Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Desert Eagle Shortage


1-Characteristics of the hospital bed.
1-1. Site.
2-Types of Hospital Beds:

1 - Characteristics of the Hospital Bed
The beds are metal and light colored, easily cleanable. Most have wheels and braking systems. The beds have a mattress articulated and divided into 3 segmentos.En today are electric and have a command that allows positioning them in different positions.

1-1 Location:

must be one that allows access from three sides of it.

  • 120 cm distance between bed and bed.

  • and 112 centimeters from the wall (preferably the head against the wall).

  • The mattress: it can be one piece or segmented (protected by a cover).

  • 2 - Types of Hospital Beds:

    1 - rigid bed frame metal bed : can be mobile or stationary.

    2-bed articulated: In 1.2, or 3 joints.
    • 1 joint = 2 segments.
    • 2 joints = 3 segments.
    • 3 joints = 4 segments.

    3 - electric or motorized beds (current): To change positions.

    Click here if you want to see more information on the electric bed articulated.

    4 - Orthopedic Beds: beds are specific to some sections. The most common are:

    orthopedic bed Judet: Patients with fractures, dislocations, paralysis, etc ... It consists of a metal frame weight , pulleys, ropes, to perform skin or skeletal traction for alignment or immobilization of the affected limb ... At the head leads: the triangle of tension (BALKAN) or rod (of strings).

    Stryker frame or Foster: is used for patients with injuries or spinal fractures.

    • Circoeléctrica: In patients with multiple injuries and spinal injuries also in major burns.


    • C loves Roto Rest: multiple trauma, spinal cord, and burned (subject cervical).

    Levitation Bed: It consists of 2 frames (used in burn).
    5 - Special Beds:
    • oscillating bed: For vascular disease.
    • C special amill postural drainage. (chest):
      -Singer. -Nelson. Note: Support for the feet, marketed or prepared with rolled towels on either side of the foot to prevent "foot pendulum" or bending plant as a result of prolonged immobilization.
    6. Bed type uci "Gatch" is a bed that we can lift the patient to be placed in a sitting position.

    7. Bed Clinitron: has a support pressurized hot air that moves a ball float making polyester fabric. Also called levitation bed.
    is used for severe burn patients, epidermolysis extensive.

    8. Incubator : Carrier that helps secure living conditions of the Newborn A Preterm (less than 27 weeks gestation) and term low birth weight (less than 2500gramos). In incubators are controlled: temperature
    • . Humidity
    • .
    • Oxygen Concentration.
    • of sterility.
    walls is constructed of transparent plastic (acrylic type).
    has side openings to handle the infant. There are also slots for the passage of pipes and fittings.

    incubator Accessories: Monitor
    • neonatal controls heart rate, breathing and body temperature.

    • pressure respirator.

    • lamp light treatment: In the newborn hyperbilirubinemia (jaundice)

    • Vacuum secretions.

    • fogging unit : For repiratoria therapy.

    Click here to see the unity of the patient:


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