Saturday, March 15, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Leafeon Action Replay
The Video that arises is that of a facilitator of Infocentro located in the Library "Pío Tamayo" in the city of Barquisimeto (State Lara, Venezuela), teaching a course in Linux and Free Software interview by the authors of this blog to one of the facilitators on the functioning of the Infocenter.
Monday, March 10, 2008
What Does An Ingrown Hair Look Like On The Elbow

Un médico amigo me confesó, tiempo ha, que aún siendo "oficialmente" ateo, no was bound to marvel at the accuracy and efficiency of the human body, the perfect gear for their "pieces" and their functions and the miracle of life in all its dimensions, observable in nature in general and humans in particular. He believed that no student of the human body could cast doubt on the merits, the existence of divinity, regardless of the idea more or less rational than one might have of what is or may become the "Godhead." Beyond
theological and epistemological implications purely anecdotal, with time I've noticed a thought that, by way of insight, it became increasingly present when he talked, debated or arguing with someone about these issues. This thought refers to the depth of the implications it may have a way to gestate, give birth, born and bred, they will certainly beyond superficales consequences more or less, more or less deep and more or less relevant that certain medical practices and / or cultural factors may have on the daily lives of mothers and children. Many of these "insights" took shape when I started, for quite some time, became interested, among others, by the writings of Michel Odent. His motto "Change the world need to change the form of birth" to me, first, highly significant. In many of his works is an important means form of birth, not in physical or psychological health of a mother who gives birth or creature that is "given-to-light" but the much longer term, the evolution of the species itself. As one delves into the large number of studies, works, opinions and, above all, evidence surrounding these issues, manages to catch a glimpse, at least minimally, the network of connections, implications and causal relationships can be established between subjects "apparently" disconnected (or certain medical practices, cultural and / or educational activities make us perceive as "decoupled"). Fear, ignorance, blind faith in the other (doctor, midwife, doctor ... call it "x") reveals not only a baseline mistrust by yourself, our education or family burdens, social pressures and a large number of factors may be behind the loss of connection to our side mammal, that has enabled us to gestate, birth, breastfeeding and raising, in most cases, without major complications.
An experience that could be intense, cathartic, orgasmic, glorious, becomes, in many more times than it should, in a "bad experience" or, at least in a "short short hour, or in a depersonalized process anesthetized with implications in the short and long term we can not understand. A "do not take it in her arms be used to "or" it is high time that l @ weaning "among an endless variety of phrases, clichés and stereotypes, can help stop flowing aging as a natural process, where everything has its reason and its rationale, to become a script where until the introduction of a food has its right time and the amount recommended.
Shamandala intended as a meeting point for exchanging information and experience. With Shamandala intend to contribute my grain of sand to promote a dignified and respected birth, a birth without violence, a better rapport with our facet mammalian and happy upbringing.
(To avoid SPAM, comments are moderated. Thank you.)
Landscaping Help Terrace

rising assessment before conception VERSUS THE DECLINE OF HEALTH CARE IN PREGNANCY
After February 23, 2002
When we know how prematurity and low birth weight increase mortality, morbidity and disability in the lifetime, you can not imagine a major study published by the SF Olsen and NJ Secher in her British Medical Journal (1), the February 23, 2002. Eight thousand seven hundred twenty-nine (8729) Danish pregnant women were questioned about their habits dietary, and classified according to their fish consumption. Prematurity Levels ranged from 1.9% in the group who ate fish at least once a week up 7.1% in the group that ate no fish! Similar results were obtained for low birthweight babies given birth.
In a subsequent appearance of the British Medical Journal (2), stressed the obvious practical question that emerges from this study: Should we routinely encourage all pregnant women to consume, or increase consumption of marine fish?. I would remind you that during 1991-92, in prenatal care at Whipps Cross Hospital in East London, we encourage randomly selected of 499 pregnant women (less than 20 weeks) to increase the consumption of marine fish (3). Each woman was confronted with another control group would have the same parity. We could not detect any significant effect with our dietary recommendations during the perinatal period relating to baby weight or length of pregnancy. We repeated similar studies in three different contexts: the French University Hospital (Rennes), a Dutch team of midwives (Boxtel) and another hospital in East London (Newham). We encourage you to continue these studies because, once again, no significant effects were detected in the perinatal period.
remarkable thing is that Olsen and Secher recorded dietary habits before the onset of pregnancy. It is probable that dietary recommendations in antenatal clinics are given too late to have detectable effects in the perinatal period.
Many people associate the word with fish pollution. This may explain why these studies are little known and why are most often recommend fish oil capsules that own fish to pregnant women. However, small fish that live the high seas (and are at the top of the food chain) are not contaminated and are rich in omega 3. These include sardines, herring, anchovies, kippers, etc., all uncontaminated (and cheap). We must also emphasize that eating fish is not the same as taking fish oil capsules. It's more than eating a long chain of amino acids, omega 3. It also provides high quality protein and a good balanced supply of minerals. Many of these minerals (eg selenium and zinc), are increasingly rare in the terrestrial food chain. Also, when you eat fish, it automatically reduces the contribution of other food (as opposed to what happens with supplements.) In interpreting the apparent contradiction between the results of Danish and results of our studies, it highlights the relative importance of routine medical care during pregnancy compared with prepregnancy advice.
routine in many countries control is of 10 visits. Each visit offers the opportunity to practice a battery of tests. These traditional patterns of medical care based on the belief that more prenatal visits mean better results. This is not based on scientific data.
Review of routine medical care concept
British studies have failed to find a relationship between a late onset of prenatal care (more than 28 weeks gestation) and any maternal or neonatal adverse outcome (4), or between the number of visits and the onset of eclampsia (5). This casts doubt on the effectiveness of such protocols. Within the Britsh National Health Service (NHS UK), number of visits is not as directly related to socioeconomic status as it is in the U.S. This makes the results of British studies comparatively easier to interpret than the American studies (6.7). However, it is worth examining the report of the CDC's Morbidity and Mortalily Weekly, dated December 6, 2002 (CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) in USA. There appears that women who were born outside the United States are more likely than their counterparts in race and ethnicity were born in USA, to start late prenatal monitoring, or not following any antenatal care. However (or perhaps because of it ?) Women born in Sweden, are more likely than their counterparts born outside the United States to give birth prematurely (11 '9% versus 10.5 %), or giving birth to underweight babies (7.9% versus 6.4%).
fruitful also analyze studies comparing the different programs of prenatal visits. One of them took place in California, the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center (8). A second study in South London, included 2794 women (9). The third, conducted by WHO, involved 53 centers in Thailand, Cuba, Saudi Arabia and Argentina (10). None of these studies showed some benefit from conventional programs compared to programs with fewer visits.
One might ask whether women are a greater number of antenatal visits give birth more easily than those who do not make any visits. For obvious reasons it is impossible to conduct a randomized study. A study on the effects of cocaine in the progress of labor, so unexpected suggested otherwise (11). The researchers realized that a third of consumers had not taken cocaine prenatal versus 4% of nonusers. For this reason it was essential to determine the average expansion at the time of admission among non-users of cocaine who had not followed prenatal care. It appeared that the average expansion at the time of admission in this group was 5.4 cm, while among those who had more than four antenatal visits was 3.8 cm (the average was between 4'63 using cocaine). Reconsideration
the content of prenatal visits
Until recently the main reason for the first prenatal visit was to confirm the diagnosis of pregnancy and to determine their age. Since pregnancy tests are safe and can be purchased without a prescription, most women confirm their pregnancy before seeing a health professional and reliable manner known date of conception. Knowing that pregnancy lasts about nine months from conception, we can calculate the expected date of delivery. So we can say that the primary reason for early control and pregnancy has gone.
The routine ultrasound during pregnancy has become the symbol of modern control pregnancy. It is also one of the most expensive. A number of studies comparing the effects of routine ultrasound versus selective use of ultrasound on birth outcomes.
One of these randomized studies, published by the New England Journal of Medicine, includes 15,151 pregnant women (12). The last statement of the article is clear: Whatever proposed interpretation, the results of this study clearly indicate that ultrasound screening does not improve perinatal outcomes in daily practice in the United States .
is this time, an article in the British Medical Journal (13) compared data from other four randomized similar (meta-analysis). The authors concluded that: The routine ultrasound screening does not improve pregnancy outcomes in terms of increasing the number of live births or reduce perinatal morbidity. The routine use of ultrasound can be effective and useful as a detector of malformations. However, the use for this purpose should be explicit and take into account the risk of false positive diagnoses and ethical factors .
is possible that in the future, a new generation of studies (within the structure of the Primal Health Research) would call into question the absolute safety of exposure Repeated ultrasound for fetal life. The selective use would have the effect of greatly reducing the number of scans, especially in the early and most vulnerable stage of pregnancy.
Even among the group of high-risk pregnancies, the use of ultrasound is not as necessary as people think. The evidence from randomized trials suggests that the ultrasonography of intrauterine growth retardation does not improve outcomes despite increased medical surveillance (14,15). In pregnancies with diabetes, has shown that ultrasound measurements are no better than clinical examination to identify babies macrosoma (16). This recalls the title of a memorable editorial British Journal of Obstetrics and Ginaecology: Guess the weight of the baby (Guess the baby's weight).
In most countries, the number of red blood cells (hemoglobin), is routinely monitored during pregnancy. There is widespread belief that this test can effectively detect anemia and iron deficiency. But this test can not diagnose iron deficiency, because it is assumed that the blood volume of pregnant women increases dramatically. Therefore hemoglobin concentrations than indicated in the first place is the degree of blood dilution resulting from placental activity. In a large British study about 153,602 pregnancies (17), was the highest average birth weight was between the group of women with hemoglobin concentrations between 8.5 and 9.5. And yet, when the hemoglobin remains above 10.5 in the last weeks of pregnancy increases the risk of low birth weight, premature delivery and pre-eclampsia. The unfortunate result of a routine evaluation of the hemoglobin level is that, worldwide, millions of pregnant women are mistakenly reports that are anemic should take iron supplements. There is a tendency to ignore the side effects of iron (constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, etc.) and to forget that iron inhibits the absorption of other important factors for development such as zinc (18). In addition, iron is an oxidizing substance which can exacerbate the lipid peroxidation (free radicals), which always involves an increased risk of pre-eclampsia (19).
In some countries, another routine screenings are helpful in diagnosing called gestational diabetes. For this reason the test is used glucose tolerance. If blood glucose (rate of glucose in the blood) is considered too high after the absorption of sugar, the test is positive. This diagnosis is useless because it simply reinforces the simple recommendations to be made to todas las mujeres embarazadas, tales como: evitar azúcares puros (incluyendo los refrescos, las bebidas gaseosas, etc.), elegir carbohidratos integrales (pasta, pan, arroz, etc.); hacer suficiente ejercicio físico. Un amplio estudio canadiense demostró que el único efecto de los tests de tolerancia a la glucosa era informar de que el 2,7% de las mujeres embarazadas tienen diabetes gestacional (20). El diagnóstico no cambió los resultados del parto.
También la rutina de medición de la presión sanguínea durante el embarazo debe ser reconsiderada. Originalmente, esta propuesta servía para detectar signos preliminares de pre-eclampsia, especialmente hacia el final del primer embarazo. Pero el increased blood pressure without protein in the urine, is associated with good perinatal outcomes (21,22,23,24). The prerequisite for diagnosing pre-eclampsia is the presence of more than 300 mg of protein in urine for 24 hours. Therefore, it is easier to use special reactive strips periodically urinalysis can be bought at the pharmacy. Under these conditions, the taking of blood pressure is not essential.
What can he offer the doctor? Once
questioned the true purpose of routine medical care in pregnancy and after evaluating the content of the visits 'antenatal' We explore the issue from a third perspective. We may ask, once conceived the baby, what can the physician to improve results. Since prematurity is a major concern, let me focus on what they can offer medical care to reduce the incidence of births before term. Recently, much research focuses on the potential for antibiotic prophylaxis. A large randomized multicenter trial of 6,295 women, was not favorable to the use of antibiotics (25). Besides the treatment of vaginal infections in early pregnancy does not reduce the risk of incidence of preterm birth (26). Cervical cerclage has been widely used to reduce the risk of preterm delivery, especially in cases of short neck or cervix incompetent. Indeed, data on the validity of this technique are conflicting and show that doubles the risk of postpartum fever (27). Medical interventions do not reduce the risk of birth of children with growth retardation. Often the bed rest is useless and even harmful.
From the point of view of the expecting mother, the first question should be: What can the doctor do for me and my baby if I know I'm pregnant and feel like the baby is growing? . The doctor must respond with humility No too much, too little, apart from detecting a large anomaly and provide abortion. COUNCIL BOOST
While we have data indicating how medical care in pregnancy represent a vast waste of time and money, we feel urgency to focus attention on what can be done before conception. Today it is clear that the prevention of abnormalities such as spina bifida, is effective before conception: Almost everyone has heard about folic acid. In terms of nutrition we emphasize the factors revealed by a comparative study of Danish and our own studies on fish consumption. Large amount of data from a variety of medical disciplines indicates what should be considered a priority for the health of generations not designed: intrauterine pollution by soluble synthetic chemicals accumulated over the years in the adipose tissue. The establishment of a preconceptional program as our accordion method could reduce the overhead of synthetic pollutants body before conceiving a baby (28). It is the same data concerning prospective parents from developing the concept of development toxic male mediation: it is known today that certain diseases or developmental disorders occur more frequently when the man has been exposed to certain contaminants.
The good news is that there is already a part of the population (especially women) who, on the one hand, they know the limits of medicine in pregnancy and on the other hand, they recognize the enormous potential of preconception preparation. Thanks to his motivation and generosity, Primal Research Center is now able to conduct a long-term study to answer a simple question: What is the effectiveness of the method accordion?
time will develop an interest in health generations are not designed?. If we had the answer to this question could anticipate how long it will be necessary to balance the important relationship between preconception counseling and prenatal care. Recent studies indicate the extent of our responsibility for the health of future generations. Some researchers have collected data on food available during a certain period of poverty in Sweden (1890), compared with the more opulent times (1905, 1920). The conclusion is that the risk of dying from diabetes is significantly higher if the paternal grandfather was exposed to excessive eating during childhood (29). We do not want to conclude by saying
there is no absolute need for medical visits during pregnancy: we can not make a comprehensive list of all the reasons why a woman may need consultation or assistance of a qualified health professional before giving birth. It is the word routine which should be discarded. It is easy to explain why current practices are a waste of time and money is even easier to explain why they are potentially dangerous. It is dangerous to misinterpret the results of a routine test and tell a healthy pregnant woman who is anemic and need iron supplements. It is dangerous to make a decision rather high voltage isolation, as bad news. It is dangerous to say to a pregnant woman who has gestational diabetes .
Generally, this is the style used in prenatal care, which constantly focuses on potential problems with a strong nocebo effect (30,31,32).
The decline of routine prenatal medical care should be followed by the rediscovery of the basic needs of the pregnant woman. I remember with pleasure the happy atmosphere that accumulated during the evening by singing the Pithiviers Maternity Hospital in France. These sessions and cato probably had more positive effects on developing babies in the womb that the series of scans. Pregnant women need to socialize and share experiences. It's easy to create chances for it, swimming, practice yoga, prenatal workouts, ... Let us dream about the potential for future parents restaurants! Michel Odent
Honda 2004 License Plate

Philip Steer, professor, M Ash Alam, medical student, b Jane Wadsworth, senior lecturer, c Anne Welch, research assistant d
to the Academic Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London SW10 9NH, b St Bartholomew's Hospital Medical College, London EC1A 7Be, c Academic Department of Public Health, St Mary's Hospital Medical School, London W2 1PG, d Academic Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, St Mary's Hospital Medical School, London W2 1PG
Design: Retrospective analysis of 153,602 pregnancies in women of different ethnic groups and birth weight of their children. The data were taken a regional database from 1988-91. The measurement of hemoglobin taken into account was the lowest obtained during pregnancy.
Location: Northeast Thames. Show
: 115,262 white women, 22,206 Indo-Pakistanis, 4570 Afro-Caribbean, Mediterranean 2642, 3,905 African black women, 2,351 Oriental and 2,666 from other ethnic groups.
Size: was considered low birth weight (<2500> Results: The mean birth weight in children of white women was higher hemoglobin levels during pregnancy under the age of 85-95 g / l; the lowest incidence of low birth weight and premature births took place in the group whose hemoglobin concentration during pregnancy was less than 95-105 g / l. In all ethnic groups showed a similar pattern of results.
Conclusions: The magnitude of the drop in hemoglobin levels during pregnancy is associated with birth weight, the difficulty of the body to maintain hemoglobin concentration below 105 g / l indicates an increased risk low birth weight and premature birth. This phenomenon is observed in all ethnic groups. Some ethnic groups have higher rates of low birth weight and premature births than women white, but also have higher concentrations of hemoglobin. The increase in the rate of "anemia," does not explain the higher rates of low birth weight that occur with any type of hemoglobin.
key ideas
- Failure to reduce body hemoglobin concentration during pregnancy increases the incidence of low birth weight and preterm births
- Routine administration of iron supplements during pregnancy is unnecessary in terms of fetal development in most of the pregnancy.
- could mean corpuscular volume be a better indicator of iron deficiency in the mother, but would require a prospective study in this regard.
In a normal pregnancy which is not given to the mother no iron supplementation, hemoglobin levels in maternal blood down from average levels before pregnancy to 133 g / l to an average of 110 g / l at 36 weeks. 1 hemoglobin concentration decreases shortly before 20 weeks, is held constant until week 30 and then gradually descends 3 Therefore, any measure of hemoglobin performed after 20 weeks is reasonably representative of the decrease induced by pregnancy. If this decline may be considered or not, "Anaemia" remains a controversial issue. The World Health Organization in its report Nutritional 1972, suggested that we can consider that a pregnant woman is anemic when their hemoglobin levels drop below the 110 g / l 4 , [...] A recent study of 8,684 pregnant women in Oxford (one of the busiest areas in the UK) suggested that 47% of women had iron deficiency having adverse effects on the ratio of placental weight / birth weight, which could lead to suffering hypertension later. 5
supplementation with iron and folic acid in pregnant women reduced by 5% the incidence of hemoglobin levels below 110g / l. 1 Therefore, routine prophylaxis is commonly referred 7 In contrast, a recent review of 20 randomized controlled studies contributed to the conclusion that "routine supplementation has no detectable effect on maternal health and not in fetal or in particular, to prevent premature birth, low birth weight or neonatal morbidity. Available data from clinical studies provide no evidence to support routine iron supplementation versus supplementation selective. [...] The routine supplementation should be granted only in cases where iron deficiency is common in the population. "
8 [...]
Discussion Our study shows a strong association between weight birth and the hemoglobin concentration during pregnancy. Not only is an increase of between 5 and 7 times in premature births and low birth weight babies if the lower hemoglobin concentration during pregnancy remained above 145 g / l but the concentration of hemoglobin associated with increased fetal weight (86-95 g / l) were lower than is commonly appreciated. Fetal weight is, by itself, the most important determinant of mortality during the first year of life, 9 and appears to be a good indicator of the efficiency of a woman to "hold" the fetus, according to this criterion, a decreased hemoglobin level below 100 g / l in the second quarter stops optimal. This fact probably reflects a good expansion / increase in plasma volume. 10 11 The failure to lower hemoglobin levels below "optimal" are also associated with an increased risk of pre-eclampsia, 12 the birth of children of low gestational age, 12 13 14 15 17 16 and premature birth. 9 18 [...] The mechanism by which plasma volume expansion promotes fetal growth is still unknown, but could be a reduction of blood viscosity, promoting their movement at a slower rate in space between the blood vessels of the mother and fetus.
hemoglobin concentrations below 95 g / l appear to be remarkably safe. Our study shows that, although low hemoglobin levels are more common in certain ethnic groups, especially women African, Afro-Caribbean, and Indo-Pakistanis, this does not explain the increase in preterm births and low birth weight in these groups because they remain the same TAS in different subgroups with different concentrations of hemoglobin. Birth weight and gestation length are genetically programmed to be different in these groups, and there are significant physiological differences, so that the worst results in terms of perinatal mortality should be analyzed in more detailed studies on neonatal morbidity. Many authors have stressed that more attention should be paid to high hemoglobin levels during pregnancy to low 9 12 13 14 15 16 18 17 and some have argued against the routine use of iron supplements during pregnancy. 19 20 21 [...] Continue
anemia may feel genuine (not a low concentration of hemoglobin) have adverse effects on fetal growth, as suggested by Godfrey et al. 5 is necessary, therefore, a more specific definition. Ferritin is not a useful measure because it also drops significantly during pregnancy, regardless of whether or not a supplement of iron. Without 22 However, the mean corpuscular volume remains constant, 22 so it could be a more robust indicator, although it can be confusing if the bulky effect of concurrent deficiency of folate. Studies are needed that relate the proposed variables fetal and neonatal function to replace some other deceptive variables.
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Cruising Spots Clapham
Men and women, scientists and professionals working in different fields of life and knowledge, parents worried about the world in which our sons and daughters will grow, we believe it necessary to make the following statement:
is true that it is common for babies to cry Western society, but it is true that 'is normal'. Babies always cry for something that upsets them: sleep, fear, hunger, or the most common, and usually because of previous lack of physical contact with his mother or others in emotional environment.
Crying is the only mechanism that babies have to send us your feeling sick, whatever the reason for it, in their expectations, their phylogenetic continuum is not expected to be attended this crying because they have no other means to advise on the discomfort felt by themselves and can not take steps to resolve it.
The newborn baby's body is designed to take the mother's lap all you need to survive and feel good: food, warmth, attachment, for this reason has no notion of waiting, since being in his place applicable, is within reach everything you need, the baby grew up in the melee with the mother need not know the feeling of hunger, cold, loneliness, and never cried. As Jean Liedloff U.S. says in his book The Continuum Concept, the baby's place is the cradle or infant carrier or stroller, but the human lap. This is true during the first year of life, and the first two months of almost exclusively (hence the old famous "quarantine" of postpartum), then the laps of other bodies in the environment can be substitutes for some moments. Baby development itself indicates the end of the symbiotic period: when ossification is complete and the baby starts walking, then slowly begins to become autonomous and to rid the symbiotic state.
The truth is obvious, simple and obvious.
The infant baby milk suitable for making your digestive system and can regulate its composition with duration of breast feeds, which brought the baby in the lap of the mother does not usually have digestive problems.
When the baby cries and can not be accommodated, cry more and more desperate because they are suffering. There are psychologists who say that when left unattended in a baby crying more than three minutes, something deep cracks in the integrity of the creature, and confidence in your environment.
parents, although we have been educated in the belief that 'it is normal for children to cry' and 'must leave them to get used to mourn, 'and we are therefore particularly stunned to his crying does not affect us, sometimes we can not tolerate. Of course if you're a little about them, feel their pain and suffering felt like himself. We stir the bowels and can not consent to their pain. We're not entirely dehumanized. So behavioral methods proposed to go slowly, for each day that take a little more mutual suffering. This is a common name, which is the 'Administration of Torture', it is a real torture inflicted on the babies when we do this, and we inflict on ourselves, however much they dress up educational standards or pediatric.
Several U.S. and Canadian scientists (biologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, etc..) In the nineties, conducted several investigations of great importance in relation to the primal stage of human life, demonstrated that rubbing skin to skin, body the body, the baby with her mother and other relatives, produces chemical modulators required for the formation of neurons and the immune system, in short, that the lack of physical affection disrupts the normal development of human creatures. Why babies sleep when left alone in their cots, crying demanding nature knows what belongs to them.
created in the West in the last 50 years a culture and habits, driven by multinationals, which eliminates this melee mother to child rearing and dehumanizes: to replace the plastic skin and human milk formula is separated and closer to the child of his mother. Even models have made special talkis walkies hear baby from rooms away from hers. Industrial and technological development has not been put to use in small human creatures, reaching the automation of the mother's role to extremes.
Simultaneously with this culture of parenting babies, increasingly medicalized motherhood of women, what should be a joyful stage of our sex life becomes a painful disease. Delivered to medical protocols, women numbing sensation and touch with our bodies, and we lose a part of our sexuality: the joy of pregnancy, childbirth and exterogestación, including breastfeeding. Same time women have accessed a male professional and employment, made by men and for men, and therefore excludes maternity maternity why industrialized society has been locked in a private household. However, for millennia women have done their homework and activities with his creatures hanging from their bodies, as still happens in non-Westernized societies. The image of the woman with her child must return to public arenas, labor and professional, failing to destroy the future of human development.
In the short run, the robot model of parenting is not harmful, nothing happens, the creatures survive, but scientists such as Michel Odent (1999 and, supported by several epidemiological studies have shown the direct relationship between different aspects of robotics and diseases that occur in adulthood. Moreover, the escalating violence in all public and private spheres, as demonstrated by studies of the German-Swiss psychologist Alice Miller (1980) and the American neurophysiologist James W. Prescott (1975), to cite just two names, also comes the bad treatment and lack of bodily pleasure in the first stage of human life. There are also studies showing the correlation between drug addiction and mental disorders, with assault and neglect suffered in the primal stage. Why babies cry when they need what they take away; ell @ s know what they need, which would correspond at the time of their lives.
should feel a deep respect and gratitude to the crying of babies, and think humbly that do not cry for nothing, or much less, because are bad. Them and they teach us what we're doing wrong.
should also recognize what we feel in our guts when a baby cries, it can confuse the mind, but it is more difficult to confuse the visceral perception. The baby room is our lap: in the matter, baby and our guts are in agreement, and both have their reasons.
not true that the co-bedding (the practice of putting babies to sleep with their parents) is a risk factor for the phenomenon known as 'sudden death'. According to The Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths, the majority of deaths due to 'sudden death' occurring in the crib. Statistically, therefore, is safer for baby to sleep in bed with their parents to sleep alone (Ángel Álvarez
For all that we have discussed, we express our grave concern about the spread of the method proposed by neurologist E. Estivill Child Sleep in his book (based in turn on the Ferber method disclosed in United States) to foster and promote tolerance of parents with crying babies, this is an especially radical behaviorism and especially bad considering that the baby is still in a formative stage. It is a method for treating sleep disorders, as sometimes occurs, but to put human life at an early age. The dire consequences of this approach have begun to become apparent.
We need a culture and science for a breeding line with our human nature because we are not robots, but human beings we feel and we shudder when we lack the melee with our elders. To support this, so your son or your daughter suffer and stop, and if you feel bad when you listen to mourn your baby, get case, take it in her arms to feel and feel what you're asking, possibly only that what want and need contact with your body. Do not deny it.
When an infant learns in a room that is useless nest scream ... is suffering its first experience of submission. (Michel Odent)
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Dr. Ron Schultz Leptospirosis
Music is a fundamental element in this first stage of the education system because the child is expressed differently, is more sociable, takes care of himself and the environment. It is also constantly interacting with music and learn to coexist better with other children. At this stage of the music they love children, and in turn is involved in its development, providing emotional security and confidence because they feel understood by sharing songs, as well as wrap in a climate of support, cooperation and mutual respect.
The music is also beneficial to the child about the power of concentration, and improve their learning in mathematics. It also facilitates children learning other languages, thus improving memory.
Below is a player with some children's songs to choose from.