Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Jesse Jane In Pirates Of Caribbean

the area of \u200b\u200bdisability

was made a day of reflection and opening of area Disability Association Professional Orientation Argentina - Apor: "Dialogues Between Counselling and Disability", on November 20, 2010. At the Institute, Avenida Nazca GLAUX 3330 - Villa Del Parque (CABA).

Opening Remarks: Dr. Cecilia Kligman (President Apor)
Panel: "Dialogues Between Counselling and Disability"
" Vocational Guidance and Disability" Ps. Sergio Enrique J. (UNR-Apor).
"General Considerations Guidance Vocational and Disability. What gives Orientation to disability? " Ps. Marcelo Rocha (UNR-INADI).
Coordinator: Liliana Rey (Apor)
Panel: " Presentation Area Vocational and Disability (Apor ) "
Ps. Marcelo Rocha (UNR-INADI); TO Gabriela Capel (UNQ) Laura Ps.MarĂ­a Castignani (UNLP-CONICET).
presented: Adriana Gullco (Apor)
Final words: "The importance of ongoing reflection on the rights and obligations of persons with disabilities" Dr. Liliana Pantano. (UCA-CONICET)
closing words of the day - Board of Directors of Apor

invite all stakeholders to integrate the area send an email to