sweets: Smarties, Kit-Kat, Lion, After.Eight, Quality Street, Toffee, Polo, Motta
Chocolate: Perugina, Nestlé
Pasta: Buitoni
Dies broth: Maggi Frozen
: Findus, Mare Fresco
Pet food: Friskies
Cosmetics: L'Oreal, Lancome
Yoghurt: Chambourcy
For more information: www.gn.apc.org / Babymilk / pages / boycott.html
While Nestlé boycott is mostly known, we chose this campaign, which has been running, to inform you in what state. And why this multinational is still ignoring thousands of people and organizations protesting the abuse that made the promotion of infant milk.
UNICEF sources said a million die each year and a half children not fed breast milk. And many more fall ill. Breast milk provides the best way to start living for all newborns, and an important source of survival.
companies producing milk powder promote their products in hospitals and among mothers and health operators to increase their turnover and profits.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF have an International Code which prohibits any form of promotion of infant formula. Nestle violates this code more often than your competition.
One of the most successful strategies used by Nestlé is to provide free milk in hospitals, initially making milk bottle favors the failure to accept the breast, the child will therefore be dependent on artificial milk. Once home, the mother will have to buy milk in some places can cost more than half of family income. Sometimes mothers without resources excessively diluted milk powder and it implies a lack of food, as well as in many poor countries the water is contaminated and can cause diarrhea, dehydration and even death. Either the product labels are not in the local language, leading to greater ignorance.
The first Nestle boycott was suspended in 1984 when the company promised to respect the International Code established, but Nestlé breached its promise, and in 1988 resumed the boycott action, concentrating the action in the best-selling product and famous: the Nescafé.
The Nestlé now admits that free supplies are bad, but it does not make them disappear in hospitals, to governments to introduce laws on the subject. Nestlé's works to reduce the use of breast milk and increase the sale of its milk powder.
A resolution of 1986 World Health Assembly stated that "no supply, free and support of powdered milk for children has to offer to hospitals or maternity departments. The small amount needed must be purchased by institutions. "
Does Nestlé boycott is working?
The Nestlé is concerned about the damage that this boycott can have on their sales and reputation. The boycott is supported internationally by thousands of people and organizations, including the Church of England. The boycott will continue until Nestlé cut all irresponsible marketing practices. The company is the subject of a boycott in 19 countries (Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Mauritania, Mexico, Norway, Philippines, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States). The Nestlé boycott is the subject of worldwide publicity for their irresponsible milk powder, and L'Oreal (owned by Nestle) for testing using animals.
What can you do?
- Do not buy Nestle Nescafe and write stating that you are supporting the boycott (Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Nestlé SA, Avenue Nestlé, 1800 Vevey, Switzerland).
- Distribute brochures boycott.
- Ask any community group, union, churches and other organizations to join the global campaign. What
Nestlé makes the world?
• The Nestlé has subsidiaries in Brazil, China, Colombia, Egypt, El Salvador, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Lebanon, Mexico. Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Turkey. And the company L'Oreal is also in Peru and Morocco.
· Relations union: in 1989 workers at a chocolate factory in Caçapava, Brazil, organized a strike. Complained about the miserable working conditions, discrimination against women, lack of adequate protective clothing and safety meager conditions. After two months of the commencement of the strike, the company had dismissed 40 workers, including most of the organizers.
· Marketing irresponsible: Nestlé recently has again violated the WHO code on the milk powder with the publication of his new hypo-allergenic milk, Good-start ("Good start "!!), U.S. . The consumption of this product has occurred in some children with an anaphylactic shock.
· Tests on animals: L'Oreal is being boycotted by the tests carried out using animals. The same Nestlé has been criticized by the BUAV for having cancer test your coffee using mice.
Nestlé Products:
While Nescafé is the product of choice for boycott any product that can be drawn Nestlé campaign. Some of them are:
Nescafé, Nesquik, Nestea, Bonka
Mineral Water: Perrier
Sweets: Smarties, Kit-Kat, Lion, After.Eight, Quality Street, Toffee, Polo, Motta
Chocolate: Perugina, Nestlé
Pasta: Buitoni
Dies broth: Maggi Frozen
: Findus, Mare Fresco
Pet food: Friskies
Cosmetics: L'Oreal, Lancome
Yoghurt: Chambourcy
For more information: www.gn.apc.org / Babymilk / pages / boycott.html
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