Men and women, scientists and professionals working in different fields of life and knowledge, parents worried about the world in which our sons and daughters will grow, we believe it necessary to make the following statement:
is true that it is common for babies to cry Western society, but it is true that 'is normal'. Babies always cry for something that upsets them: sleep, fear, hunger, or the most common, and usually because of previous lack of physical contact with his mother or others in emotional environment.
Crying is the only mechanism that babies have to send us your feeling sick, whatever the reason for it, in their expectations, their phylogenetic continuum is not expected to be attended this crying because they have no other means to advise on the discomfort felt by themselves and can not take steps to resolve it.
The newborn baby's body is designed to take the mother's lap all you need to survive and feel good: food, warmth, attachment, for this reason has no notion of waiting, since being in his place applicable, is within reach everything you need, the baby grew up in the melee with the mother need not know the feeling of hunger, cold, loneliness, and never cried. As Jean Liedloff U.S. says in his book The Continuum Concept, the baby's place is the cradle or infant carrier or stroller, but the human lap. This is true during the first year of life, and the first two months of almost exclusively (hence the old famous "quarantine" of postpartum), then the laps of other bodies in the environment can be substitutes for some moments. Baby development itself indicates the end of the symbiotic period: when ossification is complete and the baby starts walking, then slowly begins to become autonomous and to rid the symbiotic state.
The truth is obvious, simple and obvious.
The infant baby milk suitable for making your digestive system and can regulate its composition with duration of breast feeds, which brought the baby in the lap of the mother does not usually have digestive problems.
When the baby cries and can not be accommodated, cry more and more desperate because they are suffering. There are psychologists who say that when left unattended in a baby crying more than three minutes, something deep cracks in the integrity of the creature, and confidence in your environment.
parents, although we have been educated in the belief that 'it is normal for children to cry' and 'must leave them to get used to mourn, 'and we are therefore particularly stunned to his crying does not affect us, sometimes we can not tolerate. Of course if you're a little about them, feel their pain and suffering felt like himself. We stir the bowels and can not consent to their pain. We're not entirely dehumanized. So behavioral methods proposed to go slowly, for each day that take a little more mutual suffering. This is a common name, which is the 'Administration of Torture', it is a real torture inflicted on the babies when we do this, and we inflict on ourselves, however much they dress up educational standards or pediatric.
Several U.S. and Canadian scientists (biologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, etc..) In the nineties, conducted several investigations of great importance in relation to the primal stage of human life, demonstrated that rubbing skin to skin, body the body, the baby with her mother and other relatives, produces chemical modulators required for the formation of neurons and the immune system, in short, that the lack of physical affection disrupts the normal development of human creatures. Why babies sleep when left alone in their cots, crying demanding nature knows what belongs to them.
created in the West in the last 50 years a culture and habits, driven by multinationals, which eliminates this melee mother to child rearing and dehumanizes: to replace the plastic skin and human milk formula is separated and closer to the child of his mother. Even models have made special talkis walkies hear baby from rooms away from hers. Industrial and technological development has not been put to use in small human creatures, reaching the automation of the mother's role to extremes.
Simultaneously with this culture of parenting babies, increasingly medicalized motherhood of women, what should be a joyful stage of our sex life becomes a painful disease. Delivered to medical protocols, women numbing sensation and touch with our bodies, and we lose a part of our sexuality: the joy of pregnancy, childbirth and exterogestación, including breastfeeding. Same time women have accessed a male professional and employment, made by men and for men, and therefore excludes maternity maternity why industrialized society has been locked in a private household. However, for millennia women have done their homework and activities with his creatures hanging from their bodies, as still happens in non-Westernized societies. The image of the woman with her child must return to public arenas, labor and professional, failing to destroy the future of human development.
In the short run, the robot model of parenting is not harmful, nothing happens, the creatures survive, but scientists such as Michel Odent (1999 and, supported by several epidemiological studies have shown the direct relationship between different aspects of robotics and diseases that occur in adulthood. Moreover, the escalating violence in all public and private spheres, as demonstrated by studies of the German-Swiss psychologist Alice Miller (1980) and the American neurophysiologist James W. Prescott (1975), to cite just two names, also comes the bad treatment and lack of bodily pleasure in the first stage of human life. There are also studies showing the correlation between drug addiction and mental disorders, with assault and neglect suffered in the primal stage. Why babies cry when they need what they take away; ell @ s know what they need, which would correspond at the time of their lives.
should feel a deep respect and gratitude to the crying of babies, and think humbly that do not cry for nothing, or much less, because are bad. Them and they teach us what we're doing wrong.
should also recognize what we feel in our guts when a baby cries, it can confuse the mind, but it is more difficult to confuse the visceral perception. The baby room is our lap: in the matter, baby and our guts are in agreement, and both have their reasons.
not true that the co-bedding (the practice of putting babies to sleep with their parents) is a risk factor for the phenomenon known as 'sudden death'. According to The Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths, the majority of deaths due to 'sudden death' occurring in the crib. Statistically, therefore, is safer for baby to sleep in bed with their parents to sleep alone (Ángel Álvarez
For all that we have discussed, we express our grave concern about the spread of the method proposed by neurologist E. Estivill Child Sleep in his book (based in turn on the Ferber method disclosed in United States) to foster and promote tolerance of parents with crying babies, this is an especially radical behaviorism and especially bad considering that the baby is still in a formative stage. It is a method for treating sleep disorders, as sometimes occurs, but to put human life at an early age. The dire consequences of this approach have begun to become apparent.
We need a culture and science for a breeding line with our human nature because we are not robots, but human beings we feel and we shudder when we lack the melee with our elders. To support this, so your son or your daughter suffer and stop, and if you feel bad when you listen to mourn your baby, get case, take it in her arms to feel and feel what you're asking, possibly only that what want and need contact with your body. Do not deny it.
When an infant learns in a room that is useless nest scream ... is suffering its first experience of submission. (Michel Odent)
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