Sunday, March 27, 2011

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The priest D. Luis Santamaría published a book on current religion and sects

English priest D. Luis Santamaría del Río, a member of the Iberoamerican Network for the Study of Sects (RIES), has just published his first book on the cult phenomenon and the new religion.

Under the title What you see at night? Religion and sects in the world today , the work is the first in the collection InfoCatólica , published by Vita Brevis . Along with this book hits the market simultaneously a collective book on abortion, which also involved two articles Santamaría. The book

What you see at night? collects, along its 168 pages, more than 60 popular articles published by the author between 2006 and 2010 in five thematic areas. The first (" Jesus of Nazareth: from the Gospels and the conspiracies ) Luis Santamaría includes writings about the person of Christ and the controversy that has resulted in today's culture, especially following the novel The Da Code Vinci and other products literary and television.

The second part of the book (" Current issues religion and culture") covers various aspects of the present, as the religious on the Internet, the phenomenon of spiritual cinema, cultural and scientific disputes about faith interreligious dialogue and the challenge of secularism.

The most comprehensive is the third, dedicated specifically to the phenomenon of sects (" The ever amazing world of sects), many of whose articles have been reproduced in the newsletter Info-RIES, They range from the Jehovah's Witnesses to the Raelians, to Mormons, Gnostics, Transcendental Meditation, the Church of Scientology, etc.

The fourth part (" New Age, neo-paganism and the occult ") is a necessary continuation of the previous one, since it serves the author to broaden their study to the presence of the new religion in contemporary dialogue initiatives religious, occult permeation of society and culture, belief in reincarnation or disclosure of such famous techniques such as Reiki.

Finally, the fifth (" memory of those who have left their mark ") recalls the lives of some people died in these past years, as the scholar of religion José María Mardones, Argentine psychologist cult expert José María Baamonde (one of the founders of the RIES), the priest and expert on ecumenical sects Julian Garcia Hernando, and English MEP Pilar Salarrullana also remember, in another vein, Brother Roger of Taizé , whom he admires deeply Santamaría.

The book, which will be presented in coming days in Zamora, the birthplace of the author, can be purchased directly online , the profits of their sale will go entirely to fund InfoCatólica Foundation, responsible for religious information portal of the same name. It is also possible to buy it in digital format .

After many years of doomsayers who have predicted the end of religion, we observed the permanence of the faith held by the great religions and churches, and the presence of other phenomena related to spirituality, but sometimes are a substitute, a manipulation or a disease. Religious fundamentalism cults and the occult sciences ... are elements of the experience of transcendence in these early twenty-first century.

of belief and belief of the Catholic Church and the place of Christianity in the world, and especially of the new religion, is what this book. A compilation of articles written between 2006 and 2010 by the author, an analyst of religion today and expert on the phenomenon of sects and the New Era. This book is a good collection of current issues concerning religion in our culture, explained in a informative and entertaining, and a critical view from the Christian faith.

Luis Santamaría del Río is a priest Diocese of Zamora, where he is pastor of several rural communities and CEO of Social Media. Bachelor of Theology from the Pontifical University of Salamanca, a member of the Iberoamerican Network for the Study of Sects (RIES) and the English Society of Sciences of Religions (SECR).

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Bulletin Info-RIES n º 194

Just last newsletter American Network for the Study of Sects (RIES), Info-RIES . Registration is free, www.ried .

Info-RIES Bulletin No. 194 (03/27/1911).

1. Luis Santamaría published a book on current religion and sects.
2. Mexican Bishop discusses the decline of Catholics in his country.
3. Given the psychological manipulation of cults in Spain.
4. Three sects, according to Valencia.
5. English lawyers defend the Congregation of the Olive and talk about anti-Semitism.
6. Sects in the Basque Country and institutional propaganda.
7. Mexican Diocese warns about the rituals of the equinox.
8. Arrested for violations of a cult leader in Venezuela.
9. Arrest followers of the Baha'i Faith in Iran.
10. Santeria and the cult of the dead in Latin America.

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Pages of interest: Galicia

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Monday, March 21, 2011

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Bulletin Info-RIES No. 193

We offer the latest newsletter American Network for the Study of Sects (RIES), Info-RIES . Registration is free, www.ried .

Info-RIES Bulletin No. 193 (03/19/1911).

1. Sectarian bigotry after the earthquake in Japan and the fear of number 11.
2. July Barcelona will host an International Congress on cults and psychological manipulation.
3. Jehovah's Witnesses and transfusion: a reading of the Bible too and insufficiently rigorous.
4. Denounce Scientology for violating child labor laws and wages.
5. Almería desecrate a church pretending that it was satanic rites.
6. Alicante controversy in the trial of the Congregation of the Olive and religious freedom.
7. The "son of Satan", tried in Spain, flees from justice.
8. Scams in Spain increased esoteric by the crisis.
9. Stop a shaman in Peru known for "working" without a license.
10. Torture and murder to a professor Brazilian Candomble ritual.

Friday, March 18, 2011

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Yoga and Catholicism: clarifying ideas

Can a Catholic practice Yoga? What does the Catholic Church that? How are you questions are common among Catholics, we will collect some of the points of a Charter of 1989 on this subject. This is the " Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on Some Aspects of Christian Meditation " (15-Oct-1989), I humbly recommend from the whole RIES, (here we bring only some fragments) and not just the bishops, already known, but all priests, seminarians, priests in general, as well as any layman, be of great interest and continued today.

Note [1] : The expression "eastern methods" means methods inspired by Hinduism and Buddhism, like Zen, the "Transcendental Meditation" or "yoga." It is, therefore, methods of meditation in the Far East is not Christian, not a few times today, are also used by some Christians in their meditation. The guidelines of principles and methods contained in this document they want to be a landmark not only for this problem, but also, more generally, for the various forms of prayer practiced in the ecclesial, particularly in associations, movements and groups.

Item 2. ever more frequent contact with other religions and their different styles and methods of prayer have led to many faithful, in recent decades, questioned the potential value for the Christian non-Christian forms of meditation. The question refers mainly to Eastern methods [1]. Currently, some resort to such methods for therapeutic reasons: the spiritual quest of a life under stifling pace technologically advanced society, also promotes a certain number of Christians to seek in them the path of inner calm and mental balance. This aspect psychological not be considered in the present Charter, rather want to show the theological and spiritual implications of the issue. Other Christians in the line of the opening movement and exchange with various religions and cultures, think the same sentence can make a lot through these methods. Noting that not a few traditional methods of meditation, peculiar to Christianity in recent times have fallen into disuse, they wonder, could we not enrich our heritage through a new education in prayer, also incorporating elements that until now were strangers?

Item 3. To answer this question, it is necessary first to consider, even broadly, what is the intimate nature of Christian prayer, to see if and how it can then be enriched by methods of meditation born in the context of religions and cultures. To start this consideration should be formulated, first, an essential premise: Christian prayer is always determined by the structure of the Christian faith, which shines forth the truth of God and the creature. So configured, properly speaking, as a personal dialogue, intimate and profound, between man and God. It expresses therefore the communion of redeemed creatures with life People close to the Trinity. In this communion, grounded in baptism and the Eucharist, source and summit of the life of the Church, is contained an attitude of conversion, a flight of the ego of man to God you. Christian prayer is always authentically personal and at the same time individual community, shuns impersonal techniques or focusing on the self, capable of producing automatic where, who performs it, is an intimate spiritual prisoner, unable to free openness to the transcendent God . In the Church, the legitimate quest for new methods of meditation should always keep in mind that the encounter of two freedoms, the infinite God with man's finite, it is essential to authentic Christian prayer.

Item 12. With the current spread of eastern methods of meditation in the Christian world and in ecclesial communities, we face a mighty effort, not without risk and error, Christian meditation mixed with non-Christian. The proposals in this direction are numerous and more or less radical: Some use eastern methods solely for the purpose of obtaining psychophysical preparation for a truly Christian contemplation, others go further and seek to lead, with various techniques, spiritual experiences similar to those mentioned in the writings of certain Catholic mystics [13], others fear not even put that all images and concepts without proper to Buddhist theory [14], in the same plane as the majesty of God revealed in Christ, which rises above finite reality, for this purpose, they use a "negative theology" that transcends any statement that has some content about God, denying that the creatures of the world can show any trace, even minimum, to submit to the infinity of God. For this, they propose abandoning not only meditation on the salvific works that the God of the Old and New Alliance has done in history, but also the very idea of \u200b\u200bGod One and Three, which is Love, in favor of an immersion "in the indeterminate abyss of the divinity" [15].

these or similar proposals to harmonize Christian meditation with eastern techniques need to be continually reviewed with careful discernment of contents and methods, to avoid falling into syncretism.

Item 26. Human experience shows that the position and attitude of the body are not without influence on the recollection and dispositions of the spirit, which is why some spiritual writers of the Christian East and West have taken notice.

His reflections, while presenting in common with eastern non-Christian methods of meditation, avoid those exaggerations or unilateral visions, however, often proposed today people unprepared.

Spiritual writers have adopted those elements that facilitate the gathering in prayer, while recognizing their relative value: they are useful if they comply and are oriented to the purpose of Christian prayer [30].

Item 28. Some physical exercises automatically produce a feeling of quiet and relaxation, pleasing sensations, perhaps even phenomena of light and warmth, which resemble spiritual well-being. Confused for the authentic consolations of the Holy Spirit would be a totally erroneous way of conceiving the spiritual life, to attribute symbolic significance typical of the mystical experience, when the moral condition of the person concerned does not correspond with it, represent a kind of mental schizophrenia which could also lead to disturbances psychic and sometimes a moral aberration.

This does not prevent authentic meditation practices from the Christian East and major non-Christian religions, which exert an attraction on today's man, alienated and disturbed, might constitute an appropriate means to help the person who prays to be inwardly relaxed before God, but you urge the external stresses.

However, it must be remembered that habitual union with God, or that the internal vigilance and invocation of divine help in the New Testament is called the "constant prayer" [34], not necessarily or even stops when to pursue, according to the will of God, work and care for others, as the Apostle exhorts: "I eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God" (1 Cor 10, 31) . Indeed, true prayer, as argued by the great spiritual masters, inspires in its practitioners an ardent charity that pushes them to collaborate in the mission of the Church and the service of their brothers for the greater glory of God [35].

The Pope John Paul II during an audience granted to the undersigned Cardinal Prefect, approved this letter, adopted in plenary session of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and ordered its publication.

Rome at the headquarters of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, on October 15, 1989, feast of St. Teresa of Jesus.

Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger Prefect

+ Alberto Bovone Titular Archbishop
of Caesarea in Numidia Secretary

Source: Vatican

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

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The sect Transcendental Meditation try to enter Spanish schools

Transcendental Meditation (TM) has long tried to include the teachings of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Beatles guru in English schools public and private, as revealed by Alejandro Sanz, director of the Association Consciousness-Based Education (AEBC) , in the latest issue of the journal Beyond.

The AEBC promises " profound benefits "to students and teachers if they use the techniques of Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi, shown, they say, in" hundreds of scientific studies and research with their own academic performance of more than 200 schools "all the world.

He tells in his blog Magonia the discloser skeptical Luis Alfonso Gámez, who says that, fortunately, so far, have failed to pass it with cheese to any school, but Sanz says that sometimes , have been "very close get a school up the car is " made in the end have been frustrated education authorities to refuse permission. But the director of the AEBC believes " the situation is becoming more open " the introduction of these practices in a English school.

Meditation is, say the followers of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, an altered state of consciousness that is achieved by sitting in lotus position in a welcoming and repeating a mantra. Filmmaker David Lynch , which has created a foundation to propagate the teachings of Indian saint, said to reduce stress levels and aggression and encourages learning. According to the followers of the guru encourages technology Sidhi yogic flying, levitating in the lotus position, and when many practitioners meditate together occurs in the region that focus on the so-called Maharishi effect, which makes fall " violence, crime, traffic accidents and suicides, and improves quality of life . "

In his mind to fool the staff, the AEBC argues that " Transcendental Meditation technique is easy and natural, practiced a few minutes twice a day, bringing to mind its most settled and quiet, creative and happy, Transcendental Consciousness, the field of total domestic intelligence. This practice provides, at the same time a deep sleep, which dissolves accumulated stress and restore the balanced functioning of the mind and body. The leading theory of quantum physics have been identified as Transcendental Consciousness the Unified Field of Natural Law, from which arise all the force fields and matter, giving principle of all laws of nature. Transcendental Consciousness is the field of total knowledge of natural law, the inner being of each .
No charlatan to serve not quantum mechanics. The reality is that impartial studies have shown that MT has the same effects for the body to relax lying on a couch. All studies favorable to its principles cited by the AEBC on its website are the work of Maharishi University of Management (MUM) . And the supposed beneficial social effects of mass meditation have not ever been demonstrated. On the contrary. Thus, MT makers often say that in the summer of 1993, 5,000 members of the group meditated for two weeks in Washington and managed to bring down crime in the city by 18%.

The reality was that crime increased, but advocates say MT was reduced by 18% compared to the figures that would have been without meditators. As recalled R obert L. Parken in Science and voodoo (1999), when the study director, a devotee of MT presented such success at a press conference, a reporter for The Washington Post hit the nail on the head: " But how do you know what would be the index in this case (in which there had been meditating)? ." Ah, the photos that you see smiling supporters levitating in the lotus position actually correspond with smiling fans jumping on mats in that position.

Source: Magonia

Saturday, March 12, 2011

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Knows 4x09 sects Info-RIES

We offer the latest podcast program "Meet the sects" Radio Maria Spain, produced and directed by the Iberoamerican Network for the Study of Sects (RIES). Download here. Every Saturday every two weeks at 20 h. (English time).

"Meet the sects." 4 th time. 9 th program. 12-March-2011.


- With us today ...: The Congregation of the Olive, with D. Vicente Jara.
- Psychology: How to help out from one sect to an affected? (Part I), with D. Vicente Jara.
- news of sectarianism: the priest D. Luis Santamaría.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Bulletin No. 192

We offer the latest newsletter American Network for the Study of Sects (RIES), Info-RIES . Registration is free, www.ried .

Info-RIES Bulletin No. 192 (10/03/1911).

1. Preparatory document for the synod: "The proliferation of sects is a constant challenge."
2. It grows in Indonesia religious climate of violence against members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission.
3. Transcendental Meditation sect try to enter English schools.
4. Scientology is still at the center media attention.
5. Published in the Official Gazette Act sects of Córdoba (Argentina).
6. American televangelists and their impact on Latin America.
7. A voodoo ritual creates a major fire in New York with one fatality.
8. Much of the crimes in Bolivia are preceded by ritual neoindigenism.
9. Mexico hosted the festival's "day of witches."
10. Madrid was the scene of another edition of Forum Occult & Spiritual.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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Hastinapura Affected by the Foundation accused the Chilean Government for the kidnapping of his son

reproduce below excerpts from the complaint made public by Juan Contreras Bustos into the alleged kidnapping of his son, a Chilean, Argentina, since 2001. According to the affected parent, the Government of Chile is of " knees in front of the sect filonazi Hastinapura Foundation."

was preparing a draft for my comments to the law of sects in the province of Cordoba in Argentina, when I reached the shameful response of the Chilean Foreign Ministry, regarding my complaint just last November that my child is , a Chilean boy kidnapped in Argentina since 2001 and the latest dire consequences for him in this situation, or is for more than nine years have violated their rights (and mine), with the complicity of governments in both countries, human rights organizations and throng of similar offenders.

If that was not enough, the child is from the same date (November 2010) and to date 21 February 2011, the Argentine judiciary hostage, in an unknown location under the alleged control of psychologists and psychiatrists. According to Chilean Foreign Ministry expresses have been sought by the Federal Police Argentina ... Search? ... But if the Argentine State sequestered by order of a tribunal unknown!

Message from the Undersecretary of Foreign Chile Foreign

"Dear Mr. Contreras: He went on to detail the actions in this Ministry

1) sent Note No. 15 043 dated November 16, 2010, the National Service for Minors (SENAME) requesting information about the child's case Augusto Contreras León Fernández .

2) official message was sent No. 498 dated November 15 the Consulate General of Chile in Buenos Aires, information on the status of children in Argentina.

3 ) The first response of the Consulate, was that they had no record of the child, so they contacted the Federal Police, to find The whereabouts of the child.

4) SENAME, through the Deed No. 0618 dated February 14, 2011 reported that contact was made with him, where he explained the procedure, in which he reiterated that allegations of rights violations must be filed with the courts of Argentina, which must exhaust all the resources that the Argentine legal system allows. This document will be scanned to your email.

4) The Consul requested background information on complaints by the mother to police Argentina, which were given based on the information you submitted, and also insisted on seeking the RUT lower the Chilean and Argentine DNI.

5) reported that the Consulate will be kept informed of the case, but for now there is more background.

For all the above, you are informed that the Ministry has no authority to act if and only remains to follow the instructions provided by the SENAME, which are related to the complaint before the Justice Argentina.

testimony as a victim

By refusing to join the Foundation filonazi Hastinapura destructive cult (NA), since 2001 we have had with my son Chilean minor religious persecution in unison two countries (Argentina and Chile) from the original cult and its divisions, using illegal means and the tools and resources of the State of Chile and the Argentine his cohorts, as these seats of the cult mother who gives them power.

For over 9 years immunoassay has violated many of our supposedly enshrined Rights (Declaration of Human Rights United Nations), under the gaze cowardly and complicit in our government and international organizations (there unfit complaint with the Commission HR OAS).

For over 9 years we have been separated with my son in violation of international treaties and conventions that supposedly protect us (Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Hague Convention). As a result the child would be hospitalized for three months in an institution for drug addicts, who was kidnapped by the Argentine judiciary, under the supervision of psychologists and psychiatrists.

last three months, the Federal Police Argentina officiated by the Consulate of Chile in Buenos Aires, who would have given clear and accurate information on residence address, given by me in due course, Chilean foreign ministry (including telephone and other related data) been unable to locate where the child is (¿?).

For three months the Government of Chile, through the actions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not responded, as is his obligation, the terrorist hijacking of a Chilean boy in Buenos Aires, kidnapped by his mother and sectarian group after 7 ½ years, now has 17 years and has been destroyed at all levels.

For this and much more, impossible to show in a text like this, I demand the immediate resignation of sectarian Mason Chile "? José Miguel Insulza Salinas (aka "Panzer"), Secretary General of the OAS, the main promoter of the destructive neo-Nazi sect mentioned and prosecution of crimes against humanity, and that of everyone involved in this aberrant case. With regard to the latest inactions, omissions and misconduct of government of Chile, the onus is on Sebastian Pinera Echenique, president of the republic, direct drive foreign policy. Questions

How can I help my son and me this law [the recently approved Argentina's Cordoba province]? How could have done if he had been in force and in 2001, when it is acutely expressed our tragedy arising from our relationship with the fateful Hastinapura Foundation? Could face the Cordoba Provincial Government the national government if the fraud had occurred in their jurisdiction, which affects 10% of Argentina's population? How far would come possible to perform the actions specified in the law without being neutralized by the New Order?

And one last question: Do we still sovereign states (if they ever were), or our nations are only "branches" of government above the service of money psychopaths and evil on a grand scale, in which trafficking in human beings, drugs, rampant arms race and the medical and pharmaceutical companies make a killing?

"What will the future social order? Comrades I'll tell you: there will be a kind of gentlemen, will the mass anonymous collective of servers, small in perpetuity, and beneath these, the class of aliens conquered modern slaves. And above all this, a new nobility of which I can not speak ... But simple militants should ignore these plans ... "(Adolf Hitler ).

Source: Blog Juan Contreras Bustos

Saturday, March 5, 2011

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I leave you a video for you to know that sometimes work is unknown, the Coast Guard team Galicia.
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Guard Transportation Health. Transfers

1 - 2-
Health Transport Health Transport Technician (TTS)
3 - Classification According to the Environmental Health Transport which produces .
4-types of transport.
5 - technical and health characteristics common to all types of ambulances.
6 - specific technical and health characteristics of collective medical transport vehicles.
7 - technical and health characteristics specific to basic life support ambulances.
8 - health facilities.
9 - Personal.
10 - Features specific technical and health of ambulances.
11 - Duties of medical transport technical.
12 - Material immobilization, mobilization and evacuation.
13 - medical equipment.

1 - Health Transport

transport is being done to the movement of sick, accident or other health reasons
in vehicles specially designed for this purpose. 2-

Health Transport Technician (TTS)

Person responsible for maintaining and controlling the basic medical equipment of the ambulance, make the extra care hospital health care and carry out the sanitary transfer of patients, wounded and injured in collaboration with other health professionals based on their level of competence.

3 - Classification According to the Environmental Health Transport which produces.

You can talk as the work which is intended, the environment, the type of vehicle, work area, etc ... And are the following:

• •
air medical transport medical transport medical transport maritime land

4-Types of transport Plumbing

4-1. Emergency Health Transport

one who should be in the shortest time possible, with priority absolute and without delay, given the vital risk posed to the patient a delayed diagnosis or treatment. Basically will move critical patients with current or potential risk to life immediately or prolonged, by compromising vital functions.

4-2. Primary Health Transport

He who is made to a health center from where there is urgency or emergency.

4-3. Secondary Health Transport

One who is from one hospital to another healthcare center, usually another hospital as the term is usually equal to "interhospital transport."

4-4. Transportation Scheduled health

He is known to be made with sufficient time to be planned in advance (usually 24 hours in advance)

4-5. Air medical transport.

1 - Definition :

is one who performs medical transportation by air transport is the most widely used helicopter which develops primary transport functions (traffic accidents), there are those who perform secondary transport (critical patients from hospital to hospital), here are some rules to perform actions if helicopter :

  • Approach: access and exit the helicopter provided with the permission of the pilot or cabin crew, leave and come always at the front (green) is the only safe area, never do it for the back (zone red).
  • ascending slopes on the sides of the helicopters are considered death traps.
  • making if the helicopter land on a slope, he always access up the slope and stay away from it long down the slope, never the opposite.
  • If the helicopter is approaching objects must take into account not protruding head height.
  • If the landing zone is a road traffic must cut both ways and avoid the traffic of people.
  • vehicles must have the newspapers turned on to facilitate the location and at least 30m. Of the aircraft.
  • rotor area of \u200b\u200binfluence: In Spain there are regular helicopter rotor step to 1.70 m. thus have to enter that area with a little forward lean and avoiding any red areas.
  • securely fastened garments or objects easily removable by the flow of air produced by the rotor. (Caps, the bed sheets etc ....)
  • recommend the use of helmets and visors, as the rotor can absorb and throw small stones or objects at high speed.


Maritime Health

is one that is used for search and rescue people at sea.


4-Terrestrial 7.Transporte

4-7-1. Care Ambulance not

specially equipped ambulances to transport all patients whose transfer is not emergency in nature and do not require assistance technical and health on the road, or are suffering from infectious diseases that can cause obvious harm to other users. Public transportation shall always be programmed and is intended for patients who need to make trips to health facilities and are unable to use ordinary transport.

4-7-2. Ambulance Basic Life Support Healthcare

for the transport of all kinds of sick or injured people who need or may require basic health care en route. This ambulance usually included in your envelope a nurse or TES, in addition to technical and driver.

4-7-3. Advanced Life Support Ambulance (UVI-medicalized or mobile)

Other communities

ambulances are permanently meet the technical and staffing sufficient to a doctor, a Nursing assistants (nurses) and TES, duly qualified, to provide intensive assistance.
Designed exclusively to the transfer of patients with current or potential risk to the life of an immediate or long-term commitment by vital functions.

4-7-4. Ambulance

road vehicles are those that are destined for a medical transport in areas with difficult terrain and adverse weather conditions.

4-7-5. Rapid Intervention Vehicle (RIV) medical and technical

vehicles are fast and very maneuverable small van equipped with medical supplies and where you normally only a technician and a doctor, his mission is to bring the material and personnel Instead of assistance, are also responsible for initiating specialized assistance "In situ" quickly, CPR, and giving information to the focal point of the number of casualties and resources.
ACE (Advanced Coordination Team) nurses and technicians.
These vehicles have a common technical features are:

5 - technical and health characteristics common to all types of ambulances.

5-1. Identification and marking.

  1. External identification to distinguish clearly that this is an ambulance, by registration of the word ambulance back and forth, in this case in reverse so it can be read by reflection. Preferably outside
  2. Body mostly white. Exceptionally variation is permitted in cases before the entry into force of this Royal Decree shall come using corporate identifications.
  3. light and sound signaling of way adjusted to the provisions of the legislation.

5-2. Documents required.

  1. Registration of medical equipment reviews. Register
  2. disinfection of the cabin and equipment. Book
  3. claims.
  4. Register of applications and services.

5-3. Vehicle. Vehicle

  1. fiscal power, suspension and braking systems adapted to current regulations for transportation of people.
  2. front and rear fog lamps.
  3. indicators stop flashing.
  4. fire extinguisher in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.
  5. chains for ice and snow when the weather conditions in the area as required. Tools
  6. vehicle care.
  7. triangular warning signs.
  8. Team receiving radio-telephony-effective emission area of \u200b\u200bactivity.

5-4. Cell health.

  1. translucent. In the case of transport vehicles may choose another device that will eventually ensure patient privacy.
  2. ventilation, heating and lighting independent of the driver's compartment.
  3. isothermal and soundproofing measures applied to the body.
  4. linings, walls smooth, non-sharps and non-slip floor, all waterproof, self-extinguishing, washable and resistant to common disinfectants.
  5. right side door and rear door open enough to allow easy patient access. Cabinets
  6. material instrumental and lingerie.
  7. Wedge and unbreakable bottle.

6 - specific technical and health characteristics of collective medical transport vehicles.

6-1. Vehicle.

van type vehicle, with capacity for up to nine seats.

6-2. Cell health.

  1. reclining seats, fitted with seat belts, should be capable of sharing some in wheelchairs, with anchorage.
  2. access system within the cell delivery by sliding ramp or hydro-pneumatic mechanism.
  3. Folding wheelchair.
  4. Equipment Health:
  • oxygen equipment.
  • suctioning device.
  • First aid and basic life support.

6-3. Personal.

  1. a. technical. Assistant
  2. when the type of service required.

7 - technical and health characteristics specific to basic life support ambulances.

7-1. Vehicle.

  1. preferably Vehicle type van.
  2. release
  3. basic allocation of casualties.
  4. driver's compartment Passenger capacity.

7-2. Cell health.

  1. Separated from the driver's window with communication and / or intercom.
  2. Dimensions: will enter the patient on the stretcher and access.
  3. Outlets 12 V DC.
  4. General equipment:
  • Camilla restraint belts fitted, sized for an adult, equipped with necessary accessories and lingerie.
  • Support Systems, fixed and sliding table with castors or glides.
  • Seat Belt security along the table.

8 - Sanitary ware:

  1. oxygen system with oxygen tank, at least 800 liters, with adult and child masks.
  2. manual ventilation system with adult and child masks.
  3. suctioning system for adult and child.
  4. Device for suspension of intravenous infusion solutions.
  5. First aid kit and basic life support material.

9 - Personal. Technical

  1. .
  2. Assistant, when the type of service so require.

10 - technical and health characteristics specific to ambulances.

10-1. Vehicle.

  1. van type vehicle.
  2. driver's compartment with capacity for companion.
  3. release
  4. basic allocation of casualties. Tailgate
  5. double leaf opening of at least 180 °. Long-range auxiliary lighting, removable and expandable.

10-2. Cell health.

  1. Separated from the driver's window with communication and / or intercom.
  2. Dimensions: will join the patient on the stretcher and assistance to it.
  3. independent air conditioning the driver's compartment, when weather conditions warrant.
  4. Electrical:
  • the driver's compartment.
  • Power on all electrical equipment.
  • will have an adequate supply of auxiliary power outputs of the vehicle with 12 V DC and 220 V AC to allow the operation of critical systems for patient care in case of engine failure.
  • Outlets 12 V DC and 220 V AC.
  • Possibility of incorporating a power generator equipment.
  • interior lighting system, adjustable, swivel and sufficient intensity to the type of assistance to be made.

10-3. General equipment:

  1. Support System, fixing and sliding gurney that allows safe and easy installation and removal of it with the patient. The stretcher positions should allow positive and negative Trendelenburg to 30 ° by itself or through a portal camillas.Permitirá treat the patient on all sides, leaving space in the header.
  2. Camilla, fitted with seat belts fasteners, wheel size and appropriate to the size of cell health and in any case sufficient for roadside assistance to an adult, equipped with necessary accessories and lingerie.
  3. seat at the head of the stretcher equipped with seat belts. Anchor
  4. portable incubator and oxygen outlets for electrical power in the case of advanced life support ambulances.
  5. folding chair. Camilla
  6. spoon or scissors or long spinal board.

10-4. Sanitary equipment: Fixture

  1. oxygen, electrically isolated, with quick shots in paredesconvenientemente labeled. Two bottles with total capacity of 2,000 liters, with flow meters that allow a flow of 15 liters per minute, humidifiers and control of pressure gauge. Oxygen station will be located in a compartment readily accessible and where not store any other type of material. Respirator
  2. allowing respiratory function of 10-40 cycles per minute and a supply of O2 to 50% and 100%, flow, pressure control gauge and overpressure valve. (Only for ambulances will provide advanced life support). Fan
  3. manual type ball check valve and the possibility of Fi02 ventilation by connecting a source of O2 (adult and child).
  4. Suction equipment fixed or portable electric reservoir. Games
  5. endotracheal tubes adult, child and infant.
  6. Laryngoscope with blades of adult and child.
  7. ventilation masks adult and child. Consumables
  8. support ventilation. Cases
  9. differentiated adult CPR and child, to enable its use outside the ambulance assisted with the right material.
  10. Monitor-defibrillator: an autonomous portable type, equipped with paddles or adhesive patches serve as ECG electrodes and defibrillation, with accessories. External pacemaker generator with fixed operation and demand with possibility of adjusting the stimulus intensity. Registrar of electrodes of a single channel connection with the possibility of allowing 12-lead monitors. (Only for ambulances will provide advanced life support).
  11. Device for suspension of intravenous infusion solutions.
  12. Consumables for percutaneous venous puncture and drainage.
  13. sphygmomanometer, stethoscope and flashlight exploration. Material
  14. allowing comprehensive patient immobilization and immobilization of upper and lower limbs and spine and cervical collars game.
  15. surgical material. Material
  16. cure.
  17. catheter and drainage equipment sterile and disposable.
  18. refrigerator or isothermal container with sufficient capacity.
  19. Medicines: all medication must be kept in adequate conditions of light and temperature and periodically review the revocation. Containers should be avoided that could be damaged by hitting or injuring the occupants.
  • System color coding: red, circulatory system, blue, respiratory system, green, other systems yellow, dosages for children.
  • Content: appropriate medication for the pharmacological treatment of patients who require it, at least, analgesics (including opiates for those who must comply with current legislation), local anesthetics, calcium channel antagonists, opiates (naloxone), antianginal, antiarrhythmics, anticholinergics, antiseptics, benzodiazepines, beta-adrenergic blockers, bronchodilators, corticosteroids, diuretics, glucose, rapid-acting insulin, serum, plasma substitutes and vasoactive (adrenaline). 10-5

Personal. Technical

  1. .
  • It shall have the following staff:
  1. When the ambulance care is intended to provide basic life support, at least one other person with appropriate training. In
  2. going to provide advanced life support, at least, Medical and Nursing assistants, both with demonstrable training assisted transport, resuscitation and advanced life support techniques.





is the immobilization device that is used to prevent flexion and extension of cervical and axial maintain traction.
There are several types of collars: Collar

  • rigid collar

  • rigid collar


is a support radio metal or plastic transparent, consisting of two symmetrical branches hinged at the top and bottom, through a telescope with anchors, can be adapted to different lengths depending on the patient. This table can be placed separately, one to the other side of the patient every branch of the bed, attached by anchors below the patient with minimal mobilization
making it one of the most used devices in the initial care of the injured.
  • is not indicated for the removal from the place at the hospital, except for short trips.

are simply flat and rigid surfaces made of plastic or wood to get a good immobilization in flexion and extension of the body.

4 - IMMOBILIZER tetraventricular

Better known as "Lady of Elche" is designed to prevent the wobble of the head to the side, at the time of us to go forward, is used together with cervical collar and spinal board or bed of blades.


is the best system of complete immobilization a rugged, consists of a sealed envelope very flexible to ¾ filled ball lightweight synthetic material, once removed, allows the air inside, immobilize the patient keeping their anatomical forms.
is indicated especially in cases of suspected fracture in the area of \u200b\u200bthe spine and pelvis.


Better known as Fern - ked (trademark) is a mobilization system that is used for extrication of an injured person is inside a car collar with this system freezes vertebral column in its entirety during the extrication.


these chairs are designed for the transport of patients, we point out two models:
chair skate: main feature is its rail by which is slipping on the steps of the stairs, a single person for their only drawback is that it serves only to lower stairs. Wheelchair
: very useful for transporting patients on flat surfaces in the case of having to use it to go up or down stairs will be necessary At least two people.

8 - Splints VACUUM

limb immobilization element, made of synthetic materials, the interior is made of tiny particles that make the emptiness these are linked together giving consistency and adaptability quite acceptable to the affected limb. Are permeable to x-ray

9 - Splints PNEUMATIC

limb immobilization element, are made of nylon or plastic.
They have a valve to control entry and exit of air inside, consist of several air chambers that allow for greater adaptability to the affected limb. Are permeable to x-ray
One of its drawbacks is its fragility with sharp objects. (It stuck with great ease)

10 -
traction splint

traction system for quickly and effectively on long bone fractures of the lower extremities to prevent further injury and vascular nerves and reduce blood loss.


indispensable element an ambulance, it is where will the patient during the transfer if
had to go in supine, prone, or lateral. These beds also have the option to incorporate the patient to an angle of 90 degrees.


These beds are suitable for evacuation of persons or auxiliary stretcher from an ambulance, do not have wheels to get around but has to be transported by at least two rescuers are foldable and durable.

13 - electromedical equipment

1 - MONITOR defibrillator

portable unit that allows us to get the rhythm and heart rate, and the disturbance of it.
also allows downloading of energy in a controlled manner in case of cardioversion or defibrillation nesecidad and also the function of pacemakers.


device that lets us know in a non-invasive blood oxygen saturation and pulse.
The record is produced by a sensor placed on a finger of the patient.


Apparatus using a self-inflating cuff lets us know digitally and blood pressure and heart rate.


device that controls the rate of intravenous infusion of fluids.


strokes controlled device that provides oxygen to the patient artificially.

6 - portable ventilator

performs the same function above but with the possibility of being transported to any site because of its reduced size.

7 - secretion aspirator

Get out whereby we get to draw the patient's secretions.


a backpack equipped with heating element whose only function calerntar sera as its name suggests.


Place all medication is stored need to be at low temperature.