The AEBC promises " profound benefits "to students and teachers if they use the techniques of Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi, shown, they say, in" hundreds of scientific studies and research with their own academic performance of more than 200 schools "all the world.
He tells in his blog Magonia the discloser skeptical Luis Alfonso Gámez, who says that, fortunately, so far, have failed to pass it with cheese to any school, but Sanz says that sometimes , have been "very close get a school up the car is " made in the end have been frustrated education authorities to refuse permission. But the director of the AEBC believes " the situation is becoming more open " the introduction of these practices in a English school.
Meditation is, say the followers of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, an altered state of consciousness that is achieved by sitting in lotus position in a welcoming and repeating a mantra. Filmmaker David Lynch , which has created a foundation to propagate the teachings of Indian saint, said to reduce stress levels and aggression and encourages learning. According to the followers of the guru encourages technology Sidhi yogic flying, levitating in the lotus position, and when many practitioners meditate together occurs in the region that focus on the so-called Maharishi effect, which makes fall " violence, crime, traffic accidents and suicides, and improves quality of life . "
In his mind to fool the staff, the AEBC argues that " Transcendental Meditation technique is easy and natural, practiced a few minutes twice a day, bringing to mind its most settled and quiet, creative and happy, Transcendental Consciousness, the field of total domestic intelligence. This practice provides, at the same time a deep sleep, which dissolves accumulated stress and restore the balanced functioning of the mind and body. The leading theory of quantum physics have been identified as Transcendental Consciousness the Unified Field of Natural Law, from which arise all the force fields and matter, giving principle of all laws of nature. Transcendental Consciousness is the field of total knowledge of natural law, the inner being of each .
No charlatan to serve not quantum mechanics. The reality is that impartial studies have shown that MT has the same effects for the body to relax lying on a couch. All studies favorable to its principles cited by the AEBC on its website are the work of Maharishi University of Management (MUM) . And the supposed beneficial social effects of mass meditation have not ever been demonstrated. On the contrary. Thus, MT makers often say that in the summer of 1993, 5,000 members of the group meditated for two weeks in Washington and managed to bring down crime in the city by 18%.
The reality was that crime increased, but advocates say MT was reduced by 18% compared to the figures that would have been without meditators. As recalled R obert L. Parken in Science and voodoo (1999), when the study director, a devotee of MT presented such success at a press conference, a reporter for The Washington Post hit the nail on the head: " But how do you know what would be the index in this case (in which there had been meditating)? ." Ah, the photos that you see smiling supporters levitating in the lotus position actually correspond with smiling fans jumping on mats in that position.
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