Me he encontrado muy a menudo debatiendo temas relacionados con el parto, la lactancia, el nacimiento, la crianza o la maternidad, aludiendo a las implicaciones físicas o psicológicas de ciertas prácticas médicas en el normal desarrollo de procesos fisiológicos que han sido (y siguen siendo) milimétricamente perfeccionados por el continuum de la evolución filogenética de la especie, para resultar óptimos en su funcionamiento y en sus resultados.
Un médico amigo me confesó, tiempo ha, que aún siendo "oficialmente" ateo, no was bound to marvel at the accuracy and efficiency of the human body, the perfect gear for their "pieces" and their functions and the miracle of life in all its dimensions, observable in nature in general and humans in particular. He believed that no student of the human body could cast doubt on the merits, the existence of divinity, regardless of the idea more or less rational than one might have of what is or may become the "Godhead." Beyond
theological and epistemological implications purely anecdotal, with time I've noticed a thought that, by way of insight, it became increasingly present when he talked, debated or arguing with someone about these issues. This thought refers to the depth of the implications it may have a way to gestate, give birth, born and bred, they will certainly beyond superficales consequences more or less, more or less deep and more or less relevant that certain medical practices and / or cultural factors may have on the daily lives of mothers and children. Many of these "insights" took shape when I started, for quite some time, became interested, among others, by the writings of Michel Odent. His motto "Change the world need to change the form of birth" to me, first, highly significant. In many of his works is an important means form of birth, not in physical or psychological health of a mother who gives birth or creature that is "given-to-light" but the much longer term, the evolution of the species itself. As one delves into the large number of studies, works, opinions and, above all, evidence surrounding these issues, manages to catch a glimpse, at least minimally, the network of connections, implications and causal relationships can be established between subjects "apparently" disconnected (or certain medical practices, cultural and / or educational activities make us perceive as "decoupled"). Fear, ignorance, blind faith in the other (doctor, midwife, doctor ... call it "x") reveals not only a baseline mistrust by yourself, our education or family burdens, social pressures and a large number of factors may be behind the loss of connection to our side mammal, that has enabled us to gestate, birth, breastfeeding and raising, in most cases, without major complications.
An experience that could be intense, cathartic, orgasmic, glorious, becomes, in many more times than it should, in a "bad experience" or, at least in a "short short hour, or in a depersonalized process anesthetized with implications in the short and long term we can not understand. A "do not take it in her arms be used to "or" it is high time that l @ weaning "among an endless variety of phrases, clichés and stereotypes, can help stop flowing aging as a natural process, where everything has its reason and its rationale, to become a script where until the introduction of a food has its right time and the amount recommended.
Shamandala intended as a meeting point for exchanging information and experience. With Shamandala intend to contribute my grain of sand to promote a dignified and respected birth, a birth without violence, a better rapport with our facet mammalian and happy upbringing.
Un médico amigo me confesó, tiempo ha, que aún siendo "oficialmente" ateo, no was bound to marvel at the accuracy and efficiency of the human body, the perfect gear for their "pieces" and their functions and the miracle of life in all its dimensions, observable in nature in general and humans in particular. He believed that no student of the human body could cast doubt on the merits, the existence of divinity, regardless of the idea more or less rational than one might have of what is or may become the "Godhead." Beyond
theological and epistemological implications purely anecdotal, with time I've noticed a thought that, by way of insight, it became increasingly present when he talked, debated or arguing with someone about these issues. This thought refers to the depth of the implications it may have a way to gestate, give birth, born and bred, they will certainly beyond superficales consequences more or less, more or less deep and more or less relevant that certain medical practices and / or cultural factors may have on the daily lives of mothers and children. Many of these "insights" took shape when I started, for quite some time, became interested, among others, by the writings of Michel Odent. His motto "Change the world need to change the form of birth" to me, first, highly significant. In many of his works is an important means form of birth, not in physical or psychological health of a mother who gives birth or creature that is "given-to-light" but the much longer term, the evolution of the species itself. As one delves into the large number of studies, works, opinions and, above all, evidence surrounding these issues, manages to catch a glimpse, at least minimally, the network of connections, implications and causal relationships can be established between subjects "apparently" disconnected (or certain medical practices, cultural and / or educational activities make us perceive as "decoupled"). Fear, ignorance, blind faith in the other (doctor, midwife, doctor ... call it "x") reveals not only a baseline mistrust by yourself, our education or family burdens, social pressures and a large number of factors may be behind the loss of connection to our side mammal, that has enabled us to gestate, birth, breastfeeding and raising, in most cases, without major complications.
An experience that could be intense, cathartic, orgasmic, glorious, becomes, in many more times than it should, in a "bad experience" or, at least in a "short short hour, or in a depersonalized process anesthetized with implications in the short and long term we can not understand. A "do not take it in her arms be used to "or" it is high time that l @ weaning "among an endless variety of phrases, clichés and stereotypes, can help stop flowing aging as a natural process, where everything has its reason and its rationale, to become a script where until the introduction of a food has its right time and the amount recommended.
Shamandala intended as a meeting point for exchanging information and experience. With Shamandala intend to contribute my grain of sand to promote a dignified and respected birth, a birth without violence, a better rapport with our facet mammalian and happy upbringing.
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