About 10 to 20% of pregnant women carry the B Streptococcus agalactiae (EBA), either intestinal or genital tract. Between 2 and 4% of babies whose mothers have not received treatment may get the disease, and of those, about 50% may die. 75% of affected babies develop the disease during first 24 hours of life, although in some cases can occur several weeks or months later. There is an increased risk of vertical transmission of EBA as a surrogate mother is one of the following cases: above having a son ill with EBA, fever late in pregnancy or during labor, rupture of membranes more than 18 hours before birth or rupture of membranes before 37 weeks. Therefore, current protocols for monitoring of pregnancy include strep search all pregnant when they are in the eighth month, between weeks 35 and 37 of gestation. Penicillin is very effective in treating strep, but is not indicated before delivery, it is known that does not prevent EBA disease in the newborn. Only be treated immediately if found in a urine culture strep.
intrapartum treatment is aimed at the baby at the time of his birth, has high blood levels of penicillin in combating bacteria. For this given 2 gr. penicillin to the mother at onset of labor, and every four hours 1 gr. until birth. Hospital treatment is intravenous always, and as I attend births at home and does not seem appropriate to place such a way, I looked for an alternative, because my sister was a carrier and I was going to go home. I was asking
various professionals who attend births at home and found the following options:
- Do nothing and intensive monitoring of the baby the first few hours.
- Homeopathic Treatment of vaginal suppositories and granules to make a sitz bath along with thyme and ponytail.
- intramuscular injection of penicillin to initiate labor.
- 1g Administration. of pantomicina orally every 8 hours from the onset of labor.
week tested a homeopathic treatment, and after repeated cultivation, returned to give positive results.
intrapartum treatment is aimed at the baby at the time of his birth, has high blood levels of penicillin in combating bacteria. For this given 2 gr. penicillin to the mother at onset of labor, and every four hours 1 gr. until birth. Hospital treatment is intravenous always, and as I attend births at home and does not seem appropriate to place such a way, I looked for an alternative, because my sister was a carrier and I was going to go home. I was asking
various professionals who attend births at home and found the following options:
- Do nothing and intensive monitoring of the baby the first few hours.
- Homeopathic Treatment of vaginal suppositories and granules to make a sitz bath along with thyme and ponytail.
- intramuscular injection of penicillin to initiate labor.
- 1g Administration. of pantomicina orally every 8 hours from the onset of labor.
week tested a homeopathic treatment, and after repeated cultivation, returned to give positive results.
not convinced me any other options, so research in MEDLINE (Merenstein, GB, Todd WA, Brown G, Yost CC, and Luzier, T: Groups B-hemolytic Streptococcus, Obstet-Gynecol., 55, 315-318) with the help of a doctor friend found a scientific study in which the conclusion was that when given the same doses of penicillin during labor, but rather oral IV, after two hours in the bloodstream of the mother is the same dose of penicillin that when administered intravenously.
is, that the treatment of oral penicillin is safe and effective for home delivery. The only thing to consider is that you start early, as they appear the first contractions, so after two hours, penicillin reaches the baby's bloodstream through the placenta. The day my sister went into labor took at the beginning, still under prodrome, the first dose of 2 gr. oral amoxicillin (4 capsules of 500 mg.), and 4 hours after 1 g administered. (2 capsules). Two hours later, my nephew was born in a pool that had assembled in the dining room. It goes without saying that it is a beautiful and healthy child who has not had any problem with EBA. Later I attended
other births of women with EBA and I chose to inform the oral treatment, have agreed and have been treated by this method during labor.
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