who it said was expert in psychology and sectarianism, José María Baamonde (+ 2006) member of the RIES, in one of his articles for the magazine Arbil, in 2003, we return to pick today for their continued today. However, what we bring to you today is a fragment of the text, it takes a recommendations for educators and catechists gathered by the RIES also a member of the Chilean priest Juan Carlos Urrea Viera , DD, psychologist, expert on ecumenism, interfaith dialogue and sectarian phenomenon. It is also a professor of Pastoral Theology Institute for Latin America, and author of several books on these topics, some of them published by CELAM, which is a consultant in this field.
1.-That there is a renewed doctrinal training, methodical and continuous of the catechist to develop an effective manner the work of evangelization and education in a world that is renewed continuously and requires training Standing all pastoral agents.
2.-The need for training courses on Ecumenism, Dialogue Religious sects or NMR.
3.-That there is a major concern of parents as active and committed to the education of their children in their human and religious aspects. 4.-
Pastors should maintain constant contact with the catechists, to worry about their spiritual care and training. 5.-
catechetical methods should be reviewed and able to deliver the message of Jesus Christ and the Church to the students as authoritative, experiential and engaging.
6.-Complement and renew programs Religious Education, with units that address the problem of sects or NMR.
7.-That the contents of the subject of catechesis are inclusive of all subjects, to avoid confusion in presentation, often part of the truth of our faith.
8.-The need to base on a permanent basis catechism classes at a comprehensive understanding of the Scriptures.
9.-The catechist should be worrying about developing the catechumens (and students if this is the college level), the sense of community and belonging to the Church.
10.-The teaching role has developed within the perspective of the Gospel values, through a clear and credible testimony in front of the school community.
11.-Need for unity among the parish work and teaching catechism teacher.
Source: Arbil
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