Consuelo Ruiz Vélez-Frías Midwife.
Birth is a wonderful fact that occurs spontaneously and perfectly, is the beginning of a free life, independent of any life, animal or plant and which, as with its antithesis, death the human will have very limited free disposal of both. In creation there are living beings and inert matter, things within our reach, and others that are beyond our control. Human reason suggests that all creation should follow a program, a plan that all must have been created for something, you must have a practical purpose for everything, especially for things you do alone, that nobody manufactures and usually much higher than those manufactured.
a couple of days ago I noticed that in an empty pot on the terrace had gone stiff and pimpante two leaves, precious they were and asked my friend Sophie told me that they were orange leaves, which she had put on earth an orange pipe "to see if he was something." Assuming that these two leaves grow, multiply and be able to become an orange, you can not say it was Sofia who created it. Sofia was only the agent who provided the orange pipe conditions needed land, water, air and sun for a simple pipe could develop the power, the power I had inside for taking the materials of the earth and water, power autofabricarse the moment, two leaves. But it's not so easy, make a tree, I've got, sometimes seeds in pots and some have left and others are not.
The birth of a human being is also the result of depositing a human seed, the spermatozoa within the uterus, a female body specially built to serve the human seed pot should be supplemented with another gamete, the egg, made, grown and matured in the ovaries. I am inclined to believe that everything is programmed playback beforehand because neither the egg nor the espermatoozo used alone to form a new being. First they have to mature, to lose both, half of the chromosomes contained in its nucleus. The egg has to grow, reaching 200 times greater than its original size and the male gamete has to be provided with a vibrating tail which allows it to reach the egg, penetrate it and mix and unify the two nuclei, joining the two halves chromosome of each core to complete the exact number of chromosomes that correspond to the human species.
That first cell of a new being, is called a zygote and its nucleus contains the chromosomes of mixed male and female, and those of their ancestors that have not been eliminated in the maturation. The combinations can be endless and because of them, no two individuals are exactly alike, but humanity is improving in every way. Logically, it is normal that you eliminate the worst Nature genes, the least interested in preserving. The difference between primitive man and the present is enormous and many ordinary things in modern life even dared to imagine our distant ancestors. But human knowledge is limited. From the mythical Tower of Babel, the man must understand that it can not do everything that is proposed, that even in the XXI century there are things that man is not impossible can still do that it pays to know first how to make themselves spontaneously and gauge whether a man can do it better or not, because to make them worse, to complicate, it is better to leave them as they are. The birth of human being in the background is very simple, but it depends on many factors. First, the two carriers of gametes must have reached its full development and it is desirable that they are healthy, free of faults or defects, because from this genetic material is to form another individual. To form the zygote is a necessary condition to unite closely, to amalgamate, forming a single cell, an egg and a sperm. In viviparous reproduction gametes do not work the same. You can cross, to a certain extent, different races, but you can not get a first cell of another with two eggs or two sperm.
This is a natural law that we have no choice but to accept. On second thought, I think that it is prepared on purpose for the new being has at his disposal two different people, physically and mentally, perhaps because life is going to need them. Theoretically, the sex you get, among animals, and between human instinct for love. Females of most quadrupeds cover left by the male if they are in heat. I learned a lot about breeding viviparous and the birth of the queen of my parents, "Butterfly", which started one day the tail of a cat bite because he did not want to stay pregnant. Among viviparous animals there is always a procession prior to fertilization and naturally in the human species should have. It is true that in the course of history, women have not always been able to choose the father of her children, but in modern times, in civilized countries, we did the majority of women who wanted a son, not of any but from that to which we loved, precisely because we wanted to have the qualities that we had Call me attention, had we fall in love this man and wanted a son like him.
man in love I think there are a large percentage of admiration, you start by loving what you like, what seduces, that little by little, sometimes unwittingly be making a grab the idea that we admire the becomes known friend, the friend, companion, companion, boyfriend, fiance boyfriend, husband and future father of our children. Naturally, this process has classic alternatives, depends on many factors and is therefore highly variable and not without surprises, but in the end, at least one hand there is the desire to be "forever" about be loved and when creams that we have achieved because we live, eat and sleep on it, your family and friends beside us support o. tolerate us, women, I know from personal experience, if we are truly in love, we still want to have you over us, forever more, we want to have a child who is like him, in which differences are excusable, and due to the influence they have had our own genes into the making of the child.
[...] A newborn is always or almost always, the fruit of love and therefore deserves to be treated with respect. I had a hard time attending the birth of a woman abandoned, abused, alone, for whatever reason. I did not know how to behave, or to talk with her. Nor could pretend to know his situation, although he knew and to treat labor as the others, because every birth and every woman is different. The only thing the same in all births is the joy that gives birth to a child seeing alive and well, consider a pure eyes, seems innocent wonder if they're going to let live, as if they're going to hesitate to do so. These early looks made me forget the moment, the sleepless nights, days without eating, walking, the various concerns that carried the birth, when there were no factories of births, when each delivery was an important event for all and was responsible in First, a humble midwife. Of course, with the proper knowledge of ethics and obstetrics and to be gracefully, like many colleagues of mine who were honored with a beautiful profession, unfortunately endangered and very different from what was traditionally, as a result of their own Nor is the woman before.
The birth has lost its status as a pleasant family event which was described for millennia, but despite efforts to do so, it has not been universally accepted as a dangerous disease that should be avoided and look for another system indispensable for repopulation of our planet. Perhaps not the most important in the birth of human beings, the potential future shortage of soldiers for the wars and workers for agriculture and industry, but that "no one knows why! smile that has made millions and millions of mothers with newborns, looking ecstatic, the face your baby, forgetting, suddenly suffering, worries and pains. It is true that every newborn "bring a loaf under his arm, quite the contrary. As-bearing species have been progressing, childbirth and care offspring has become more difficult and complicated, which is no less a paradox. In humans, the most developed among the viviparous animals, has reached such an extent that the Women give up, willingly or forced by circumstances to conclude personally for normal physiological function that normally provides the equipment and adequate system, just in the earliest stage, the easier and more rewarding the whole process.
is shocking is not capable of giving birth alone in the middle of a woman of childbearing age, able to ovulate, conceive and stay in your uterus and nurture with his blood, through the placental system, for 280 days that is, until its full development, a human embryo. It is recognized that the woman is a being similar to the male, but not exactly like him. In all living beings there sexual dimorphism due to which, at first glance, differences are appreciated, as the existence of some bodies that make the two sexes are complementary in the important task of reproduction. Both sexes have organs, tissues and organs such, when it comes to carrying out vital functions. Nobody would admit that healthy women not able to breathe, swallow, walk, think, speak, move, as does the man under the same conditions. The physiological functions are carried out completely, from the beginning to the end, nothing is left unfinished. The bolus which makes chewing food, the stomach is responsible, through digestion converting into chyle, so that nutrients can enter the blood through the small intestine, while the bulk is responsible for collecting and depositing waste into the rectum for evacuation through the anus. Normally, the digestion is done well, whether you eat at home, at work, at a restaurant or a banquet, and of course men and women make digestion completely and such because their digestive systems are very similar. Of course there indigestion, digestion cuts, diarrhea, constipation, etc.. But do not depend on sex but of different reasons that are often analyzed and explained.
However, there is no explanation why a healthy pregnant woman can not give birth at home or wherever, in the same exact conditions that make their other physiological functions. It is understood that the man can not conceive, birth or breastfeeding because it has no suitable organs for it, because its mission is different. But the primary mission of the woman should be giving birth, when all born with a genital tract, especially prepared for this purpose. My opinion is that the major complication of childbirth is supine ignorance of what is, what the birth, talking about their rights, first of all would know what happens in the body of the woman who has a son , natural what happens, if it can or should intervene active at birth, as we participate in other functions of life. No one disputes the right of women to open windows and balconies to air out your house and she does it thinking that the air will be healthier and she and her family will breathe better, and to bring the beans to soak and cook the vegetables to steam. From time immemorial human beings have explored ways to make easier and more enjoyable necessary functions and the woman has had a major role in this effort to make things easier. No physical or moral reason to relegate women to the role of inert matter of being ignorant and incapable in a physiological function that relates directly, which is her personal and spontaneously who must carry it out, anyone can do it better than she was born deliberately prepared for that.
is shameful that in the XXI Century, women do not know what is delivery, how and why it stops and the best, easiest and most enjoyable way to do it, still has gynecologists think that "women not have to know anything, because that's why we're us. (sic) I do not know if "we" referred to gynecologists or boys. There is no reason to be unfit for all women and Birth "of course, to attend the birth as if it were a disease, gynecology, that is, by doctors specializing in diseases and female nurses, midwives denom that without a school and a specialization in generic hospital. Nor is the disappearance of the professions especially dedicated to delivery. The obstetrician and midwife professions, nor the disappearance of the Maternity, making the delivery as it is: a disease. The least we can claim, mothers and babies, is that we explain the reasons for such change, we are not treated as subnomales, unable to act as intelligent beings, not more lies told on serious matter.
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