Wednesday, December 12, 2007

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While Nestlé boycott is mostly known, we chose this campaign, which has been running, to inform you in what state. And why this multinational is still ignoring thousands of people and organizations protesting the abuse that made the promotion of infant milk.

UNICEF sources said a million die each year and a half children not fed breast milk. And many more fall ill. Breast milk provides the best way to start living for all newborns, and an important source of survival.

companies producing milk powder promote their products in hospitals and among mothers and health operators to increase their turnover and profits.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF have an International Code which prohibits any form of promotion of infant formula. Nestle violates this code more often than your competition.

One of the most successful strategies used by Nestlé is to provide free milk in hospitals, initially making milk bottle favors the failure to accept the breast, the child will therefore be dependent on artificial milk. Once home, the mother will have to buy milk in some places can cost more than half of family income. Sometimes mothers without resources excessively diluted milk powder and it implies a lack of food, as well as in many poor countries the water is contaminated and can cause diarrhea, dehydration and even death. Either the product labels are not in the local language, leading to greater ignorance.

The first Nestle boycott was suspended in 1984 when the company promised to respect the International Code established, but Nestlé breached its promise, and in 1988 resumed the boycott action, concentrating the action in the best-selling product and famous: the Nescafé.

The Nestlé now admits that free supplies are bad, but it does not make them disappear in hospitals, to governments to introduce laws on the subject. Nestlé's works to reduce the use of breast milk and increase the sale of its milk powder.

A resolution of 1986 World Health Assembly stated that "no supply, free and support of powdered milk for children has to offer to hospitals or maternity departments. The small amount needed must be purchased by institutions. "

Does Nestlé boycott is working?
The Nestlé is concerned about the damage that this boycott can have on their sales and reputation. The boycott is supported internationally by thousands of people and organizations, including the Church of England. The boycott will continue until Nestlé cut all irresponsible marketing practices. The company is the subject of a boycott in 19 countries (Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Mauritania, Mexico, Norway, Philippines, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Turkey, United Kingdom and United States). The Nestlé boycott is the subject of worldwide publicity for their irresponsible milk powder, and L'Oreal (owned by Nestle) for testing using animals.

What can you do?
- Do not buy Nestle Nescafe and write stating that you are supporting the boycott (Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Nestlé SA, Avenue Nestlé, 1800 Vevey, Switzerland).
- Distribute brochures boycott.
- Ask any community group, union, churches and other organizations to join the global campaign. What

Nestlé makes the world?
• The Nestlé has subsidiaries in Brazil, China, Colombia, Egypt, El Salvador, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Lebanon, Mexico. Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Turkey. And the company L'Oreal is also in Peru and Morocco.
· Relations union: in 1989 workers at a chocolate factory in Caçapava, Brazil, organized a strike. Complained about the miserable working conditions, discrimination against women, lack of adequate protective clothing and safety meager conditions. After two months of the commencement of the strike, the company had dismissed 40 workers, including most of the organizers.
· Marketing irresponsible: Nestlé recently has again violated the WHO code on the milk powder with the publication of his new hypo-allergenic milk, Good-start ("Good start "!!), U.S. . The consumption of this product has occurred in some children with an anaphylactic shock.
· Tests on animals: L'Oreal is being boycotted by the tests carried out using animals. The same Nestlé has been criticized by the BUAV for having cancer test your coffee using mice.

Nestlé Products:
While Nescafé is the product of choice for boycott any product that can be drawn Nestlé campaign. Some of them are:
Nescafé, Nesquik, Nestea, Bonka
Mineral Water: Perrier
Sweets: Smarties, Kit-Kat, Lion, After.Eight, Quality Street, Toffee, Polo, Motta
Chocolate: Perugina, Nestlé
Pasta: Buitoni
Dies broth: Maggi Frozen
: Findus, Mare Fresco
Pet food: Friskies
Cosmetics: L'Oreal, Lancome
Yoghurt: Chambourcy

For more information: / Babymilk / pages / boycott.html

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Sample Birth Plan


Doña .................................. .................................................. ...., of ......... age, ..................................., neighboring province ...... ....................., domiciled in ......................... ..................., number ..............., floor ..........., ............................., phone with National Identity Document number ............. ...................... and affiliated to the Social Security number ......................................... before the National Health System-INSALUD appear and make an appropriate in law, I SAY: That

currently being pregnant and I feel my due date for the next ........... of ..................... ..........., is my intention to give birth at the Centre do my part, dependent on this body that I headed.

having knowledge of the manner in which coverage is currently being developed and birthing care in the centers belonging to that body, and this being different from that advocated by other sanitary means according to my opinion, I want to place on record of the following conditions under which they wish to develop my birth, if not present in pathological circumstances make it impossible for the exceptional performance of any of these conditions:

NOT want you to consider me a patient. Labor is a physiological process, natural, involuntary and non-pathological.

I want to respect the free and spontaneous expression of nature in me, without interfering - unnecessarily or routine or protocol set-in women's physiology or the necessary privacy for good reason.

I want you to NOT practice without my consent:
a) IUC
b) Shaving of pubic
c) Analgesia some
d) Anesthesia some
e) any
want to facilitate my active participation as protagonist of my birth, by:
a) Respect to walking and the positions you choose to give birth throughout the delivery process: antepartum, expansion, breaks, expulsion and postpartum.
b) Respect for the time you need to be delivered, including all breaks spontaneously, without my practice, unnecessary or routine or established protocol, any act tending to accelerate or delay delivery, such as the drip of oxytocin rupture of membranes, the introduction of instruments or hands in my vagina, pull the cord during delivery with the placenta still attached.

I want to be a proper environment conducive for delivery by:
a) The use of a room quiet, with few people, cozy, dimly lit, avoiding stridency sensory and techniques, with adequate furniture and medical equipment saved except when used.
b) A birthing friendly, intimate and serene.
c) A NONINVASIVE external-control-during delivery, the state and the heart of my son. I want you

dulcifique the birth of my son, by:
a) To be in my arms immediately after birth.
b) The failure to cut his umbilical cord until it has completely stopped beating and the residual blood has gone to the extreme fetal cord.
c) is NOT unnecessary handling practice aimed at stimulating the onset of breathing, such as aspiration of mucus and others.

I want to be accompanied by people you want, particularly by the father of the baby during labor, delivery and post to it.

During the duration of my stay with my newborn at the Center, I want to:
a) Be able to breastfeed the baby from the first time without timetables or restrictions.
b) the baby can stay in constant contact with my body without timetables or restrictions.
c) Do not leave the baby on my side for any handling, cleaning, washing, test, test, etc. No my express consent.
d) will not give your baby any kind of vaccine.
e) Do not give your baby any ophthalmic eyedrops or other preventive or curative medicine without showing signs of illness and the baby without my consent.
f) Do not stand in the infant's mouth any pacifier.
g) baby not practice any invasive procedures, diagnostic or therapeutic, without my consent.
h) Do not give your baby any food or bottle without my consent.
i) There in the center and its internal environment adequate conditions of hygiene and asepsis.
j) Do not expose us, as non-ill persons we are, proximity or contact with infectious disease vectors, especially those known hospital.
k) That time of my stay as short as possible.

In the event that multiple birth was, I want to:
a) Respect the total time of delivery including spontaneous intervals between the outputs of each twin, without making unnecessary or repeated internal examinations and without taking any action that may alter the length of these intervals or the entire labor.
b) Be able to breastfeed infants only immediately after, not before, the birth of them all.
c) comply with all the above conditions arise if associated pathology that would make it impossible to fulfill any of them. Such a breach will never be out of habit or protocol established or unnecessarily.

If the baby was premature, I want to:
a) The baby remains with me, if not lodged a comorbidity that would make this impossible. Mode will remain by my side skin contact with mine all the time, day and night, protected by a cap baby, clothes and a bag attached to me that allows this contact, being both in a room and sobrecaldeada Baby can breastfeed freely according to their needs.
b) If the baby requires an incubator and not were in an emergency clinic, an incubator at room sobrecaldeada myself to switch the incubator with the bag described above, to leave the incubator and slowly progressive.
c) comply with all the above conditions arise if an associated condition that would make it impossible to fulfill any of them. Such a breach will never be out of habit or protocol established or unnecessarily.

In the event that there were no other possible alternative and the need arose practicárseme urgent cesarean section, never routine or established protocol or unnecessary, I want to:
a) I do not practice anesthesia affecting alertness or infant behavior and at the same time allows me to live a conscious birth.
b) The baby's father to accompany me in the operating room to inform us and enjoy both the baby from the moment of birth, uninterrupted.
c) The baby is placed over my chest from the first moment of birth to enable it, while caesarean section is completed, adjust to the outside world and then caught the nipple, thus initiating breastfeeding.
d) Do not leave the baby with me at any time and join me in returning to my room.
e) meet all the above conditions arise if associated pathology that would make it impossible to fulfill any of them. Such a breach will never be out of habit or protocol established or unnecessarily.

Given the spirit of easy, non-intervention and non-interference of the above conditions, it is completely obvious, as in other well-endowed centers dependent on this body which I head, which at the Centre on the date Today is for me to give birth, can and should develop my birth in the above conditions. Therefore:
a) I want to give birth at the Centre which to date to me.
b) Under the responsibility that I could match, DO NOT accept, under any circumstances, giving birth in another separate center.

The experience of the above conditions not only stems from my own convictions about how it should develop my delivery, but also a large and successful European experience. These conditions are contained in the legislation of countries similar to ours. In France, the Ministerial Decree number 83-24 of August 1, 1983 (maternity), in Italy, in Lazio Council Act of 14 March 1984 (Rights of Pregnant Women and Newborn) . Globally these conditions have been approved and published by the World Health Organization International Conference in Fortaleza (Brazil) from 22 to 26 April 1985 in the form of twenty-one recommendations. As they are based on the principle that every woman has the fundamental right to benefit from adequate prenatal care, women must play its essential role in everything that concerns this assistance through its active participation in the planning, implementation and evaluation of such assistance.

Furthermore, here in Spain, the conditions required by me are supported by:
a) The Law 14/1986 of April, General Health.
b) The recommendations of the Ministry of Health issued on July 6, 1989.
c) Decree 175/1989, dated 18 July, the Basque Country, Bill of Rights and obligations of patients and users.
d) The Law 6 / 1995 of March 28 in Madrid, on Guarantees of the Rights of Children and Adolescents.
e) Decree 101/1995, of April 18, of Andalusia, the rights of parents and children in the health sector during the birth process.
f) The Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine, the Council of Europe, in force in Spain since January 1, 2000.

the foregoing, based on the legal elements above and pursuant to the provisions of Article 68 and related provisions of the existing Law on Regime Legal Framework of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure, ASK

National Health System-Health Institute, which have of this application will serve to admit and, under account the content of it, order the adoption of measures appropriate for my delivery and postpartum are carried out under the conditions herein.
In Justice.

In ................................., to ....... of .................... of .........

Expressions Of Sympathy Spanish

Early breastfeeding saves lives.

Early initiation of breastfeeding is the theme which is dedicated Week World Breastfeeding this year, held between 1 and August 7, 2007. UNICEF and its partners such as the World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action and the Organization World Health celebrate World Breastfeeding Week Mother in over 120 countries worldwide.

"The milk that the mother can provide your child immediately after birth contains a high concentration of healthy substances can not provide any breast milk substitute," said Werner Schultink, Chief of Nutrition UNICEF. "That milk contains specific amounts of carbohydrates, fats and proteins that are ideal for newborns. The degree of protection provided by breast milk is so high you could say that it is the first immunization received by children in their lives. "

In collaboration with partners, governments and communities, UNICEF continues to promote breastfeeding because it is the perfect way to provide the best nutrition for infants during the first six months of life. By supporting the court rules that encourage breastfeeding, to improve medical care before, during and after birth and nutrition education of women, UNICEF collaborates with empowerment of the mothers of the world in order to breastfeed their babies immediately after birth.

"If all children of the world are exclusively breastfed during the first six months of life," said Mr. Schultink, "we could save over a million young lives each year."

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Open Letter to the XXI century gynecologist

Dear Doctor: First of all, excuse me, please dare to send you this letter. I am a hemiplegic elderly and sick waiting a day to day, death, and I can only inform you my experience with the desire to do the test that I propose and find it positiva.Hace many years, exactly in 1945, had to take the title of medical practitioner to give injections to my only daughter sick because no one could afford to do so. To be eligible for consideration by the Faculty of Medicine of Madrid, I had to get a certificate of Practice of Obstetrics in the former Provincial Maternity Madrid.Yo delivery had a different idea, because when my brother was born, my mother had explained the pregnancy and birth in the most accurate and sensible that this would be explained. In childhood, my sister and I had fun watching the cat give birth and later, and about to turn sixteen, I saw her stepmother to give birth while my father went in search of the midwife, and both the cat and the stepmother gave birth no sign of dolor.No I had occasion to witness more births. I just had a daughter, and his birth was by cesarean section due to pelvic stenosis, which I was not knowing what was really a baby. As a result of my ignorance, what I saw and learned at the Maternity threw me into great confusion, and I decided to study thoroughly midwife birth, trying to figure out why it hurt the last stage (only that) when the other stages of the long and complicated process of viviparous reproduction is always painless, and so are the other physiological functions if performed on a healthy and normal.Desde 1945've been studying this issue. I won, by opposition, a position as matron of the Municipal Charities of Madrid, with more goal than to study the birth of their depth. As I traveled Congresses and courses with the same intention, and worked as a midwife not only in Spain, always learning something every birth I attended or witnessed, proving in practice what I read in 1955 books. I was able to attend a course in Paris on "Psychoprophylaxis Pain in Childbirth", which gave doctors Lamaze, Velay and Bourrel.En that course stated that uterine contractions hurt due to the existence of a negative conditioned reflex, in addition to pain, causing fear and resistance the function by the mujer.Esta explanation of pain in childbirth seemed much more plausible that the Bible, and I wanted to see if it was true. I had observed, before the course, that the talents and the education of pregnant women had a great influence on the development of delivery. Since 1955 I started doing a preparation that is to teach pregnant women what is pregnancy and childbirth, and comparing with other physiological functions to try to get women to admit it for what it truly is, and instructing them on the active and willing to be assumed in both pregnancy and at delivery. This preparation was rejected saying that the discoverer of training in the cerebral cortex of conditioned reflexes was a Russian physiologist who was awarded, therefore, the Nobel Prize in 1904, and that the English did not want the Russians or childbirth without dolor.Yo do not know what were the real reasons rejection, but I know it took me having to leave Spain because I drove all the jobs that had been taken "a finger", which were all unless the City Council, whose salary was not enough to cover my necesidades.En as I could, I returned to Spain and tried to return to work as a midwife, without being able to get more than in the square that was in opposition. But in the years of exile had learned languages, and it helped me to make a living as a secretary, and continued development of pregnancies and deliveries as a distraction, without charging nada.En 1976, the new Maternity Provincial de Madrid, complete with all modern developments, there was a "refresher course for midwives obstetric" in which, full of hope, I hastened to enroll and in which I tried in vain to reason with teachers and students that what was intended was madness in all sentidos.Tan old as childbirth are breathing, digestion and blood circulation, and nobody in their right mind would think "directed" when they function normally. Of what medical science is concerned is to redirect to normal if it is alterada.Durante workshop that pinched my thighs to make sure that it was a nightmare, she was awake. Dr. Caballero Gordo, whom he had met many years ago in the Maternity Meson de Paredes, was presenting the "party led in place of normal childbirth." After that course and to date, the "party led" has been imposed in hospitals. Yo he seguido y sigo preparando psicológicamente a embarazadas, de las que una exigua minoría se decide a dar a luz en sus casas considerando el parto como una función normal. Pero la mayoría tiene miedo y acaba por ir al hospital, donde el trabajo que hice preparándolas se desploma como un castillo de naipes. Quisiera que algún obstetra se atreviera a probar un sistema de asistir partos que me ha dado muy buenos resultados durante muchos años y de los que puedo presentarle testimonios recientes. Consiste en concienciar a la mujer de que el parto es una función fisiológica exenta de peligro, dejar que el parto empiece por sí solo y que se desarrolle a su ritmo, respetando sus fases de descanso entre períodos, sin impaciencia because termine.El single device that I used in childbirth was the Pinard stethoscope, and this was enough to continue to provide efficient delivery development without vaginal examination very painful for the woman and not entirely free from danger. I learned the development of good, detailed birth of Obstetrics Treaties. I found that what they said was true, that in the body there is a rhythm, a program, a project to develop a calculated force the millimeter and second and no more be left to act, that the only thing that any intervention is achieved is to disturb the natural rhythm of the function. I learned that the placement of the fetus, which is essential for exit and dilation of the cervix, if not interfered with, often simultaneously, and the stethoscope I helped not only to control the fetal heart rate but also the change of position on the maternal abdomen, due to rotational movements of the fetus and the decline of the presentation to the various planes of the pelvis.
never paid attention to the dimensions of cervical dilation, not of the magnitude that is generally given. The real problem in the labor consists in adapting the fetus to the mother's pelvic canal, which is usually done slowly and happily, unless the attitude of the mother, fear, impatience, lack of confidence in itself and in whom assists, does not trigger an abnormal resistance to prevent the development of función.Nunca I need to wonder if the expansion was complete or not, because when this happens, the signs that warn they are so clear, so convincing, including the Soft training delivery channel "that there is the slightest danger that the fetal head is apparent at once. The delivery is always carried out slowly, slowly and gently. I have enough experience to ensure it is así.Quisiera the XXI century obstetricians try to see if healthy, informed woman is capable of giving birth with the same calm and efficiency running other physiological functions. To prove, nothing is lost. It is nothing more than patience and belief that nature is able to fulfill their missions without being replaced. The woman in the XXI Century, which were both condoned in other areas, deserves to be left to give birth, which is the normal consents play a role because I truly capable of it. It is not back to the past, and distant. Now women can do many things for which it is not believed capable, at the current time, the woman must give birth to know, as you know your digestion without ayudas.No wish I offended with this letter. I have dedicated my life to studying labor. I think I know what it is, and this knowledge I do not want me to take him to the grave while the women and fetuses have a disease artificial form of birth worst that nature had prepared.

Frias Consuelo Vélez-Ruiz (Spain)

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on cord clamping - Michael Marcos

About cord clamping.
opinion article support in the latest scientific evidence.


an absurd belief in the Western world, supposedly technologically and scientifically advanced, which is that the baby is born, if it is lower than the placenta the baby is filled with blood as a balloon and suffer severe polycythemia and jaundice, however if the baby is raised above the placenta the blood drained by gravity and suffer anemia. This myth has led to the modern tradition of clamping the cord immediately after birth, and consequently to seek explanations of all kinds. It seems very convenient deliveries such as "surgical" to separate the baby from the mother as soon as possible to make "Chichina."
When the baby is born, the cord is still beating just like when I was inside. If the baby was in danger before, why why now? Whether you pick up the baby or leave it down for example if the mother is squatting, your heart will continue returning the blood does not need to collect the placenta and that requires a few minutes until there is change completely and the umbilical circulation stop beating. When the cord has stopped, there is no blood flow (the cord vessels consists of smooth muscle, not a hose). Appears pale and limp, and no pulse. Again, the fact raise or lower the baby has no effect (it is a living being, not a balloon). Another factor of concern is the fact that the uterine contractions of childbirth "squeeze" the placenta so that blood back to the kid like a swollen balloon. In short, the only time I see something like that possible is that someone is squeezing the belly of the mother to stimulate contractions when not playing, or that the mother is given drugs have been administered as synthetic oxytocin in high doses or ergometrine. All these interventions increase the risk of:

- Retained placenta

- postpartum hemorrhage

- Transfusion retroplacental causing immunization against Rh positive Rh-negative mothers.

And early cord clamping the placenta is full of blood I had to go to the baby and being its larger size further increases the risk of transfusion retroplacental, retention and HPP. Some guides recommend allowing the placenta bleeding after cutting the cord to reduce these risks.
has only been described a case in which there could be a risk that the baby gets more blood than it should: at birth in water, if water is over 37.5 degrees and the placenta-cord-trinomial baby under the water can lead vasodilation. There is only one item but no investigation. Pinching is recommended at 5 minutes or drain the pool just in case. Once the water and does not cover the cord or is less than 37.5 and no risk.
When uterine contractions are spontaneous and natural delivery without interference, the placenta does not "squeeze" to the baby because at the time that reduces the size of uterine contractions through such reduce blood flow and stop the feto-placental circulation spontaneously.
If not, how the human species has survived for hundreds of thousands of years without clamps the cord? And why all mammals do not suffer from polycythemia and severe jaundice at birth if they were not clamp the cord? At what point in the evolution began to need all these interventions?

Why should stop beating the cord at birth?
Some cords stop beating immediately or within the first minute. In my personal experience is that beat 10, 15 and 20 minutes. In those cases could follow up and none of these infants had jaundice or problem. I speak of more than thirty cases of personal experience. Unfortunately it is difficult to make further studies on the subject because in most Western countries are clamped cord immediately by routine (Ceriani 2006). Infants who have suffered a bit in the process of birth and born a bit pale or cyanotic color recover quickly while beating the cord without the need to breathe or mourn for a few seconds. It is the best baby resuscitator. This cord is giving the baby the exact concentration of oxygen needed directly into the blood with which penetrates tissue faster. In contrast, in our culture to resuscitate a baby to cut the supply and force you to breathe and take in oxygen from outside, which is more traumatic for the child. (Exceptions could be: true knot of cord and abruption). The baby at birth
expects oxygenated blood cord for a few minutes, it shows in their attitude. When the baby is cutting off the supply immediately at birth (cord clamp) reacts with shock, makes a face of fear and cries shrilly, almost screaming, and not for a while. When it stops beating and not disturbed, the baby takes a few mourn, weep softer and just a little while, suddenly falls silent and looks at his mother's eyes, is calm and rosy. Of course not always the case, I'm generalizing, but I think I've had the privilege to see the difference and many people on the other hand has never seen a natural birth so that it can compare. History

:[...] In 1801, Erasmus Darwin, grandfather of Charles Darwin, cautioned against early cord clamping. He wrote, "would be very detrimental to tie the umbilical cord too soon" and insisted that was delayed until the baby had breathed repeatedly and all pulsation in the umbilical cease. [Darwin E. Zoonomia. Vol III 3rd ed. London 1801:302]
The effect of timing of cord clamping on neonatal venous hematocrit values \u200b\u200band clinical outcome at term: a randomized, controlled trial. Ceriani Cernadas JM, Carroli G, Pellegrini L, Otano L, Ferreira M, Ricci C, Casas O, Giordano D, Lardizabal J. Pediatrics. 2006 Apr; 117 (4): e779-86.
CONCLUSIONS: [...] This study concludes that delayed clamping improves hematocrit physiologically and not cause any damage, reduces neonatal anemia and practice should be implemented as it is safe and increases the iron stores of newborn .

Early versus delayed cord clamping - International Journal of Childbirth Education, vol 20, no 4, December 2005, pp 16-21 Bluff L - (2005) [...] The early clamping results in hypovolemia, and as result may cause severe hypoxia. Especially in preterm infants, delayed clamping reduces the incidence of distress respiratorio, hemorragia intraventricular, enterocolitis necrotizante y lesión cerebral debido a hipoxia. También aumenta el almacenamiento de hierro previniendo anemia y problemas relacionados.

The early effects of delayed cord clamping in term infants born to Libyan mothers. Emhamed MO, van Rheenen P, Brabin BJ. Trop Doct. 2004 Oct;34(4):218-22. "Delaying cord clamping until the pulsations stop increases the red cell mass in term infants. It is a safe, simple and low cost delivery procedure that should be incorporated in integrated programmes aimed at reducing iron deficiency anaemia in infants in developing countries."
Explica que el Comparative study concluded that infants with early clamping had lower hematocrit and higher incidence of jaundice change that in cases where the cord was left beating, and was considered a positive way to ensure the baby's health, especially in countries development and Libya.

[Cord clamping at birth - Considerations for choosing the right time]. Z Geburtshilfe Perinatol Apr-May 1982, 186 (2) :59-64 This study found that babies born by caesarean section suffer a higher incidence of respiratory distress because they have not received placental transfusion, renal function also improved by having adequate blood volume. Concludes, "so the baby gets the blood it needs physiologically, the grip should be not immediately after birth but wait for the umbilical vein is empty and collapse."

Finally the WHO guidelines, we should all know very well:

"Late clamping (or not clamping at all) is the way Physiological of treating the cord, and early clamping is an intervention That Needs justification. "" Late clamping or not clamping is the physiological form of treating the cord, and early clamping is an intervention that requires justification. "
There's a lot more research to support these arguments, ancient and modern, but occupy an entire book. The World Health Organization based its guidelines for action in the most recent and reliable research, and in no way supports the early cord clamping.

Removing cord PH:
In some places, PH cord removed as a routine practice. But there are no studies that justify this practice. The PH is performed as forensic evidence to prove that baby suffered birth hypoxia or metabolic or respiratory acidosis to a greater or lesser degree, or everything was fine. However, as the thermometer does not lower the fever, the result of PH does not change the needs of the baby or the mother, and does not benefit either. If a baby is born asphyxiated, nobody is going to wait for the outcome of the PH to start CPR. If a baby is well and cries, no one will even raise the pH to fall to the ground. The results of the PH are not completely reliable either, depends on the collection, care and transport of the sample and the machine is properly calibrated. Some babies with Apgar 10.10 collecting PH of 7.1 or even 6.8, and infants with Apgar scores of 6 out of 7.35.En PH which some countries the only PH instrumental delivery is performed in or complicated for a medico-legal evidence in the face of the complaint or lawsuit. Is never done for the sake of the baby or the mother but for the staff. It is clear that WHO does not consider the removal of immediate cord pH as a necessary activity, since the priority is to stop beating the cord a few minutes. Just stop and think: if a baby is born and breathing, and alive with color, it shows immediately. What could justify that clamping the cord before you release? Definitely, take some samples for PH is not warranted.

cord blood donations:

seems that this procedure is becoming more widespread and apparently requires early cord clamping. Giving blood is the baby, as blood is going to get into your body and stops the flow to be detached and taken to a laboratory with mostly commercial purposes (obviously someone is getting rich with this new business.) One question: has anyone asked that baby legal consent to donate blood? Another question the figurative plan: imagine that the charge of taking the sample arrives late, then you could insert a cannula to remove the blood baby and then total is the same, right? I know these questions seem absurd today , but not so! Get in the baby's place (not can be so difficult, we all have been).

addition, practice guidelines from different countries agree that the sample is collected donated cord blood after delivery of the placenta or after the cord has stopped, to avoid affecting the health and Baby and mother:
Linden JV, Preti RA, Drack A. J Hematother. 1997 Dec; 6 (6) :535-41.

Final: Not even the donation of cord blood justifies early clamping according to research Latest scientific. It seems that the idea that "we must do many things" when a baby is born and the rush of the technocrats are the only thing that puts everyone in agreement to continue clamping the cord before hora.Espero that inspire reading my professional colleagues to improve care provided to mothers and babies with knowledge of the facts. For a generation of healthy babies and happy to be our future. Mireia


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Text Strategy normal delivery care of the Ministry of Health Strategy

The Care Strategy Normal Birth prepared by the Ministry of Health in collaboration with Associations Association of Professionals and Childbirth is ours, do not forget this important aspect also in its recommendations. (Section 3.1.11)
early mother-infant contact tenacity @

Available evidence (see details in Annex 1)

In the first two hours after birth, the newborn child ( RN) is in quiet alert for longer, is called the sensitive period, caused by the discharge of norepinephrine during delivery, which facilitates the early recognition of maternal odor, very important to establish the link and postnatal adaptation to the environment. Placing the child
prone newborn skin to skin contact, is slowly creeping into the breasts of his mother by flexion-extension movements of the legs and reaching the nipple starts the search and sucking reflexes properly. This process should not be forced, should be spontaneous. Its duration is about 70 minutes in 90% of cases. M-RN separation alters this process and reduce the frequency of successful shots.
skin to skin contact also has other beneficial effects for the newborn child (recover more quickly from stress, normalized by their blood glucose, acid-base balance and temperature) and mother (decrease trauma of uterine secretion of oxytocin). Also for the link M-RN, increasing the duration of breastfeeding and avoiding negative emotional experiences.


  • The healthy newborn child and its mother should stay together after birth and not be separated at any time if the health of the mother allows it.
    Immediately after birth, the newborn child is placed on the abdomen of the mother, dry and covered with a dry towel. This will grab the chest spontaneously in most cases, staying at least 70 minutes in close skin contact with their mother.

  • The only procedures to be performed for the newborn child during this time of skin contact with their mother, are the identification and allocation of the Apgar score.

  • inform mothers about the benefits of skin contact.

  • Postpone ocular prophylaxis practice, weight, vitamin K, etc.., At the end of early contact, trying to complete all procedures in the presence of mothers and fathers, and after their consent.

  • should not be performed routinely suctioning, lavage, the passage of the orogastric tube, the passage of a probe to confirm the patency of the nostrils and the passage of rectal probe. Are not necessary and are not without risk.

  • is also recommended in case of caesarean section. Whenever possible, prepare the field for early contact M-RN.

  • If the health of the mother does not permit, be offered the parent the ability to make skin to skin contact with their child.

  • establish the methodology of development centered care, encouraging the kangaroo mother method, contact skin to skin of mothers and fathers and their collaboration in providing care, especially in cases of newborn babies more vulnerable.

  • favor the elimination of the pull-out rooms in hospitals.

  • Working with support groups that facilitate good practice.

(From page developed by the Association "Labor is our" )

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Changes in perinatal care in Andalusia

give birth without you breaks, you and I shaved enemas without oxytocin or epidural and, above all, choosing the position to give birth are part of the philosophy of natural childbirth. These options are already available in 17 Andalusian public hospitals through an agreement between the Ministry of Health and the Board < >, published yesterday in the Government Gazette < >, which helps with 833,000 euros to implement natural childbirth in nine centers. They are: Infanta Elena (Huelva), La Merced and Virgen del Rocío (Sevilla), Infanta Margarita (Córdoba), Axarquia (Vélez), Alto Guadalquivir (Jaén), Baza and San Cecilio (Granada) and Torrecárdenas (Almería).

These join the eight already had in their portfolio, so that Andalusia is leading the humanization of birth in Spain, for the moment, only four hospitals official Galicia another one in Murcia and Castilla y León (where it will begin to implement). Health has decided to expand throughout the country this new philosophy of giving birth to the high number of cesáreas.En the community, in 2006 17,025 were made, 21% of the total in Spain, a figure which is five points below the national average. However, about 92% are still choosing the epidural. "I asked her to avoid pain. That is progress, but you have to give more prominence to women. Position is positive choose to give birth in the water or make you the episiotomy (cut to prevent tearing), "says Rebeca García-Mina, who has just become a mother at a private clinic.

Before delivery, choose the position : The SAS should encourage single women and let them choose posture, non-pharmacological analgesia, shaving, enemas, if episiotomy was performed and if it spreads to the baby's mother .

During labor, a more prominent role: There will be more role of women, and if labor is low risk, the couple may accompany up to CS. You can also choose the kangaroo method (skin to skin) rather than leaving the baby in the nest.

During hospitalization, not separating the baby : Avoid unnecessary admission of newborns and for the same, that parents can access. In low-risk caesarean sections do not separate mother and child during resuscitation.

Breastfeeding, a milk bank : Provide in each hospital and each mother the possibility of breast feeding, extraction and conservation. Encourage the donation of milk and its free dispensing with the creation of a milk bank Andalusia.

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Beta Streptococcus agalactiae - Inma Marcos

is exceptionally rare a baby born at term with normal birth weight dies of an infection of streptococcus B. The most vulnerable are premature or too small for its time. Three studies published in medical journals suggest that authorized the use of vaginal chlorhexidine spray is as effective as antibiotics. For mysterious reasons, these studies are not well known. I include the abstract of the most recent. It is best not to administer eye drops to the baby after birth and depend on the results of an antibiogram (for the unlikely possibility of an eye infection.) Abstract: -1 - Facchinetti F, Piccinini F, Mordini B, Volpe AJ Matern Fetal Med 2002 Feb; 11 (2) :84-8 Irrigation Chlorhexidine vaginal versus systemic ampicillin in preventing vertical transmission of GBS to the newborn at term (Chlorhexidine vaginal flushings versus systemic ampicillin in the prevention of vertical transmission of neonatal group B streptococcus, at term).

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the efficacy of intrapartum vaginal irrigation with chlorhexidine compared with ampicillin in preventing streptococcal B transmission to newborns.

METHODS: This was a randomized controlled, including individual pregnancies with vaginal deliveries. Rupture membranes in the presence, should not have been practiced for more than six hours prior. Were excluded women with any gestational complication, with a newborn previously affected by group B streptococci, sepsis or whose cervical dilatation was greater than 5 cm. Were randomly selected a total of 244 women at term with group B streptococci (examined between weeks 36-38) to receive either 140 ml with 0.2% chlorhexidine vaginal irrigation every 6 hrs or ampicillin 2 g intravenously every 6 hours the delivery. Neonatal samples were taken at birth, at three different sites (nose, ear and gástico juice).

RESULTS: A total of 108 women were treated with ampicillin and 109 with chlorhexidine. Their ages and gestational age at the time of birth were similar in both groups. Nulliparous women were distributed equally between the two groups (ampicillin, 87% chlorhexidine, 89%). Clinical data such as birth weight (ampicillin, 3.365 + / - 390 g, chlorhexidine, 3.440 + / - 452 g), Apgar points at 1 min (ampicillin, 8.4 + / - 0.9; chlorhexidine, 8.2 + / - 1.4 ) and 5 min (ampicillin, 9.7 + / - 0.6; chlorhexidine, 9.6 + / - 1.1) were similar for both groups, as well as the rate of newborns with group B streptococci (chlorhexidine, 15.6%, ampicillin, 12%). On the other hand, E. Coli was significantly more prevalent in the ampicillin group (7.4%) than the chlorhexidine group (1.8%, p <>

CONCLUSIONS: In this population carefully studied, intrapartum chlorhexidine vaginal irrigations in colonized women showed the same efficacy as ampicillin in preventing vertical transmission of group B streptococci addition, the rate of E. coli in infants was reduced by chlorhexidine.

previous references: -2 - Burman LG, et al. Prevention of excess neonatal morbidity associated with group B streptococci (Prevention of Excess Neonatal Morbidity associated with group B streptococci). Lancet 1992, 340: 1965-1969 -3 - Taha TE, et al. Effectiveness of cleaning the birth canal with antiseptic solution (Effect of cleansing the birth canal with antiseptic solution). BMJ 1997; 315: 216-20.

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intrapartum treatment of Streptococcus agalactiae BETA-Inma Marcos

About 10 to 20% of pregnant women carry the B Streptococcus agalactiae (EBA), either intestinal or genital tract. Between 2 and 4% of babies whose mothers have not received treatment may get the disease, and of those, about 50% may die. 75% of affected babies develop the disease during first 24 hours of life, although in some cases can occur several weeks or months later. There is an increased risk of vertical transmission of EBA as a surrogate mother is one of the following cases: above having a son ill with EBA, fever late in pregnancy or during labor, rupture of membranes more than 18 hours before birth or rupture of membranes before 37 weeks. Therefore, current protocols for monitoring of pregnancy include strep search all pregnant when they are in the eighth month, between weeks 35 and 37 of gestation. Penicillin is very effective in treating strep, but is not indicated before delivery, it is known that does not prevent EBA disease in the newborn. Only be treated immediately if found in a urine culture strep.

intrapartum treatment is aimed at the baby at the time of his birth, has high blood levels of penicillin in combating bacteria. For this given 2 gr. penicillin to the mother at onset of labor, and every four hours 1 gr. until birth. Hospital treatment is intravenous always, and as I attend births at home and does not seem appropriate to place such a way, I looked for an alternative, because my sister was a carrier and I was going to go home. I was asking
various professionals who attend births at home and found the following options:
- Do nothing and intensive monitoring of the baby the first few hours.
- Homeopathic Treatment of vaginal suppositories and granules to make a sitz bath along with thyme and ponytail.
- intramuscular injection of penicillin to initiate labor.
- 1g Administration. of pantomicina orally every 8 hours from the onset of labor.
week tested a homeopathic treatment, and after repeated cultivation, returned to give positive results.

not convinced me any other options, so research in MEDLINE (Merenstein, GB, Todd WA, Brown G, Yost CC, and Luzier, T: Groups B-hemolytic Streptococcus, Obstet-Gynecol., 55, 315-318) with the help of a doctor friend found a scientific study in which the conclusion was that when given the same doses of penicillin during labor, but rather oral IV, after two hours in the bloodstream of the mother is the same dose of penicillin that when administered intravenously.
is, that the treatment of oral penicillin is safe and effective for home delivery. The only thing to consider is that you start early, as they appear the first contractions, so after two hours, penicillin reaches the baby's bloodstream through the placenta. The day my sister went into labor took at the beginning, still under prodrome, the first dose of 2 gr. oral amoxicillin (4 capsules of 500 mg.), and 4 hours after 1 g administered. (2 capsules). Two hours later, my nephew was born in a pool that had assembled in the dining room. It goes without saying that it is a beautiful and healthy child who has not had any problem with EBA. Later I attended

other births of women with EBA and I chose to inform the oral treatment, have agreed and have been treated by this method during labor.

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delivery care normal in the National Health System

4.1.1.-Shaving of the perineum
evidence available (see details in Annex I).
analyzed a Cochrane Database systematic review and recommendations of the WHO
. We included two clinical trials that evaluated the effects of perineal shaving routine
maternal infection. The available evidence is insufficient to recommend the implementation
perineal shaving for women in labor to prevent perineal infections
. His practice is considered unreasonable because of the inconvenience caused

• Avoid routine practice perineal shaving of women in labor.
• Optionally, and if necessary at the time of suture, you can do a shaved
part of the pubic hair, or as preference of the mother.

evidence available (see details in Annex I).
We included randomized clinical investigation (ICA), a systematic review of Cochrane Database
and recommendations of WHO, which evaluated the effects of
routine administration of enema in the first stage of labor and its relationship to infection rates
maternal and neonatal length of labor and episiotomy dehiscence.
• Discourage the routine administration of enema during pregnancy. • Optional
advance notification, if the mother desired for some reason.

4.1.3.-Accompaniment during
evidence available (see details in Annex I).
It included a systematic review of Cochrane Database,
Recommendations of the WHO and a review of the literature that evaluated the effects of continuous intrapartum support custom
in mothers and their newborn babies
compared with usual care. The institutionalization and medicalization of childbirth was the determining factor
to separate the family at the time of birth.
physical structure of the institutions and hospital routines were designed to respond more to
needs of health professionals to postpartum women and their families.
there a contradiction between what the evidence shows and how they are organized
care practices.
accompaniment during delivery is an integral part of the strategy of humanization.
Women receiving continuous support were less likely to:
- Receive regional analgesia / anesthesia (RR: 0.90, 95% CI 0.81 to 0.99)
- To receive any analgesia / anesthesia (RR: 0.87, 95% CI 0.79 - 0.96)
- have vaginal deliveries (RR 0.89, 95% CI: 0.83 to 0.96)
- have cesarean deliveries (RR: 0.90, 95% CI 0.82 - 0.99)
- Expressing dissatisfaction with their childbirth experiences (RR 0.73, 95% CI: 0.65 -
In a subgroup analysis, continuous intrapartum support was associated with greater benefits
if the accompanying person was not part of hospital staff and if you started early
. There were no adverse effects.
• Allow and encourage all women, if they wish, to have people
support throughout the process without interruption, providing the accompaniment
start from the earliest stages of it.
• Promote a corporate policy to allow pregnant women to freely choose the person to accompany
continuously throughout the delivery process.

4.1.4.-expansion Period
Available evidence (see details in Annex I).
were included Cochrane systematic reviews Database,
Reproductive Health Library (RHL / WHO), ICAs and WHO recommendations.
• Educate the pregnant woman in recognizing the signs of a true work of
labor to reduce the number of hits on guard for false labor.
• Facilitate the pregnant woman can wander and choose to adopt the position
according to their needs and preferences. • Allow
food intake, particularly fluids, according to the needs of pregnant women
• Promote friendly environments (natural, architectural and psycho-social) that help
attitude and experience in the best conditions. Partogram
• Use as a method of evaluating the progress of labor.
• Conduct monitoring and control of fetal well-suited to the WHO recommendations
• Do not perform routine amniotomy.
• Do not place peripheral intravenous prophylactic routine.
• The use of oxytocin is limited to cases of necessity.
is not considered necessary if the progress of labor is adequate.
• Limit the number of vaginal examinations to the minimum essential.

4.1.5.-management of pain during labor
Available evidence (see details in Annex I).
epidural analgesia is the method of pain relief most studied and disseminated. In some countries
being used as an alternative administration
inhaled nitrous oxide 50%. We also report other non-pharmacological methods such as accompanying
, water immersion, acupuncture, massage and rubber bullets.
evaluated randomized controlled trials (ICA) and systematic reviews of Cochrane Database
assessing the effects of different methods of analgesia during labor
and childbirth in women and newborns.
analgesia epidural seems to be the most effective method of pain relief during childbirth
. However, women using this method have a higher risk of having a
failed instrumental delivery and breastfeeding.
nitrous oxide is a potent analgesic during labor, but
appears to be safe for women and newborns. It should be noted that women who receive
nitrous oxide should have pulse oximetry, and
additional administration of local anesthetics in case you need to perform episiotomy.
• Inform women about the different methods of pain relief
, its benefits and potential risks.
• Inform women of the brain's ability to produce
analgesic substances (endorphins) in a physiological birth in terms of privacy.
• Report on the risks and consequences of epidural analgesia for the mother and child
• Consider the application of epidural anesthesia without motor blockade.
• Do not perform routine analgesia.
• Providing women with a choice of one or more methods, if desired.
• For those women who do not want to use drugs during labor, should
report on the evidence alternative methods available.
• Allow women to be accompanied by a continuous basis throughout the

evidence available (see details in Annex I).
was evaluated two Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and Recommendations
Organization (WHO) who studied the effects of restricted use of episiotomy compared
routine practice during vaginal delivery, and their influence on the results
maternal postpartum. Its routine use or systematic practice has been questioned.
• Promote a policy of selective and non-systematic episiotomy.
• Do not suture minor lacerations or minor cuts.
• If necessary, you should carry with mediolateral episiotomy suture of absorbable material
• Improve training on the protection of the perineum.

4.1.8.-Delivery Available evidence (see details in Annex I).
four systematic reviews were included Cochrane Database, ICAs, comments
Reproductive Health Library WHO (BSR-WHO) and WHO Recommendations
comparing the effects of active versus expectant
regarding blood loss, PPH and other
maternal and perinatal complications during delivery. Interventions in these studies used different combinations
component of active management, including different types, doses and routes of administration
uterotonic, different times and
cord clamping non-standardized use of cord traction.
• Do not clamp the cord to beat as usual practice.
• In the absence of uniformity regarding the birth expectant or active as
practice in the NHS, it is recommended that an investigation into the
risk of bleeding in the third stage of labor, in straight games in
physiological conditions not audited and in those with active management, to provide useful knowledge
to develop appropriate recommendations.

instrumental evidence available (see details in Annex I).
assessed a Cochrane Database systematic review, reviews of the
WHO RHL and RCTs that evaluated the effects of vacuum extraction compared to extraction
forceps assisted vaginal delivery. The Cochrane review included ten
randomized controlled trials of good methodological quality.
• Avoid performing instrumental deliveries unless otherwise indicated by pathology and respect the times
duration of delivery.
• Given the fact that there is a reduction in the likelihood of maternal morbidity
vacuum extraction compared with forceps, and in the presence of
staff with good experience in the use of vacuum, this method is recommended
as a first option when indicated an assisted delivery.
should develop training programs in the use of vacuum extraction in those locations where there is no adequate experience
. The adoption of vacuum as a first choice in assisted delivery
be promoted only after reaching a minimum standard of training
personnel attending deliveries.

4.1.11. Early Mother-Newborn Contact tenacity @
evidence available (see details in Annex I)
In the first two hours after birth, the newborn baby born (RN) is
quiet alert for longer, is called the sensitive period, caused by the discharge of noradrenaline
during delivery, which facilitates the early recognition of maternal odor
very important to establish the link and adaptation to environment
postnatal. Positioning
newborn child prone skin to skin contact, little by little it
crawling out of the breasts of his mother by flexion-extension movements of the lower extremities
and reaching the nipple starts reflections Search and sucks
correctly. This process should not be forced, should be spontaneous. It lasts
about 70 minutes in 90% of cases. M-RN separation
alter this process and reduce the frequency of successful shots.
skin to skin contact also has other beneficial effects
newly born baby (you recover faster from stress, normalize your blood sugar before, the acid-base balance
and temperature) and mother (uterine size reduction
secretion of oxytocin). Also for the link M-RN, increasing duration of breastfeeding and avoiding
negative emotional experiences.
• The healthy newborn child and its mother should stay together after delivery and
not separated at any time if the health of the mother allows it.
• Immediately after birth, the newborn child is placed on the mother's abdomen
, it is dry and covered with a dry towel. This will grab the chest of
form spontaneously in most cases, staying at least 70 minutes
close skin contact with their mother.
• The procedures to be performed only to the newborn child during this time
skin contact with their mother, are identification and award
the Apgar score.
• Inform mothers the benefits of skin contact.
• Postpone ocular prophylaxis practices, weight, vitamin K, etc.., At the end
early contact, trying to complete all procedures in the presence of
mothers and fathers, and after their consent.
• not performed routinely suctioning, lavage,
the passage of the orogastric tube, the passage of a probe to confirm the patency of the nostrils
and passage of rectal probe. Are not necessary and are not without risk.
• It is also recommended in cases of caesarean section. Whenever possible, prepare the field for
early contact M-RN.
• If the health of the mother does not permit, be offered to the father
possible to do skin to skin contact with their child.
• Establish a methodology of development centered care, encouraging
kangaroo mother method, the skin contact for mothers and fathers and their collaboration
in their care, especially in cases of newborn babies more
• Encourage the elimination of the pull-out rooms in hospitals.
• Work with support groups that facilitate good practice.

(From the protocol of the same title prepared by the Ministry of Health)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

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In During lactation the meaning of the breast to baby unchanged.
will be a meeting place to catch the sucking reflex, something that makes the mouth move. Then you can feed the hungry. He goes on to have a significant importance as an object that calms and soothes. Later
is the mom behind the chest, her face, her smile, her voice, her smell and the reciprocal interaction with your baby.
The mother - child bond, after going through a normal stage of symbiotic dependence, gradually reach a stage of independence in the link.
But there is a tendency in our society to try to separate the babies before they are ripe for it.
One form is cause early weaning.


assessment of the duration of breastfeeding is a phenomenon marked by cultural and historical parameters personal.
Many mistakenly believe that six months is a nursing "prolonged" questioning the motives of women who breastfeed their children more than a year. What
referred to when talking about extended breastfeeding?
We may define it as "Breastfeeding beyond the cultural norms, or beyond the time where the majority of mothers in society to which they belong and have been weaned." More Reasons
induce common wrongly advised weaning.
The appearance of the teeth.
The birth of a sibling.
The acquisition of language.
The beginning of independent motility of the child.
The beginning of schooling.
The mother's return to the workforce.
The duration of breastfeeding may be affected by factors such as:
(Cabrer, C; Piovanetti, Y; Pagan, D. Breastfeeding Protocols. Second Edition. 2003. San Juan, Puerto Rico.)

Admission to the area of \u200b\u200binfant of intensive (NICU) although the reason is a minor and temporary.
Early introduction of supplements. Perceptions
mother not producing enough milk.
If infant patterns differ from the expectations of the mother (sleep, crying, power supplies, frequency, duration, etc.)..
teenage mother.
Low maternal education.
mother's negative attitude towards breastfeeding.
mother's positive attitude toward the bottle. Under
knowledge about breastfeeding.
studying or working mother.
the mother smokes. Restrictions
not attend support groups. Under
knowledge about breastfeeding, both mother and father.
Poor quality of nursing information they receive.
Lack of support from family, friends, professionals health, etc.
Depression in the mother. ANTHROPOLOGICAL DATA

Katherine Dettwyler in his book, Breastfeeding, biocultural perspective, relates to the practice of breastfeeding up to six years for humans began to be modified, first by the use of fire for cooking (for half a million years ) and then, more significantly for grain processing, milling or crushing, both by providing alternatives to uncooked vegetables and raw animal meat.
In Babylon (3000 BC) were breastfed for 2 to 3 years.
Hebrews (Torah) mention weaning at 3 years.
In Egypt recommended weaning at 3 years. The Romans believed
that weaning should not be complete within three years of life (Galen) or if they had complete dentition (Soranus).
In medieval Europe, complete weaning occurred usually between one and three years of life. In his book, Mothering your Nursing Toddler, Norma Jane Bumgarner says,
"In India, influenced by the belief that the more breastfeeding a child will have more years of life, mothers breastfed their children as they could, sometimes 7 or 9 years. " Medical texts of Ayurvedic period (1500 to 800 BC) recommend only breast milk for the first year, breast milk and solids during second year, and gradual weaning thereafter.
Ethnographic studies of pre-industrial societies show that the average duration of breastfeeding varies between three and five years of age from one culture to another and between each child within the same culture.
In the Muslim world, especially in Africa and the Sudan, weaning is guided by the teachings of the Koran, which recommended it to 2 years.
In 1951, Mongolia, the children were breastfed for 2 or 3 years, and it was not uncommon for a child of six or seven years wanted to nurse to feel more secure.
In Tsinghai, China, in 1956 still breastfeeding mothers for several years, 5 years was not unusual, or until another child was born.
In his book, The Politics of Breastfeeding, Gabrielle Palmer mentioned that "in East Lincolnshire women breastfed their children up to seven or eight years old in 1820."
currently in non-Western cultures mothers breastfeed their children up to 3 or 4 years.
The last few decades of the twentieth century are probably the only time in history where children have been completely weaned in the first three to six months. According to anthropologist Katherine
Dettwyler human immune autonomy reach age 6 suggesting that through of our recent evolutionary past immune agents contained in breast milk were usually available to the child until about this age.

aspects that contribute to the belief of the detrimental effect of extended breastfeeding and motivating EARLY WEANING

Ignorance about the benefits of breastfeeding and the risks of artificial feeding.
erroneous messages that breast milk substitutes are as good or better than her.
hospital routines that hinder the practice of breastfeeding.
Lack of social support and appropriate advice. Need
increasing incorporation of women into the labor market.
An idealized image the figure of the woman.
breasts are viewed as an object of sexual stimulation.

These were some of the reasons that contributed to the ever more bizarre was the image of a mother breastfeeding her child for a long time, which allows us to interpret the devaluation and negative cultural norms toward breastfeeding in an older child.
Ruth Lawrence says: "If one were to determine the appropriate time to wean would be based on nutritional needs and development goals. The observations on other mammals suggest that a degree of maturity that allows the small animal seek their own food is the trigger for the mother to start weaning.
While in many cultures, mothers are still breastfeeding their children for two, three, four years or more are considered an exception, perhaps they are more numerous than most people think because a lot of they remain invisible to the purpose.
Today early weaning and failure at the time of breastfeeding are due to social pressure and lack of knowledge and support.


The World Health Organization, UNICEF and the Sociedad Argentina de Pediatrics recommend breastfeeding for at least two years.
Despite this we often hear comments that reflect ignorance of the above recommendations as well as a general attitude of society by non-acceptance of breastfeeding as the natural way of feeding children at least until the second year of life. Many women hide
breastfeeding older children just to avoid the disapproval of health professionals and members of his family. PREJUDICE DEMYSTIFYING

popular prejudices exist even within the health professionals on false psychopathological consequences that would affect breastfed babies after year. Alcoholism

psychiatric illnesses. Unit
excessive. Homosexuality

Drug Addiction Alcoholism

early 1800 (at the time of the American War of Independence), Dr. Thomas Trotter, the British navy physician, presented his thesis in which postulated that weaning early baby predisposed to become alcoholics as adults. At that time the proposal was well received by physicians, but the argument was forgotten until the late 1950's a group of psychiatrists in Denmark were investigating the causes of birth defects were insufficient data on health of parents of 9182 children born in that era. These data served in 1978 for a study on alcoholism in those children (now adults).
found that by 30 years of age, children of alcoholics were more likely to become alcoholics than children of nonalcoholic parents, and a data confirming the hypothesis of Dr. Trotter: 48% of alcoholics her mother had weaned early.
There were 5 variables that influenced statistically to have an alcoholic son.
Although having alcoholic parents, low birth weight and low socioeconomic status of the mother contributed separately to predict alcoholism, weaning time was the variable that contributed more strongly predictive of future alcoholism child at age 30.

1) Early Weaning
2) Having an alcoholic mother
3) Having an alcoholic father
4) Low birth weight
5) The mother's socioeconomic

not find any scientific studies that are related link between drug addiction and duration of breastfeeding, however what studies show as we will see is that longer lactations greater level of social adaptation is the individual. PSYCHIATRIC DISEASES

In empirical studies conducted in New Zealand Fergusson found that when controlling a number of confounding variables, there is no evidence to support that breastfeeding "prolonged" is associated with social adjustment problems.
One study that dealt specifically with babies with lactation "long" demonstrated a greater social adjustment, and statistically significant trends of juvenile conduct disorder with increasing duration of breastfeeding. (Ferguson1987). Overdependence

documents exist showing that prolonged breastfeeding is not detrimental to the emotional development of children.
Stayton In a study of children found more attachment in infancy did not exhibit behaviors associated with fear of being left behind when their mothers left the room. The child can accept the cessation of contact calmly because he knows his mother will be accessible to him if needed.
The less time nursing mothers had more children crying when separated from them. (Stayton, 1973). HOMOSEXUALITY

No scientific papers linking breastfeeding with homosexuality. Anyway
is important to note that the American Psychiatric Association for 27 years despatologizó homosexuality.
is widely known that as a diagnosis has been withdrawn the Diagnostic and Stadistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). In 1952 listed as a pathological behavior (DSM-I) in the DSM II (1968) and deviant sexuality.
Today is not considered by the DSM-IV as a disorder. Anyway
evidence from some studies suggest that the homosexual population has higher rates of mental disorders than the general population. (Isay, 1991, Hanley-Hackenbruck, 1992, Hooch, Evelyn, 1957). However
homophobia among mental health professionals remains a prickly issue in particular, their misconceptions of research on the etiology, or cause of homosexuality (R. Duranti, 1999; Schüklenk et al, 1996; J. DeCecco, 1995; McWhite Parr, 1993).
Even the WHO says that "sexual orientation per se, can not be considered a mental disorder." PSYCHOLOGICAL BENEFITS

As stated by Priscilla Young Colletto the word "benefit" may not be precise because these "benefits" are actually what nature intended it normal for people. Breastfeeding is normal. Artificial substitutes and early weaning are, in fact, the abnormal from a biological standpoint. Are these abnormal practices that placed the child in a sick place easily and compromise their intelligence. There is abundant evidence
scientific documents that in addition to health issues, the longer a child is breastfed, his IQ (IQ) will be higher and your notes will be better in school in later years.
The physical and psychological development and social development from birth, is based on the maturation of brain structures during the first years of life.
The child's central nervous system is thus an organ whose development is conditioned by a genetic program and external influences, interactions with parents, sensory, environmental, food, diseases, etc..

Fergusson and colleagues showed that prolonged breastfed children when they reach the age of 15 to 18 have higher levels of attachment to their parents and see their mothers less overprotective but they cater more for their care , when compared with other young weaned early.

Increased duration of breastfeeding was associated with a consistent and statistically significant increase in:
1) estimated IQ at ages 8 and 9;
2) Reading comprehension, mathematical ability, and school calculated during the period of 10 to 13 years;
3) Reviews reading and math teachers estimated 8 to 12 years;
4) Higher levels of achievement in exams. ANXIETY

prolonged breastfeeding helps young children to have a smooth transition for children, allows them to relieve frustration, shock, shock, and everyday stress. (Baumgartner, C.1984,)
In a study by Bushnell (as early as 1977) it was found that prolonged lactation are associated with smaller scales of anxiety in adults.
Hughes and Hawkins conducted studies in young women related to breastfeeding during infancy. And they concluded that the longer children were breastfed were found anxiety levels in these women. Hughes
himself with Bushnell determined that first-year students of psychology who were breastfed less time, had higher anxiety scale.
Relationship between duration of breastfeeding and cognitive performance of children.
There are significant differences between the mental development index and duration of breastfeeding (Morrow)
prolonged breastfeeding is positively related to tests in vocabulary, early language development, visual-motor coordination and behavior and actions of the head. (Taylor B, Wadsworth J). (Vestergaard M, Obel C).
Children who were breastfed longer had an average IQ 8 points higher at age five children who were breastfed for less time. (Torstein)
children were breastfed longer score higher on cognitive development, intelligence and language development.
(Fergusson DM, Beautrais AL) (Horwood LJ, Darlow BA, Mogridge)


In my professional experience as a psychologist, in comparisons between siblings with different durations of breastfeeding, I have observed that those who have Longer lactations had experienced:

very marked power of observation
Early access to reading and writing.
permanent attitude of intellectual curiosity
strong tendency to the originality of concepts, judgments, questions and problem solutions. Ease
thinking, abstract thinking, and critical reflections
Tones and adults to age
Confidence in themselves and in the external world

Fort Independence mature sense of ethics and moral values \u200b\u200bis our responsibility as
experienced mothers breastfeeding and LLL leaders to convey these concepts to society, raising awareness about cultural impediments that drive mothers to make an early weaning.
Informing health professionals, and society of the benefits of breastfeeding beyond what is regulated by traditional beliefs. And the risks of early introduction of artificial feeding, desculpabilizando mothers suffer the stigma of society to breastfeed their children according to their mutual biological needs.