The nursing assistant must assess what patients should use that crane?
In the hospitals with the Warden. It is he who is responsible for the mobilization of the patient with the crane. The assistant will work with the guard at all times.
Fitting the Harness to the patient:
- Turn the patient on her side.
in patients with fracture HIP , place a pillow between your legs bent, to prevent coupled.
- put the harness and salvacamas if the patient had not halfway.
- then rotate it to the supine position and end opposite to stretch the harness and salvacamas.
- The salvacamas is placed to protect the harness from possible deletion from the patient (urine, feces).
- patient supine.
- bands then the legs, pass under both legs.
- tapes intersect.
- tape 1 number is set to hook 1 number of the crane.
- tape 2 number is set to No. 2 hook of the crane.
- tape 3 number is set at number 4 hook for having crossed the tape in the legs).
- tape number 4 the hook is set number 3 (for having crossed the tape in the legs).
Detail harness straps
After that we can raise and place the patient sitting in an armchair , wheelchair, etc.
To better understand the steps above I leave this video:
- Crane Patient with SCI or burned:
Such patients have a contraindication to its mobilization. For this there are special cranes which enable it to lift without having to change its position. The crane with a base consisting of bars and ribbons on which will be deposited the patient. It can lift the patient to later make a personal hygiene in the back of the patient or to change the bed clothes to be wet or simply require their return.
La Camilla equipped with tape is designed for lifting and horizontal movement at heights extremely demanding. Lift straps easily placed under the patient without having to rotate.
designs have three different widths: standard (70 cm), width (80 cm) and adjustable (60-90 cm).
The maximum load is between 200-250 kg by model. (The picture is of Liko IC Mod 600)
Elevation with ribbons
conveyor underneath the body in the desired positions . The nursing staff responsible determine the amount of tapes needed for each case (see alternatives below.)
For security reasons, the Liko Camilla Mod 600 IC is designed for lifting straps are secured automatically when the load was properly attached to the tapes. Therefore, place the patient in bed before the tapes can loosen or move.
- Begin by placing tape over the body positions the tapes subsequently rise.
- Place small pocket knife on the tape. Turn the ribbon to the pocket facing abajo.Es much easier to put the tapes if the surface / bed sheet is taut and smooth.
- tapes under the patient using the spatula. Take the tape approximately 40 ° from the bed and gently push the knife diagonally downward and upward.
- Take the tape and slide side to have the same length on both sides. Each time you locate each tape, attach the ends of the tape above the patient
- Remove the side rails and place the tape over the closure of the tapes, as illustrated. NOTE! Always start by placing the tape from the end upside down. tape seals can slide from side to coincide with the position of the tape lift.
- Lower the stretcher to the bed just above the center of gravity of the patient, usually just below the navel.
- Slide the side rail toward you. Then, take a full turn (360 °) to side rail, as shown in the illustration. NOTE! The ends of the tape are then below of the tapes.
- Place the side rails on the elevated rail bed to be blocked. Make sure the tapes do not get stuck elevation between the lifting rail and side rail. If that happens, adjust the lifting rail knob on the underside or replace the lift strap.
- Double safety lock inward above the side rail. (Note that even a partial shift, ie less than 180 ยบ, protect the side rail to disengage unintentionally).
- Adjust each lift strap sliding the end of the tape inside - slightly down toward the patient, as shown in the illustration.
- can start lifting. Check that the patient is suspended in the desired position, ie horizontally or head usually slightly higher. See Adjusting the center of gravity during a lift with tape / sheet elevation.
When you are done with raising
- Lower the patient to a solid base. Mismatch lifting straps lifting them up, as shown in the picture. When all the tapes out of adjustment in elevation, you can disengage and remove the side rail. Remember to return the security checkpoint that is at an angle of 90 ° to lift rail.
- Remove tape carefully engineered lifting under the patient with the spatula. For less friction, slide the ends of the tapes under the same tapes in elevation. Or, smoothly lifting straps located under the patient without a spatula.
CG Set
- If the patient is not balanced during the lift, adjust the patient down a solid foundation to take the weight of the tapes . In this position, the side rails can be moved by the elevated rail bed to achieve the right balance.
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