experts increasingly agree to note the phenomenon of establishing relations pseudoterapeutas destructive sectarian Psychologist Uruguayan Alvaro Farias, director of Study and Advisory Service in sects of Uruguay (SEAS) and member of the Red Iberoamericana de Estudio de las Sectas (RIES) , es el pionero en el estudio de estos casos en su país.
En esta entrevista, Farías comparte algunas de sus conclusiones.
--Usted se ha especializado en el fenómeno de las sectas y la manipulación psicológica sectaria. ¿Cómo surge ese interés?
--Álvaro Farías: Es pertinente hacer una aclaración. Yo no soy especialista en sectas, en el Uruguay no se estudia el tema. He sido un autodidacta, estudiando e investigando desde hace muchos años, comprando libros por Internet, trabajando con otros especialistas, como el presbítero Miguel Pastorino. Y así surge Service and Advice on Cults Study (SEAS), with a database of groups of one thousand chips. And our interest has been growing for continued assistance to those affected, as the need for information and training that we ask various educational institutions.
- We know that with his thesis was a path to your country. What is the reason?
- Alvaro Farias: My thesis is original because it addresses the phenomenon of "brainwashing" from psychoanalytic theory, in that sense, is a pioneer in my country. Then have emerged later works emerging from my licentiate thesis in the form of a matrix.
- What is the situation in his country on the subject of cults?
- Alvaro Farias: My country is a secular country and enshrined in the Constitution in its article 5 º. This creates a constitutional cover allows do anything if God is invoked, tampering, illegal practice of medicine, ownership of goods and capital, sexual exploitation, in order .... human rights violation. There are no controls, or taken any measures.
- We read his interesting expression "therapeutic cults." What do you mean?
- Alvaro Farias: I attribute authorship, perhaps someone already has said. But I recognize in this expression a personal style is to play with words, because what I write has to do with the sinister, I try to at least be entertaining or fun to read.
- But what are the therapeutic sects?
- Alvaro Farias: is above all a play on words, never a cult can be therapeutic, with that expression I mean the new age therapies, which are carried out by people who are not trained to act acts as a psychotherapist or psychiatrist.
- Do You mean the Reiki, Bach Flowers, etc.?
- Alvaro Farias: No, I do not speak of Reiki in itself, I think that is not the subject of my analysis, it will fall to others. I analyze the relationship established between the "therapist" and his "patients." Already today there are few traditional sectarian communities, people are reluctant to this kind of life, but tend to consult their tarotista, your Reiki Master, Guru or call you. The relationship "patient" - "Master Reikista" is what I have been studying in recent years.
- What conclusions can you summarize your research?
- Alvaro Farias: First there is what is defined as the perversion of a transference relationship. What is this? So everyone could better understand and explain: We all have a special form of links which are generally repeated or reprinted like a seal, it responds to conscious and unconscious factors factors in psychotherapeutic practice is common for our patients locate us, shall we say schematically, in the place of his father, are linked with us and are linked with his father, psychologists do not take this phenomenon but we take it as a fantasy projection unconscious, interpret and give it back to the patient to gain in autonomy and health.
pseudoterapias new age in the opposite happens, that projection is taken as true and therapists become mothers or perfect parents, his followers / patients worship him, is a guru, a visionary. These characters are evil and the degree of psychological pressure exerted is brutal if you join now, sms, social networks, chain mails, etc. It operates under this strategy brainwashing and sectarian membership today.
- What can we do to prevent the population being targeted by these "therapists", handlers perverse?
- Alvaro Farias: First the issue of cults, sects "therapeutic," the New Age and new religious movements should be studied and research everywhere. Many Catholic colleges have, but in my country has not yet happened. The issue is not part of degree programs in health-related careers.
- Do you already have in mind some other work or research?
- Alvaro Farias: I have almost finished a new work on the topic of "alternative therapies", my main effort is to maybe get it Take the true extent of these alleged dangers of healing groups, size is not yet perceived in its magnitude and complexity.
Another work that is taking shape is to publish a book in my country about the cult phenomenon.
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