In During lactation the meaning of the breast to baby unchanged.
will be a meeting place to catch the sucking reflex, something that makes the mouth move. Then you can feed the hungry. He goes on to have a significant importance as an object that calms and soothes. Later
is the mom behind the chest, her face, her smile, her voice, her smell and the reciprocal interaction with your baby.
The mother - child bond, after going through a normal stage of symbiotic dependence, gradually reach a stage of independence in the link.
But there is a tendency in our society to try to separate the babies before they are ripe for it.
One form is cause early weaning.
assessment of the duration of breastfeeding is a phenomenon marked by cultural and historical parameters personal.
Many mistakenly believe that six months is a nursing "prolonged" questioning the motives of women who breastfeed their children more than a year. What
referred to when talking about extended breastfeeding?
We may define it as "Breastfeeding beyond the cultural norms, or beyond the time where the majority of mothers in society to which they belong and have been weaned." More Reasons
induce common wrongly advised weaning.
The appearance of the teeth.
The birth of a sibling.
The acquisition of language.
The beginning of independent motility of the child.
The beginning of schooling.
The mother's return to the workforce.
The duration of breastfeeding may be affected by factors such as:
(Cabrer, C; Piovanetti, Y; Pagan, D. Breastfeeding Protocols. Second Edition. 2003. San Juan, Puerto Rico.)
Admission to the area of \u200b\u200binfant of intensive (NICU) although the reason is a minor and temporary.
Early introduction of supplements. Perceptions
mother not producing enough milk.
If infant patterns differ from the expectations of the mother (sleep, crying, power supplies, frequency, duration, etc.)..
teenage mother.
Low maternal education.
mother's negative attitude towards breastfeeding.
mother's positive attitude toward the bottle. Under
knowledge about breastfeeding.
studying or working mother.
the mother smokes. Restrictions
not attend support groups. Under
knowledge about breastfeeding, both mother and father.
Poor quality of nursing information they receive.
Lack of support from family, friends, professionals health, etc.
Depression in the mother. ANTHROPOLOGICAL DATA
Katherine Dettwyler in his book, Breastfeeding, biocultural perspective, relates to the practice of breastfeeding up to six years for humans began to be modified, first by the use of fire for cooking (for half a million years ) and then, more significantly for grain processing, milling or crushing, both by providing alternatives to uncooked vegetables and raw animal meat.
In Babylon (3000 BC) were breastfed for 2 to 3 years.
Hebrews (Torah) mention weaning at 3 years.
In Egypt recommended weaning at 3 years. The Romans believed
that weaning should not be complete within three years of life (Galen) or if they had complete dentition (Soranus).
In medieval Europe, complete weaning occurred usually between one and three years of life. In his book, Mothering your Nursing Toddler, Norma Jane Bumgarner says,
"In India, influenced by the belief that the more breastfeeding a child will have more years of life, mothers breastfed their children as they could, sometimes 7 or 9 years. " Medical texts of Ayurvedic period (1500 to 800 BC) recommend only breast milk for the first year, breast milk and solids during second year, and gradual weaning thereafter.
Ethnographic studies of pre-industrial societies show that the average duration of breastfeeding varies between three and five years of age from one culture to another and between each child within the same culture.
In the Muslim world, especially in Africa and the Sudan, weaning is guided by the teachings of the Koran, which recommended it to 2 years.
In 1951, Mongolia, the children were breastfed for 2 or 3 years, and it was not uncommon for a child of six or seven years wanted to nurse to feel more secure.
In Tsinghai, China, in 1956 still breastfeeding mothers for several years, 5 years was not unusual, or until another child was born.
In his book, The Politics of Breastfeeding, Gabrielle Palmer mentioned that "in East Lincolnshire women breastfed their children up to seven or eight years old in 1820."
currently in non-Western cultures mothers breastfeed their children up to 3 or 4 years.
The last few decades of the twentieth century are probably the only time in history where children have been completely weaned in the first three to six months. According to anthropologist Katherine
Dettwyler human immune autonomy reach age 6 suggesting that through of our recent evolutionary past immune agents contained in breast milk were usually available to the child until about this age.
aspects that contribute to the belief of the detrimental effect of extended breastfeeding and motivating EARLY WEANING
Ignorance about the benefits of breastfeeding and the risks of artificial feeding.
erroneous messages that breast milk substitutes are as good or better than her.
hospital routines that hinder the practice of breastfeeding.
Lack of social support and appropriate advice. Need
increasing incorporation of women into the labor market.
An idealized image the figure of the woman.
breasts are viewed as an object of sexual stimulation.
These were some of the reasons that contributed to the ever more bizarre was the image of a mother breastfeeding her child for a long time, which allows us to interpret the devaluation and negative cultural norms toward breastfeeding in an older child.
Ruth Lawrence says: "If one were to determine the appropriate time to wean would be based on nutritional needs and development goals. The observations on other mammals suggest that a degree of maturity that allows the small animal seek their own food is the trigger for the mother to start weaning.
While in many cultures, mothers are still breastfeeding their children for two, three, four years or more are considered an exception, perhaps they are more numerous than most people think because a lot of they remain invisible to the purpose.
Today early weaning and failure at the time of breastfeeding are due to social pressure and lack of knowledge and support.
The World Health Organization, UNICEF and the Sociedad Argentina de Pediatrics recommend breastfeeding for at least two years.
Despite this we often hear comments that reflect ignorance of the above recommendations as well as a general attitude of society by non-acceptance of breastfeeding as the natural way of feeding children at least until the second year of life. Many women hide
breastfeeding older children just to avoid the disapproval of health professionals and members of his family. PREJUDICE DEMYSTIFYING
popular prejudices exist even within the health professionals on false psychopathological consequences that would affect breastfed babies after year. Alcoholism
psychiatric illnesses. Unit
excessive. Homosexuality
Drug Addiction Alcoholism
early 1800 (at the time of the American War of Independence), Dr. Thomas Trotter, the British navy physician, presented his thesis in which postulated that weaning early baby predisposed to become alcoholics as adults. At that time the proposal was well received by physicians, but the argument was forgotten until the late 1950's a group of psychiatrists in Denmark were investigating the causes of birth defects were insufficient data on health of parents of 9182 children born in that era. These data served in 1978 for a study on alcoholism in those children (now adults).
found that by 30 years of age, children of alcoholics were more likely to become alcoholics than children of nonalcoholic parents, and a data confirming the hypothesis of Dr. Trotter: 48% of alcoholics her mother had weaned early.
There were 5 variables that influenced statistically to have an alcoholic son.
Although having alcoholic parents, low birth weight and low socioeconomic status of the mother contributed separately to predict alcoholism, weaning time was the variable that contributed more strongly predictive of future alcoholism child at age 30.
1) Early Weaning
2) Having an alcoholic mother
3) Having an alcoholic father
4) Low birth weight
5) The mother's socioeconomic
not find any scientific studies that are related link between drug addiction and duration of breastfeeding, however what studies show as we will see is that longer lactations greater level of social adaptation is the individual. PSYCHIATRIC DISEASES
In empirical studies conducted in New Zealand Fergusson found that when controlling a number of confounding variables, there is no evidence to support that breastfeeding "prolonged" is associated with social adjustment problems.
One study that dealt specifically with babies with lactation "long" demonstrated a greater social adjustment, and statistically significant trends of juvenile conduct disorder with increasing duration of breastfeeding. (Ferguson1987). Overdependence
documents exist showing that prolonged breastfeeding is not detrimental to the emotional development of children.
Stayton In a study of children found more attachment in infancy did not exhibit behaviors associated with fear of being left behind when their mothers left the room. The child can accept the cessation of contact calmly because he knows his mother will be accessible to him if needed.
The less time nursing mothers had more children crying when separated from them. (Stayton, 1973). HOMOSEXUALITY
No scientific papers linking breastfeeding with homosexuality. Anyway
is important to note that the American Psychiatric Association for 27 years despatologizó homosexuality.
is widely known that as a diagnosis has been withdrawn the Diagnostic and Stadistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). In 1952 listed as a pathological behavior (DSM-I) in the DSM II (1968) and deviant sexuality.
Today is not considered by the DSM-IV as a disorder. Anyway
evidence from some studies suggest that the homosexual population has higher rates of mental disorders than the general population. (Isay, 1991, Hanley-Hackenbruck, 1992, Hooch, Evelyn, 1957). However
homophobia among mental health professionals remains a prickly issue in particular, their misconceptions of research on the etiology, or cause of homosexuality (R. Duranti, 1999; Schüklenk et al, 1996; J. DeCecco, 1995; McWhite Parr, 1993).
Even the WHO says that "sexual orientation per se, can not be considered a mental disorder." PSYCHOLOGICAL BENEFITS
As stated by Priscilla Young Colletto the word "benefit" may not be precise because these "benefits" are actually what nature intended it normal for people. Breastfeeding is normal. Artificial substitutes and early weaning are, in fact, the abnormal from a biological standpoint. Are these abnormal practices that placed the child in a sick place easily and compromise their intelligence. There is abundant evidence
scientific documents that in addition to health issues, the longer a child is breastfed, his IQ (IQ) will be higher and your notes will be better in school in later years.
The physical and psychological development and social development from birth, is based on the maturation of brain structures during the first years of life.
The child's central nervous system is thus an organ whose development is conditioned by a genetic program and external influences, interactions with parents, sensory, environmental, food, diseases, etc..
Fergusson and colleagues showed that prolonged breastfed children when they reach the age of 15 to 18 have higher levels of attachment to their parents and see their mothers less overprotective but they cater more for their care , when compared with other young weaned early.
Increased duration of breastfeeding was associated with a consistent and statistically significant increase in:
1) estimated IQ at ages 8 and 9;
2) Reading comprehension, mathematical ability, and school calculated during the period of 10 to 13 years;
3) Reviews reading and math teachers estimated 8 to 12 years;
4) Higher levels of achievement in exams. ANXIETY
prolonged breastfeeding helps young children to have a smooth transition for children, allows them to relieve frustration, shock, shock, and everyday stress. (Baumgartner, C.1984,)
In a study by Bushnell (as early as 1977) it was found that prolonged lactation are associated with smaller scales of anxiety in adults.
Hughes and Hawkins conducted studies in young women related to breastfeeding during infancy. And they concluded that the longer children were breastfed were found anxiety levels in these women. Hughes
himself with Bushnell determined that first-year students of psychology who were breastfed less time, had higher anxiety scale.
Relationship between duration of breastfeeding and cognitive performance of children.
There are significant differences between the mental development index and duration of breastfeeding (Morrow)
prolonged breastfeeding is positively related to tests in vocabulary, early language development, visual-motor coordination and behavior and actions of the head. (Taylor B, Wadsworth J). (Vestergaard M, Obel C).
Children who were breastfed longer had an average IQ 8 points higher at age five children who were breastfed for less time. (Torstein)
children were breastfed longer score higher on cognitive development, intelligence and language development.
(Fergusson DM, Beautrais AL) (Horwood LJ, Darlow BA, Mogridge)
In my professional experience as a psychologist, in comparisons between siblings with different durations of breastfeeding, I have observed that those who have Longer lactations had experienced:
very marked power of observation
Early access to reading and writing.
permanent attitude of intellectual curiosity
strong tendency to the originality of concepts, judgments, questions and problem solutions. Ease
thinking, abstract thinking, and critical reflections
Tones and adults to age
Confidence in themselves and in the external world
Fort Independence mature sense of ethics and moral values \u200b\u200bis our responsibility as
experienced mothers breastfeeding and LLL leaders to convey these concepts to society, raising awareness about cultural impediments that drive mothers to make an early weaning.
Informing health professionals, and society of the benefits of breastfeeding beyond what is regulated by traditional beliefs. And the risks of early introduction of artificial feeding, desculpabilizando mothers suffer the stigma of society to breastfeed their children according to their mutual biological needs.
In During lactation the meaning of the breast to baby unchanged.
will be a meeting place to catch the sucking reflex, something that makes the mouth move. Then you can feed the hungry. He goes on to have a significant importance as an object that calms and soothes. Later
is the mom behind the chest, her face, her smile, her voice, her smell and the reciprocal interaction with your baby.
The mother - child bond, after going through a normal stage of symbiotic dependence, gradually reach a stage of independence in the link.
But there is a tendency in our society to try to separate the babies before they are ripe for it.
One form is cause early weaning.
assessment of the duration of breastfeeding is a phenomenon marked by cultural and historical parameters personal.
Many mistakenly believe that six months is a nursing "prolonged" questioning the motives of women who breastfeed their children more than a year. What
referred to when talking about extended breastfeeding?
We may define it as "Breastfeeding beyond the cultural norms, or beyond the time where the majority of mothers in society to which they belong and have been weaned." More Reasons
induce common wrongly advised weaning.
The appearance of the teeth.
The birth of a sibling.
The acquisition of language.
The beginning of independent motility of the child.
The beginning of schooling.
The mother's return to the workforce.
The duration of breastfeeding may be affected by factors such as:
(Cabrer, C; Piovanetti, Y; Pagan, D. Breastfeeding Protocols. Second Edition. 2003. San Juan, Puerto Rico.)
Admission to the area of \u200b\u200binfant of intensive (NICU) although the reason is a minor and temporary.
Early introduction of supplements. Perceptions
mother not producing enough milk.
If infant patterns differ from the expectations of the mother (sleep, crying, power supplies, frequency, duration, etc.)..
teenage mother.
Low maternal education.
mother's negative attitude towards breastfeeding.
mother's positive attitude toward the bottle. Under
knowledge about breastfeeding.
studying or working mother.
the mother smokes. Restrictions
not attend support groups. Under
knowledge about breastfeeding, both mother and father.
Poor quality of nursing information they receive.
Lack of support from family, friends, professionals health, etc.
Depression in the mother. ANTHROPOLOGICAL DATA
Katherine Dettwyler in his book, Breastfeeding, biocultural perspective, relates to the practice of breastfeeding up to six years for humans began to be modified, first by the use of fire for cooking (for half a million years ) and then, more significantly for grain processing, milling or crushing, both by providing alternatives to uncooked vegetables and raw animal meat.
In Babylon (3000 BC) were breastfed for 2 to 3 years.
Hebrews (Torah) mention weaning at 3 years.
In Egypt recommended weaning at 3 years. The Romans believed
that weaning should not be complete within three years of life (Galen) or if they had complete dentition (Soranus).
In medieval Europe, complete weaning occurred usually between one and three years of life. In his book, Mothering your Nursing Toddler, Norma Jane Bumgarner says,
"In India, influenced by the belief that the more breastfeeding a child will have more years of life, mothers breastfed their children as they could, sometimes 7 or 9 years. " Medical texts of Ayurvedic period (1500 to 800 BC) recommend only breast milk for the first year, breast milk and solids during second year, and gradual weaning thereafter.
Ethnographic studies of pre-industrial societies show that the average duration of breastfeeding varies between three and five years of age from one culture to another and between each child within the same culture.
In the Muslim world, especially in Africa and the Sudan, weaning is guided by the teachings of the Koran, which recommended it to 2 years.
In 1951, Mongolia, the children were breastfed for 2 or 3 years, and it was not uncommon for a child of six or seven years wanted to nurse to feel more secure.
In Tsinghai, China, in 1956 still breastfeeding mothers for several years, 5 years was not unusual, or until another child was born.
In his book, The Politics of Breastfeeding, Gabrielle Palmer mentioned that "in East Lincolnshire women breastfed their children up to seven or eight years old in 1820."
currently in non-Western cultures mothers breastfeed their children up to 3 or 4 years.
The last few decades of the twentieth century are probably the only time in history where children have been completely weaned in the first three to six months. According to anthropologist Katherine
Dettwyler human immune autonomy reach age 6 suggesting that through of our recent evolutionary past immune agents contained in breast milk were usually available to the child until about this age.
aspects that contribute to the belief of the detrimental effect of extended breastfeeding and motivating EARLY WEANING
Ignorance about the benefits of breastfeeding and the risks of artificial feeding.
erroneous messages that breast milk substitutes are as good or better than her.
hospital routines that hinder the practice of breastfeeding.
Lack of social support and appropriate advice. Need
increasing incorporation of women into the labor market.
An idealized image the figure of the woman.
breasts are viewed as an object of sexual stimulation.
These were some of the reasons that contributed to the ever more bizarre was the image of a mother breastfeeding her child for a long time, which allows us to interpret the devaluation and negative cultural norms toward breastfeeding in an older child.
Ruth Lawrence says: "If one were to determine the appropriate time to wean would be based on nutritional needs and development goals. The observations on other mammals suggest that a degree of maturity that allows the small animal seek their own food is the trigger for the mother to start weaning.
While in many cultures, mothers are still breastfeeding their children for two, three, four years or more are considered an exception, perhaps they are more numerous than most people think because a lot of they remain invisible to the purpose.
Today early weaning and failure at the time of breastfeeding are due to social pressure and lack of knowledge and support.
The World Health Organization, UNICEF and the Sociedad Argentina de Pediatrics recommend breastfeeding for at least two years.
Despite this we often hear comments that reflect ignorance of the above recommendations as well as a general attitude of society by non-acceptance of breastfeeding as the natural way of feeding children at least until the second year of life. Many women hide
breastfeeding older children just to avoid the disapproval of health professionals and members of his family. PREJUDICE DEMYSTIFYING
popular prejudices exist even within the health professionals on false psychopathological consequences that would affect breastfed babies after year. Alcoholism
psychiatric illnesses. Unit
excessive. Homosexuality
Drug Addiction Alcoholism
early 1800 (at the time of the American War of Independence), Dr. Thomas Trotter, the British navy physician, presented his thesis in which postulated that weaning early baby predisposed to become alcoholics as adults. At that time the proposal was well received by physicians, but the argument was forgotten until the late 1950's a group of psychiatrists in Denmark were investigating the causes of birth defects were insufficient data on health of parents of 9182 children born in that era. These data served in 1978 for a study on alcoholism in those children (now adults).
found that by 30 years of age, children of alcoholics were more likely to become alcoholics than children of nonalcoholic parents, and a data confirming the hypothesis of Dr. Trotter: 48% of alcoholics her mother had weaned early.
There were 5 variables that influenced statistically to have an alcoholic son.
Although having alcoholic parents, low birth weight and low socioeconomic status of the mother contributed separately to predict alcoholism, weaning time was the variable that contributed more strongly predictive of future alcoholism child at age 30.
1) Early Weaning
2) Having an alcoholic mother
3) Having an alcoholic father
4) Low birth weight
5) The mother's socioeconomic
not find any scientific studies that are related link between drug addiction and duration of breastfeeding, however what studies show as we will see is that longer lactations greater level of social adaptation is the individual. PSYCHIATRIC DISEASES
In empirical studies conducted in New Zealand Fergusson found that when controlling a number of confounding variables, there is no evidence to support that breastfeeding "prolonged" is associated with social adjustment problems.
One study that dealt specifically with babies with lactation "long" demonstrated a greater social adjustment, and statistically significant trends of juvenile conduct disorder with increasing duration of breastfeeding. (Ferguson1987). Overdependence
documents exist showing that prolonged breastfeeding is not detrimental to the emotional development of children.
Stayton In a study of children found more attachment in infancy did not exhibit behaviors associated with fear of being left behind when their mothers left the room. The child can accept the cessation of contact calmly because he knows his mother will be accessible to him if needed.
The less time nursing mothers had more children crying when separated from them. (Stayton, 1973). HOMOSEXUALITY
No scientific papers linking breastfeeding with homosexuality. Anyway
is important to note that the American Psychiatric Association for 27 years despatologizó homosexuality.
is widely known that as a diagnosis has been withdrawn the Diagnostic and Stadistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). In 1952 listed as a pathological behavior (DSM-I) in the DSM II (1968) and deviant sexuality.
Today is not considered by the DSM-IV as a disorder. Anyway
evidence from some studies suggest that the homosexual population has higher rates of mental disorders than the general population. (Isay, 1991, Hanley-Hackenbruck, 1992, Hooch, Evelyn, 1957). However
homophobia among mental health professionals remains a prickly issue in particular, their misconceptions of research on the etiology, or cause of homosexuality (R. Duranti, 1999; Schüklenk et al, 1996; J. DeCecco, 1995; McWhite Parr, 1993).
Even the WHO says that "sexual orientation per se, can not be considered a mental disorder." PSYCHOLOGICAL BENEFITS
As stated by Priscilla Young Colletto the word "benefit" may not be precise because these "benefits" are actually what nature intended it normal for people. Breastfeeding is normal. Artificial substitutes and early weaning are, in fact, the abnormal from a biological standpoint. Are these abnormal practices that placed the child in a sick place easily and compromise their intelligence. There is abundant evidence
scientific documents that in addition to health issues, the longer a child is breastfed, his IQ (IQ) will be higher and your notes will be better in school in later years.
The physical and psychological development and social development from birth, is based on the maturation of brain structures during the first years of life.
The child's central nervous system is thus an organ whose development is conditioned by a genetic program and external influences, interactions with parents, sensory, environmental, food, diseases, etc..
Fergusson and colleagues showed that prolonged breastfed children when they reach the age of 15 to 18 have higher levels of attachment to their parents and see their mothers less overprotective but they cater more for their care , when compared with other young weaned early.
Increased duration of breastfeeding was associated with a consistent and statistically significant increase in:
1) estimated IQ at ages 8 and 9;
2) Reading comprehension, mathematical ability, and school calculated during the period of 10 to 13 years;
3) Reviews reading and math teachers estimated 8 to 12 years;
4) Higher levels of achievement in exams. ANXIETY
prolonged breastfeeding helps young children to have a smooth transition for children, allows them to relieve frustration, shock, shock, and everyday stress. (Baumgartner, C.1984,)
In a study by Bushnell (as early as 1977) it was found that prolonged lactation are associated with smaller scales of anxiety in adults.
Hughes and Hawkins conducted studies in young women related to breastfeeding during infancy. And they concluded that the longer children were breastfed were found anxiety levels in these women. Hughes
himself with Bushnell determined that first-year students of psychology who were breastfed less time, had higher anxiety scale.
Relationship between duration of breastfeeding and cognitive performance of children.
There are significant differences between the mental development index and duration of breastfeeding (Morrow)
prolonged breastfeeding is positively related to tests in vocabulary, early language development, visual-motor coordination and behavior and actions of the head. (Taylor B, Wadsworth J). (Vestergaard M, Obel C).
Children who were breastfed longer had an average IQ 8 points higher at age five children who were breastfed for less time. (Torstein)
children were breastfed longer score higher on cognitive development, intelligence and language development.
(Fergusson DM, Beautrais AL) (Horwood LJ, Darlow BA, Mogridge)
In my professional experience as a psychologist, in comparisons between siblings with different durations of breastfeeding, I have observed that those who have Longer lactations had experienced:
very marked power of observation
Early access to reading and writing.
permanent attitude of intellectual curiosity
strong tendency to the originality of concepts, judgments, questions and problem solutions. Ease
thinking, abstract thinking, and critical reflections
Tones and adults to age
Confidence in themselves and in the external world
Fort Independence mature sense of ethics and moral values \u200b\u200bis our responsibility as
experienced mothers breastfeeding and LLL leaders to convey these concepts to society, raising awareness about cultural impediments that drive mothers to make an early weaning.
Informing health professionals, and society of the benefits of breastfeeding beyond what is regulated by traditional beliefs. And the risks of early introduction of artificial feeding, desculpabilizando mothers suffer the stigma of society to breastfeed their children according to their mutual biological needs.
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