Dear Doctor: First of all, excuse me, please dare to send you this letter. I am a hemiplegic elderly and sick waiting a day to day, death, and I can only inform you my experience with the desire to do the test that I propose and find it positiva.Hace many years, exactly in 1945, had to take the title of medical practitioner to give injections to my only daughter sick because no one could afford to do so. To be eligible for consideration by the Faculty of Medicine of Madrid, I had to get a certificate of Practice of Obstetrics in the former Provincial Maternity Madrid.Yo delivery had a different idea, because when my brother was born, my mother had explained the pregnancy and birth in the most accurate and sensible that this would be explained. In childhood, my sister and I had fun watching the cat give birth and later, and about to turn sixteen, I saw her stepmother to give birth while my father went in search of the midwife, and both the cat and the stepmother gave birth no sign of dolor.No I had occasion to witness more births. I just had a daughter, and his birth was by cesarean section due to pelvic stenosis, which I was not knowing what was really a baby. As a result of my ignorance, what I saw and learned at the Maternity threw me into great confusion, and I decided to study thoroughly midwife birth, trying to figure out why it hurt the last stage (only that) when the other stages of the long and complicated process of viviparous reproduction is always painless, and so are the other physiological functions if performed on a healthy and normal.Desde 1945've been studying this issue. I won, by opposition, a position as matron of the Municipal Charities of Madrid, with more goal than to study the birth of their depth. As I traveled Congresses and courses with the same intention, and worked as a midwife not only in Spain, always learning something every birth I attended or witnessed, proving in practice what I read in 1955 books. I was able to attend a course in Paris on "Psychoprophylaxis Pain in Childbirth", which gave doctors Lamaze, Velay and Bourrel.En that course stated that uterine contractions hurt due to the existence of a negative conditioned reflex, in addition to pain, causing fear and resistance the function by the mujer.Esta explanation of pain in childbirth seemed much more plausible that the Bible, and I wanted to see if it was true. I had observed, before the course, that the talents and the education of pregnant women had a great influence on the development of delivery. Since 1955 I started doing a preparation that is to teach pregnant women what is pregnancy and childbirth, and comparing with other physiological functions to try to get women to admit it for what it truly is, and instructing them on the active and willing to be assumed in both pregnancy and at delivery. This preparation was rejected saying that the discoverer of training in the cerebral cortex of conditioned reflexes was a Russian physiologist who was awarded, therefore, the Nobel Prize in 1904, and that the English did not want the Russians or childbirth without dolor.Yo do not know what were the real reasons rejection, but I know it took me having to leave Spain because I drove all the jobs that had been taken "a finger", which were all unless the City Council, whose salary was not enough to cover my necesidades.En as I could, I returned to Spain and tried to return to work as a midwife, without being able to get more than in the square that was in opposition. But in the years of exile had learned languages, and it helped me to make a living as a secretary, and continued development of pregnancies and deliveries as a distraction, without charging nada.En 1976, the new Maternity Provincial de Madrid, complete with all modern developments, there was a "refresher course for midwives obstetric" in which, full of hope, I hastened to enroll and in which I tried in vain to reason with teachers and students that what was intended was madness in all sentidos.Tan old as childbirth are breathing, digestion and blood circulation, and nobody in their right mind would think "directed" when they function normally. Of what medical science is concerned is to redirect to normal if it is alterada.Durante workshop that pinched my thighs to make sure that it was a nightmare, she was awake. Dr. Caballero Gordo, whom he had met many years ago in the Maternity Meson de Paredes, was presenting the "party led in place of normal childbirth." After that course and to date, the "party led" has been imposed in hospitals. Yo he seguido y sigo preparando psicológicamente a embarazadas, de las que una exigua minoría se decide a dar a luz en sus casas considerando el parto como una función normal. Pero la mayoría tiene miedo y acaba por ir al hospital, donde el trabajo que hice preparándolas se desploma como un castillo de naipes. Quisiera que algún obstetra se atreviera a probar un sistema de asistir partos que me ha dado muy buenos resultados durante muchos años y de los que puedo presentarle testimonios recientes. Consiste en concienciar a la mujer de que el parto es una función fisiológica exenta de peligro, dejar que el parto empiece por sí solo y que se desarrolle a su ritmo, respetando sus fases de descanso entre períodos, sin impaciencia because termine.El single device that I used in childbirth was the Pinard stethoscope, and this was enough to continue to provide efficient delivery development without vaginal examination very painful for the woman and not entirely free from danger. I learned the development of good, detailed birth of Obstetrics Treaties. I found that what they said was true, that in the body there is a rhythm, a program, a project to develop a calculated force the millimeter and second and no more be left to act, that the only thing that any intervention is achieved is to disturb the natural rhythm of the function. I learned that the placement of the fetus, which is essential for exit and dilation of the cervix, if not interfered with, often simultaneously, and the stethoscope I helped not only to control the fetal heart rate but also the change of position on the maternal abdomen, due to rotational movements of the fetus and the decline of the presentation to the various planes of the pelvis.
never paid attention to the dimensions of cervical dilation, not of the magnitude that is generally given. The real problem in the labor consists in adapting the fetus to the mother's pelvic canal, which is usually done slowly and happily, unless the attitude of the mother, fear, impatience, lack of confidence in itself and in whom assists, does not trigger an abnormal resistance to prevent the development of función.Nunca I need to wonder if the expansion was complete or not, because when this happens, the signs that warn they are so clear, so convincing, including the Soft training delivery channel "that there is the slightest danger that the fetal head is apparent at once. The delivery is always carried out slowly, slowly and gently. I have enough experience to ensure it is así.Quisiera the XXI century obstetricians try to see if healthy, informed woman is capable of giving birth with the same calm and efficiency running other physiological functions. To prove, nothing is lost. It is nothing more than patience and belief that nature is able to fulfill their missions without being replaced. The woman in the XXI Century, which were both condoned in other areas, deserves to be left to give birth, which is the normal consents play a role because I truly capable of it. It is not back to the past, and distant. Now women can do many things for which it is not believed capable, at the current time, the woman must give birth to know, as you know your digestion without ayudas.No wish I offended with this letter. I have dedicated my life to studying labor. I think I know what it is, and this knowledge I do not want me to take him to the grave while the women and fetuses have a disease artificial form of birth worst that nature had prepared.
never paid attention to the dimensions of cervical dilation, not of the magnitude that is generally given. The real problem in the labor consists in adapting the fetus to the mother's pelvic canal, which is usually done slowly and happily, unless the attitude of the mother, fear, impatience, lack of confidence in itself and in whom assists, does not trigger an abnormal resistance to prevent the development of función.Nunca I need to wonder if the expansion was complete or not, because when this happens, the signs that warn they are so clear, so convincing, including the Soft training delivery channel "that there is the slightest danger that the fetal head is apparent at once. The delivery is always carried out slowly, slowly and gently. I have enough experience to ensure it is así.Quisiera the XXI century obstetricians try to see if healthy, informed woman is capable of giving birth with the same calm and efficiency running other physiological functions. To prove, nothing is lost. It is nothing more than patience and belief that nature is able to fulfill their missions without being replaced. The woman in the XXI Century, which were both condoned in other areas, deserves to be left to give birth, which is the normal consents play a role because I truly capable of it. It is not back to the past, and distant. Now women can do many things for which it is not believed capable, at the current time, the woman must give birth to know, as you know your digestion without ayudas.No wish I offended with this letter. I have dedicated my life to studying labor. I think I know what it is, and this knowledge I do not want me to take him to the grave while the women and fetuses have a disease artificial form of birth worst that nature had prepared.
Frias Consuelo Vélez-Ruiz (Spain)
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