Under the title What you see at night? Religion and sects in the world today , the work is the first in the collection InfoCatólica , published by Vita Brevis . Along with this book hits the market simultaneously a collective book on abortion, which also involved two articles Santamaría. The book
What you see at night? collects, along its 168 pages, more than 60 popular articles published by the author between 2006 and 2010 in five thematic areas. The first (" Jesus of Nazareth: from the Gospels and the conspiracies ) Luis Santamaría includes writings about the person of Christ and the controversy that has resulted in today's culture, especially following the novel The Da Code Vinci and other products literary and television.
The second part of the book (" Current issues religion and culture") covers various aspects of the present, as the religious on the Internet, the phenomenon of spiritual cinema, cultural and scientific disputes about faith interreligious dialogue and the challenge of secularism.
The most comprehensive is the third, dedicated specifically to the phenomenon of sects (" The ever amazing world of sects), many of whose articles have been reproduced in the newsletter Info-RIES, They range from the Jehovah's Witnesses to the Raelians, to Mormons, Gnostics, Transcendental Meditation, the Church of Scientology, etc.
The fourth part (" New Age, neo-paganism and the occult ") is a necessary continuation of the previous one, since it serves the author to broaden their study to the presence of the new religion in contemporary dialogue initiatives religious, occult permeation of society and culture, belief in reincarnation or disclosure of such famous techniques such as Reiki.
Finally, the fifth (" memory of those who have left their mark ") recalls the lives of some people died in these past years, as the scholar of religion José María Mardones, Argentine psychologist cult expert José María Baamonde (one of the founders of the RIES), the priest and expert on ecumenical sects Julian Garcia Hernando, and English MEP Pilar Salarrullana also remember, in another vein, Brother Roger of Taizé , whom he admires deeply Santamaría.
The book, which will be presented in coming days in Zamora, the birthplace of the author, can be purchased directly online , the profits of their sale will go entirely to fund InfoCatólica Foundation, responsible for religious information portal of the same name. It is also possible to buy it in digital format .
After many years of doomsayers who have predicted the end of religion, we observed the permanence of the faith held by the great religions and churches, and the presence of other phenomena related to spirituality, but sometimes are a substitute, a manipulation or a disease. Religious fundamentalism cults and the occult sciences ... are elements of the experience of transcendence in these early twenty-first century.
of belief and belief of the Catholic Church and the place of Christianity in the world, and especially of the new religion, is what this book. A compilation of articles written between 2006 and 2010 by the author, an analyst of religion today and expert on the phenomenon of sects and the New Era. This book is a good collection of current issues concerning religion in our culture, explained in a informative and entertaining, and a critical view from the Christian faith.
Luis Santamaría del Río is a priest Diocese of Zamora, where he is pastor of several rural communities and CEO of Social Media. Bachelor of Theology from the Pontifical University of Salamanca, a member of the Iberoamerican Network for the Study of Sects (RIES) and the English Society of Sciences of Religions (SECR).
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