Info-RIES Bulletin No. 196 (04/15/1911).
1. Expert warns of seduction of Satanism and black magic among young people.
2. Real demons, "virtual Satanism?
3. Die Another Argentine Jehovah's Witness refusing a blood transfusion.
4. Jehovah's Witnesses convene the annual commemoration of Christ's death.
5. Progress in building the first Mormon temple in El Salvador.
6. The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God opens new office in Argentina.
7. Anti-cult platform calls in person to the court case against a guru in Spain.
8. Alert the growth of satanic cults in Pereira (Colombia).
9. Arrested in Argentina to people who extorted with rituals of witchcraft.
10. Memory remains a seer English at a shrine said to perform healings.
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