The founder of the sect Church Unification, Korean Sun Myung Moon, was yesterday, April 26, 2011, in Madrid.
legalized Korean name is " Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity (HSA-UWC) . " On that measure was not taken up the story for any news agency or any social media. We will offer an account of the events.
start giving them part of the invitation has come to the English Secretariat of the RIES:
Dear to Mr. (Mrs.)
are honored to extend this invitation to a special event and All that is being organized by the Universal Peace Federation and the Association of Women for World Peace in our city. The program entitled "Building a World of Peace in a Time of Global Crisis" represents the first public speech in Madrid of prominent spiritual leader Reverend . Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church and the Universal Peace Federation. This speech is part of a tour of various nations and will take place on Tuesday 26 April at 18:30 hrs. the Palace Hotel Medinaceli Hall. [...]
recently published his autobiography in Korea has become a bestseller in the nation. This book has been translated into many languages \u200b\u200band a English version will be presented in the act of Madrid. [...]
Armando Lozano, Director FPU Spain
Marcia de Abreu, President AMPM Spain
actThere we go. If the act was intended initially last for two hours, as he also said the invitation to the event, which started at 18.30 finished at 23:27 minutes in the evening. The room where we stand hosted a total just over 600 people, a multicultural assembly where a wide variety of races: Caucasian or white, and Asian nigroides. There were English but also French, Polish, German, Portuguese, Africans, Indians, Orientals, and countless more, many Koreans. And young people and children with mixed features, which I guess are children of multicultural marriages between Koreans and European members, and African Americans, as the wording of this sectarian group, the multicultural and mass weddings. There were old people, old, middle-aged, young couples, some with children, youth and adolescents . All dressed splendidly, very stylish holiday. All very well prepared, brought people from neighboring countries and not as neighbors to Madrid to appear in a greater representation than they really are in our country.
The program began with a preamble concert by the blind pianist D. Raul Thais Antequera, melody clearly typical "New Age", flowing, water, relaxing, ... not by chance that is a follower of New Age currents, energies, their therapy and the teachings of Osho .
welcome followed by D. Armando Lozano, director of the FPU (Federation Universal Peace), one of the last names given to Moon's Unification Church, who was the master of ceremonies, who asked that hopefully there are more people of good will and the Reverend Moon.
then International Director of the FPU, Mr. Thomas Walsh, said a few words to a song followed by the soprano Ms. Monica Luz, that although his curriculum may see a splendid career was presented as a person who makes healing therapy through their voice and practice this technique from Tibetan Buddhism. Accompanied by pianist aforementioned sings a tune for, as he says, " meditate to listen."
It follows an interfaith prayer, where the first to do it is not announced in the playbill, the Secretary of the Islamic Federation of Spain, D. Yusuf Fernández , which is not present at the time, but Ms. Silvia Closed , a convert to Islam from Christianity, elegantly dressed in her "hijab " who recites in Arabic what I believe is Surat "Al-Fatiha ", who played [the Muslims do not translate the Koran, as interpreted] as: " In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, the Compassionate, the Merciful, King of Judgement Day. Only you worship, you alone we ask for help. Guide us the straight path, the path of those whom You have favored, not those who incur your wrath, nor of those who stray . " Follow
prayer of a member of the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain, D. Abraham Haim , and presented as a friend and supporter of interfaith dialogue, that neat suit and touched by the kippah on his head, sing a psalm in Hebrew [for Christians, 117 and 118]: "God Load all nations, give honor all peoples. [...] The truth of God endures forever. [...] The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone of [...] "
then took the floor catholic, trinity, the father D. Isidro Hernández , presented as a friend by Mr. Lozano, and without any distinctive sign of their status as a Catholic priest, which is said to have worked in the CONFER until recently in the Department of Media. His prayer was focused on peace by taking pieces of John Paul II as as he said, " in a few days will be news " where mention men of good will to build peace, and send the request to achieve the Holy Spirit, and the hatred and war give way to peace, harmony and forgiveness.
Following are some words of congratulations to the founder Moon by two speakers, as we read in the playbill. The first is D. José Manuel Laureiro , director of public school kindergarten and primary education "Antonio Moreno Rosales " where students from over 30 nations live in harmony in the Lavapiés making intercultural work and where the word "peace is omnipresent in the center, recalls Mr. Lozano. [And so, since one of the associations linked to the Unification Church has collaborated on projects with this school, as we see here .
The second speaker of the founder Moon Greeting run by the Catholic theologian D. Xabier Pikaza . impeccably dressed in suit and tie is presented by Mr. Lozano as a great friend "and" one of the best theologians and proponents of interreligious dialogue . " Mr. Pikaza says Moon does not know and now know it, and although retired from the University of Salamanca has been for 30 years the subject of a Phenomenology of Religion, and always had the final class on New Religious Movements, where also read some excerpts from the book of the Reverend Moon, " The Divine Principle", and that students would always ask in these classes, seminar-style. Then, based on the questions of his students threw five of them [I hope it collected if any, in which case of not being sure, I will not be the literal letter of apologies to D. Pikaza Xavier, hoping his correction if I wanted]. The first is whether Moon is a Christian, is Taoist, Buddhist, or shaman, or what he believes. The second is whether the vision he had in Moon says that claims that Jesus appeared to him: How he appeared, and if Jesus was alone or with a wife in heaven. [This is said in reference to the belief that Jesus Moon failed by not getting married, and thus not become a True Parent, which has made Moon with his wife in the third coming.] The third question is if now is finally the final victory, after the failure of Israel and Jesus, or not. The fourth is that there are things out there that say about this group, or read online, and that might have go deeper and find out what's behind. The fifth and most difficult question is that the Reverend Moon says he has to liberate God's suffering, how to do that, what it is.
D. Xavier Pikaza said to be selected questions of their students in those 30 years of training in Salamanca and now makes here. He contends that students do not know if anyone has done or not a follower of the Unification Church, but it ended up respecting the Rev. Moon and that they were Christians have become better Christians. Mr. Lozano said it is a good introduction to these questions now tell us the Reverend Moon.
[Now I make a personal note: I no longer spend 24 hours waiting to see in the Blog D. Xabier Pikaza , some mention of the event occurred yesterday. For that reason did not wish RIES out last night and this morning the article, and waited 24 hours. Reflected the absence of anything, we took our notes as we have prepared regarding these events.
I must say that the cult of the Unification Church has been used increasingly by members of other religions, including Catholicism, to be propaganda. The emergence of a Trinitarian priest and a former priest Mercy, who left the priesthood, but of which nothing is said about it and presents and presented only as a Catholic theologian and professor at the Pontifical University of Salamanca for 30 years, no more than a facelift for the Moonies.
Referring to the five questions from Mr. Pikaza, that does not put on their lips, but that of their students, the couple surprised by it, are lazy intellectually ahead of the sect provided here, demonstrate weak knowledge of sectarian group of the Unification Church, does not deepen as one would expect a professor of Phenomenology of Religion, are not a deep study of reality and purpose really hide or coercive techniques mentioned and mental manipulation and the former member of Moon, Steven Hassan studied deeply, or financial scandals and fraud throughout its existence. To quote this blog , this other , or next sheet, along with the other . Recall that in 2003 the Moon sect began their campaign of "the Christian cross burial, considering it a sign of Jesus' suffering and pain and division among people, considering also a symbol of oppression, leading even at a ceremony to bury the land].
After words of greeting from the two speakers, followed by a brief video presentation about the history of Moon and a strong focus on the propaganda of its ideas and its glories, its influence with world leaders in the U.S., United Nations, the struggle against communism, the role of the founder Moon and his wife, known as True Parents, etc.
The presentation is provided by the founder of one of his sons, called Rev. Hyung Jin Moon , graduated from Harvard in Theology tells us, [but we doubt it because as we see in a web of Unification Church itself, we are told that he graduated from Columbia and studied theology in college he created his own sect. So even had to check the accuracy of these data]. It appears as a fan of all religions, says D. Armando Lozano, and has collaborated with Catholic nuns and Tibetan monks. In his speech made a eulogy of his father as Master, Messiah, True Father. He claims that his father is the one who fulfills God's ideal, and has assumed the burden of our sins, as Jesus Christ, thus paying the price for them.
And finally comes the founder Moon, a 92 year old who looks 20 years younger, that's the truth. Is chanted by the entire assembly standing, shouting " bravo" and filmed by a multitude of camera phones. From here we move into one of the speeches of about an hour and frayed the thickest we've ever heard. Speaking of numerology, the number one of two numbering the fingers, the phalanges, forearm, appoints the first day of Genesis, the first night and the first day, of how two numbers are odd numbers torque, etc.. An empty and childish babble which disturb the assembly that is changing the face. Talk like children in a children's program where prizes were gallufantes, all very lost, naive, people feel pain and discomfort at times. People start to cam more substantial and leave. The English translator translates from Korean us [there is another translator who translates into English as well, due to the presence of so many non-English] says the handset " we leave that to try to see where it wants to " and people laugh. The translator is lost several times. Moon says that what goes before, white or red, or black or white, or day or night, which in Korean is said day and night, black and white, unlike in English, and to guide is more spiritual than materialistic west, away from God. And he says the sun born in the East.
The self-proclaimed Reverend Moon sprinkles his speech with angry shouts that reach more than embarrass one of the attendees, and whistles repeated throughout the night to raise laughs from some of those who listen. His speech is still a mess in which we asked why it says " inglis" typing " Inglés." And he asks us to expect that we will not be hard to understand. Keep up the numerology of the hands, and goes and comes in its constant mix of topics and broken sentences. It tells us that God likes the even number you do not like being alone. An aide close to me are sick of nonsense and pull the helmet to the ground and can not stand going more with its neighbor, African tells gestures that need to retrieve the passport and return to pick up and leaves. Meanwhile Moon makes the musical scale ascending and descending, but is confused when making the down and not able to complete. Tells us that women have breasts and hips for childbearing. The translator did not understand again, we are told by their helmets. Follow people marching outside the room, now in pairs. Another one follows them.
says his children told to stop wandering and to read the speech. They all laugh and applaud the old Moon. So take your glass of water, fills the mouth, and spits the public strongly the first rows and laughs. We say that is English, Hispanic, who has seen it in Latin America (sic) and he is as macho as any of the English, also in the fight. That is very athletic and that she has assembled a Cup soccer Peace. tells us that without the thumb and index finger can not catch things. They get up two more, then another, now four, three, a trickle of people can not hold up over the babbling of an old gagá that mixes ideas of their beliefs with a rambling speech. People whisper. Now tells us that North Pole is a temperature of 273 degrees below zero, there can be no more [the truth is that this is false; 273 degrees below zero, -273.16 ° C really is absolute zero or zero Kelvin, which is the lowest possible temperature attainable, but the North Pole or not far enough, having come to reach a minimum of 70 degrees zero]. She wondered then what comes before the snow or ice. He leaves a whole row of people.
claims that women dominated the man Adam in the first Fall, and Adam came after Jesus and after him. He screams and says we are entering an era of openness of Heaven, and cry if we want to hear new words, of celestial time. Someone yells yes. But then said to be similar words and do not differ from now on. Then asserts that the First World War began not neither Spain nor France nor Germany nor Italy, but England, which is a feminine country [in Korean may be so, a fact that we have not verified]. People were still marching.
We hear claims that his life would have been called crazy and that it is not, it's very smart. Start reading the speech, but still wandering, and the translator tells us he does not know what to do. Moon asked people if they get bored, and says if you want to read the speech. People take an hour listening inconsistencies Moon, and follows the trickle of people leaving. Then
says as a man, male, no English that will win, and whoever wants to leave to leave, he closes the door. The translator says that numerology again, and people laugh. The translator tells people not to laugh or throw it to him, and that makes most people laugh. Moon by angry people who get up and go and says where they go, and cry, and says it is going to hell. He says he can answer all the questions, and if people are not going to start listening to the answers. And now begins to read the speech, after an hour of broken sentences, a 17-page speech that all attendees have printed and given to enter, in full.
Occasionally loudly asked people if they are to engage in what he says the speech, and exhausted people say yes, and sometimes applauded. This happens several times. He talks about his autobiography and is a bestseller in Korea, that Spain also has to be. This book is the ultimate gift for all participants, told us an hour and a half ago Mr. Armando Lozano. Said that if there is a best-seller in Spain is the fault of the audience, and screams that make him the most read. Then shouts that if they do not plan to make it so have no shame. And people laugh. What if they do not go to hell. They buy it, that he will buy to pass, although they have to sell something buy it. Keep going people, two, three, a group of six. The people saw someone leave also takes advantage and gets up. There are many gaps and between the crowded auditorium at the beginning. And then read the speech.
then claims he does not lie, and that when they die they will know that he tells the truth. Repeat for the third time that five of her children have graduated from Harvard. Says some pastors evangelists prayed that he died, which has been pursued. Ask the people who oppose it want to stand up. Nobody gets up, and I will not expel me, so this is not my case, I'm still sitting. Ask who wants to follow to get up and clap, and mass get up and do it. Then boasts of his age and feel young, that if you take a pulse would win a majority of those present. Fisheries talks and makes sounds with his mouth gesturing. Claims to have many records in sports, especially fishing and hunting ducks. People still marching, three, now five, also soprano arm carrying the pianist, and the guide dog. And then read the speech.
says the assembly you just visited Toledo and liked, and took oil. He asks, " what kind of oil is that, unhappy? "," how do you say in English? "and the translator says by helmets yell " olive", "olive ." All shout "olive ", "olive ." He says that English women are beautiful, thin and prettier than the Koreans. And at the back of the room looks beautiful women. States that if a proposition ago half would be provided. Ask applaud him and the people applaud. Then said to feel they are doing very well, which is being flattered. And then read the speech.
asserts that what is said in the speech he revealed that he has never lied in his life. A group of eight Africans about me leave the room. Says Moon that he is restoring the suffering of Jesus in Gethsemane. Finally, at 23:27 minutes ends the speech. Da cheering for Spain, the people stand up and applaud, being at that time about two thirds of the initial total attendees. About 200 people were marching and the corridors of the Palace Hotel pick up many of the members talk among themselves.
Afghan Professor D. Hakami Azizurahman and president of the Afghan Women's Association Ms. Sapirie Hakami make it a delivery of flowers, and D. Lozano Armando da end the act by asking people to pick up your gift book, the autobiography of Moon.
copy now some fragments of discourse, in order to make sense of the beliefs of this group through the act yesterday:
"What I am about to proclaim today is part of the discourse of the True tour Parents who announce the final conclusion and implementation of all aspects of the providence of restoration over the life of the True Parents. The path taken by the True Parents serve as tradition and historical example, therefore, declare that all of you should follow this model in their lives, with families who swear inherit and carry out the will of God and True Parents have been met, and be true to that promise. [...]
You should also, as we have done the True Parents, heavenly become bridges for their families and members of his clan and also become God centered leaders who can lead his clan into the kingdom of God. [...]
Distinguished leaders from around the world, distinguished local and foreign guests, ladies and gentlemen! On behalf of True Parents, True Family, the Republic of Korea, the United States of America, and members of the Unification Church blessed by the entire cosmos (spiritual and physical world), I sincerely welcome and I express my deepest thanks for coming, despite their busy schedules-this Cosmic Assembly to install the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humanity and for proclaiming the Word of God the Be Substantial. [...]
Throughout my life, I offered myself for the release of God-the one and only father of heaven and earth "to restore it to its rightful position of the Father, to save all human beings who suffer in the field of death and return to the bosom of God.
For this purpose, I persevered and triumphed only on countless tribulations leading mankind-that as orphans lost and unconscious, searching for their heavenly parents, toward the goal of global salvation. Since the fall of the first ancestors, people born in the wrong line. All, without exception, they wander in the dark even now, unable to free themselves from the bondage of Satan. Under such circumstances, how could we, my wife and I, being nothing less than completely serious in our lives as we show the 7 billion people in the world, the road to building the kingdom of God on earth? [...]
Although the lives of the people whose names I have mentioned [referring to people mentioned in previous lines, here not included, as some leaders like R. Reagan, M. Gorbachev, or the 46 sailors killed in a recent South Korean torpedo boat from neighboring North Korea] have been altruistic and philanthropic, none of them is guaranteed entry into the world of eternal life without receiving the blessing of Marriage and Blessing Seunghwa, part of True Parents, Reverend and Mrs. Moon. This is because the parent-child relationship between God and humanity was cut as a result of the fall of the first ancestors. Please take this point seriously.
Ladies and gentlemen, this was where God has proclaimed the Celestial Calendar, is very serious. Now time in which the 7 billion people in the world must understand the teachings as a parent I am bequeathing True which is responsible to give eternal life to all mankind. Now is the time where you can share the good news of the arrival of the True Parents throughout the world. [...]
We are living in historic time of a great cosmic transition. [...] I have already proclaimed on 13 January 2013 is the "Day of the Foundation." That day will be the true beginning and birth of the kingdom of God of Cheon Il Guk. [...]
All Christians recognize that God sent to earth His own son Jesus Christ 2000 years ago to save humanity. However, Jesus had a tragic end. Jewish leaders and people of Israel were to receive the Messiah and follow the path of faith, love and absolute obedience. They should not have ever allowed to happen the crucifixion of Jesus. He left this world prematurely, after delivering, "It is finished." However, these words apply only to salvation in the spiritual realm and promised to return.
Ladies and gentlemen, God created and prepared the Korean people for thousands of years. After two thousand years of preparation, his work has borne fruit in the Second Coming of Christ on the Korean peninsula. From the past, Koreans have praised God as the primordial and highest ancestor of their ancestors. [...]
The spirit of "benefit humanity" still flows in the veins of the Koreans. The spirit of filial piety and loyalty, which are the fundamental virtues of human life are still alive and breathing in the history of Korea. [...]
On the basis of such preparation, and mounted on the power of this peninsula, I finally arrived, having received the seal of heaven, as Father True humanity, and the king of kings. [...]
True Parents have already prepared the last words I give to humanity. [...] These manuals and books that you have to read and study, even after going to the spiritual world. Not just teachings that come from the mind of a human being are textbooks and instructional materials are the heavenly path that God has granted to His suffering children for their salvation. [...]
Success comes at the third attempt. This [is the number 3] were also symbolizes the Old, New and Complete Wills. [...]
Therefore, Korea will now become the homeland and in God's land. [...]
First, all blessed families must attend God as the center of their families, and carry out every day, hoondok education, which can unite all parents and children. In other words, should fully teach the Divine Principle [is the main work of the Unification Church sect], textbooks and educational materials that have left the True Parents, True Father's autobiography, and absolute marital fidelity taught to Original through the Divine Principle. [...]
Korea the homeland and the homeland of God because it is the nation of the True Parents, we must make all Koreans participate in these ceremonies. [...]
We have recently recovered to control the Washington Times, which I snatched from my hands deceitfully, if this is not a miracle, I do not know what will. [...]
atheism and communism, who deny the existence of God, be discarded, opening the way to build the world that God originally devised, where everyone can communicate in harmony. [...]
With these words of speech Moon, founder of the Unification Church sect we will consider the story of what happened yesterday in Madrid, the Hotel Palace. April 26, 2011.
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