Saturday, February 2, 2008

How To Add A Confidentiality Clause

ICTs in Venezuelan education

Following the changes and developments that occurred in Venezuela with the government of President H. Chavez and due to the requirements of the changing society of XXI century, there a body under the Ministry of Popular Power for Education, whose mission is to promote the formation of the individual through the entry of Information Technology and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the national educational process, called Bolivarian Foundation of Informatics and Telematics ( Fundabit ). That body, has among its programs and projects to the Bolivarian Centers of Informatics and Telematics (CBIT ), which are schools with multimedia and computing resources to guide the comprehensive training and ongoing continuing students, teachers and community at large through the use of ICT.
currently has over 1600 Bolivarian Centers of Informatics and Telematics (CBIT) in the country, and aims Fundabit the installation of 2500 centers, which will established in those towns and parishes that do not yet have them, taking into consideration the populations with higher school fees. The national government, specifically the Ministry of Popular Power for Education, searches through Fundabit give all educational areas of the country an instrument for the realization of academic and educational activities for the updating of teachers, students and community general and thus to the Venezuelan people to incorporate the educational use of ICT.
Below is a video about the Bolivarian Centers of Informatics and Telematics (CBIT).


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