are electric and have a battery that stores energy in order to change position (up, down, fowler, trendelemburg, antitrendelemburg, etc) without having to connect the power cord.
has a control that allows you to position it in different positions,
Parts of electric bed:
- Command: has a series of buttons that allow the bed into different positions necessary for the proper management and patient status. There are two types of controls:
- The movable : It is the most used. By a moving cable allows both sides of the bed.
Picture Mobile Command
functions of the buttons on the remote mobile bed supply:
- Raises bed in its horizontal plane.
- Baja bed in its horizontal plane.
- Raises the headboard of the bed.
- Lower headboard.
- Raises the patient's feet.
- Baja the patient's feet.
- has the position of chair bed. (Raises head and folding down part of the patient's feet).
- has horizontal bed.
- has the bed in Trendelenburg position. (Head lower than feet) Click here to view this position.
- bed available in anti-Trendelenburg position. (The head higher than feet) Click here to view this position
- Fixed: can be on the side of the bed or on the footboard of the same. It is less used, but very useful when having to move the bed in case of cardiorespiratory stop. Since in these cases both sides of the bed is occupied by the actions of nurses, anesthesiologists, truck stops, ECG, etc. Thus resulting in more comfortable and functional from the footboard.
Fixed Image Command
- headboard.
- Lower the headboard of the bed.
- Raises the patient's feet. Low
- the patient's feet. Eleva
- bed in its horizontal plane. Low
- bed in its horizontal plane.
- bed has anti-Trendelenburg position.
- Removes the previous position and the bed has trendelemburg position. There
- bed trendelemburg position. There
- bed flat.
- Wheels: move the bed. Whether the daily work with the patient or refer it to another hospital unit.
- lock brake lever or : It has 3 positions.
- lever down : Stops the patient's bedside.
- lever up: locks the front wheels of the bed (both the header) in the position they are at that time. Note: For trips of the patient is very useful to have the wheels facing forward and operate the lever in the up position. Position yourself from the footboard and from there will manage to bed without difficulty.
- lever in intermediate position: Moves the bed either side. (Front-back, right-left).
- Headboard: The headboard should be able to act better off if they suffer a cardiac arrest. The nursing assistant must know how to remove the headboard. Normally removed by grasping with both hands and pulling up. But also know that not all beds are the same devices. When working on a different drive or new. Always look to avoid those little details interfere as little as possible.
- Mattress tend to be single or multi (segments). And is covered by a semi permeable founded to protect the patient from deletions.
Other types of mattresses:
- Colchón de Agua: Son de material plástico. Se llenan con agua a 37 gradros centígrados para evitar la sensación de frío. Gracias a la circulación del agua evita los puntos de presión. Pudiendo así evitar las úlceras por decúbito.

- Colchón de aire ( alternating o anti úlceras ): Es un colchón que se conecta a un compresor que infla y desinfla alternativamente cada 2 o 4 minutos, según el modelo. Además have a wheel in which you can adjust the intensity of inflation.

Precautions air mattresses and air:
- Avoid contact with sharp objects and cigarettes .
- Check correct operation .
- must be installed above the spring mattress.
- should not be cleaned with alcohol solutions. You have to send them to sterilize between patients.
- foam mattress: It consists of 3 modules of foam cut into 48 blocks each. Reduces frustration and friction on the skin of the patient.

- Mattress scars anti : The combination of three viscoelastic material densities Alove tailored to each body part. Allows a smooth and undisturbed dive for the patient. Brand: Dual Alove Membrane.

Pillows: foam are usually soft. Besides using them to below the neck, are also used to perform postural changes . Be of great help in preventing pressure ulcers.

Support Serum or Medication: is placed on the headboard of the bed. There is the possibility of placing it on the right or left of the bed. Depending on which arm has the way to the medication. It is also used to attach to it both pumps food like medication.

Trapeze Bedding: also known as arc of bed, parrot or enhancer bed. Used to force the patient can do to help mobilize .

safety handrails: are placed on either side of the bed. Its purpose is to prevent patient falls. Have a minimum height of 45 centimeters. To lower or raise the rail by pressing a button.

Arco Bedding: are used to prevent the weight of clothing on the patient's feet. For vascular diseases, burns, etc ...

bed Centinela : To protect the Balderas.

- Traction Bar : Through a posting on the patient's leg and a counterweight that is placed on the pulley of the drawbar. Skin traction in fractures of the head or proximal femur can be used as definitive treatment or as a temporary measure.
Image Detail Traction weight
- Splint Braun: Drive applied directly to the skeleton using Steinmann pins or Kirschner wires.
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