give birth without you breaks, you and I shaved enemas without oxytocin or epidural and, above all, choosing the position to give birth are part of the philosophy of natural childbirth. These options are already available in 17 Andalusian public hospitals through an agreement between the Ministry of Health and the Board < http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/ >, published yesterday in the Government Gazette < http://www.20minutos.es/www.boe.es >, which helps with 833,000 euros to implement natural childbirth in nine centers. They are: Infanta Elena (Huelva), La Merced and Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla), Infanta Margarita (Córdoba), Axarquia (Vélez), Alto Guadalquivir (Jaén), Baza and San Cecilio (Granada) and Torrecárdenas (Almería).
These join the eight already had in their portfolio, so that Andalusia is leading the humanization of birth in Spain, for the moment, only four hospitals official Galicia another one in Murcia and Castilla y León (where it will begin to implement). Health has decided to expand throughout the country this new philosophy of giving birth to the high number of cesáreas.En the community, in 2006 17,025 were made, 21% of the total in Spain, a figure which is five points below the national average. However, about 92% are still choosing the epidural. "I asked her to avoid pain. That is progress, but you have to give more prominence to women. Position is positive choose to give birth in the water or make you the episiotomy (cut to prevent tearing), "says Rebeca García-Mina, who has just become a mother at a private clinic.
Before delivery, choose the position : The SAS should encourage single women and let them choose posture, non-pharmacological analgesia, shaving, enemas, if episiotomy was performed and if it spreads to the baby's mother .
During labor, a more prominent role: There will be more role of women, and if labor is low risk, the couple may accompany up to CS. You can also choose the kangaroo method (skin to skin) rather than leaving the baby in the nest.
During hospitalization, not separating the baby : Avoid unnecessary admission of newborns and for the same, that parents can access. In low-risk caesarean sections do not separate mother and child during resuscitation.
Breastfeeding, a milk bank : Provide in each hospital and each mother the possibility of breast feeding, extraction and conservation. Encourage the donation of milk and its free dispensing with the creation of a milk bank Andalusia.
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