The future of vocational guidance. New logic and transformations
Viedma 2011 10, 11 and 12 November
The Vocational Guidance, organized by the Professional Association of Argentina (Apor) and, this time in conjunction with the Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Centro Universitario Regional Headquarters Atlantic Area (Curz), pursues purposes are
- promote professional exchange among various regions, to identify, discuss and reflect on the challenges that lie ahead taking into account the different social, economic and cultural.
- create a space that facilitates the development of proposals for intervention in the field of vocational guidance, operating from the new logic and generate becomings still busy.
- The Congress, entitled The future of vocational guidance. New logic and transformations, proposed the joint between the Vocational and the following topics.
Counselors: Training guiding the future of a centuries-old practice. Swap between OVO Chairs in undergraduate programs of the various races who have responsibility for Orientation. Graduate careers. Other instances of training.
Diversity Internship: New methodologies . Different uses of resources. Use of new technologies. ICTs.
areas Diversity Orientation: Subjectivities different youth, gender, disability, age differentiation, migration, vulnerable populations.
Public Policy orientation: Contributions of equity, inclusion and social development: social policies in relation to linking education / work in local, national and regional. Management policies and intervention strategies for strengthening personal projects / community / cooperative
The activity is aimed at vocational professionals who work in various fields and / or institutions who may submit their productions, under the following slogans:
It present free communications on some of the proposed themes for this Congress.
work is supported only by author / a. The work will be reported by its author / s. Have a maximum of 15 '.
Length: Between 300 and 500 words
sheet: A4 size
word processor: Word
Area: Simple
Header: job title, author's, institution, province, country, e-mail or phone
should be sent by e email to: apora@apora.org.ar
Up 30 / 7, 2011
Full papers:
Maximum length: 8 veneers
Leaf: Size A4
Area: Simple
Word processor: Word
Header: job title, Authors, Institution, Province, Country, e-mail or phone.
should be sent by e-mail to: apora@apora.org.ar
Until 15 / 9, 2011
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