currently in the curriculum of any school is content to use Information Technology and Communication, which are used to facilitate and strengthen the teaching-learning process learners of different levels of education. That is why the new generations tend to drive more skillfully the devices used in this process.
Notably, parallel to that described above, there is a conflict, as it is, the difficulty of teachers to adapt to the use of technology, or whether, the management of educational software. Professionals Education, are obliged to upgrade in terms of content and advances to the optimal constant acquisition of knowledge and then extrapolated to the students.
Taking into account that the work of teachers is the foundation for the development of future generations and that its work should be directed towards meeting the objectives of the student, have developed programs to optimize their preparation, so they can continue with the commitment to educate the right tools, according to technological progress that may occur in different areas in which to unfold.
Notably, parallel to that described above, there is a conflict, as it is, the difficulty of teachers to adapt to the use of technology, or whether, the management of educational software. Professionals Education, are obliged to upgrade in terms of content and advances to the optimal constant acquisition of knowledge and then extrapolated to the students.
Taking into account that the work of teachers is the foundation for the development of future generations and that its work should be directed towards meeting the objectives of the student, have developed programs to optimize their preparation, so they can continue with the commitment to educate the right tools, according to technological progress that may occur in different areas in which to unfold.
The video is about AME Program (Professional Education), the program is interactive, aimed at teachers of Basic Education in Latin America, which is used in television and distance learning is offered free of charge and is active in Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Peru, Dominican Republic and Venezuela. The program enhances the quality improvement in the training of educators in terms of information and communication technologies, as well as in specific areas such as teaching reading and writing, mathematics, health education, environmental education, ethics, music appreciation, art appreciation, education for peace and school communications. Also increases the opportunities for further training of teachers, while they can contact other forms of knowledge and information, to thereby participate in virtual communities can promote innovation in education.
The program is supported by the specialized resources of the Cisneros for the transfer of classes.
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