Leo with astonishment that the Aragonese government has given approval to build a macro-casino, call it that, in the middle of Los Monegros
( http://www.elpais.com/articulo/ espana/Monegros/tierra/espias/casinos/elpepuesp/20071213elpepinac_14/Tes )
expected or intended that the huge center becomes the first tourist destination on the peninsula, which receives more than 25 million visitors year.
guess in the development of the project and will be thinking how to build and how they will share the benefits. My question as a psychiatrist children is how they get Aragon authorities tourists. I refer specifically to whether they think a plan that will allow the go and getting those 25 million people who are high on your holiday spending money at a casino in the middle of Los Monegros. Because let me advise them to get addicted to this volume of the most profitable game would start as children, since studies show that it is quite difficult to get a healthy and emotionally stable adult becomes a compulsive gambler. So as a child psychiatrist I can think of several fairly inexpensive suggestions to contribute to the production of 25 million addicts.
First I must be encouraged to raise any children remain an obstacle course. Nothing to streamline work schedules of parents or extended maternity leave and paternity. Instead it is recommended that pregnant women continue working until the end of her pregnancy, which will increase preterm birth and hyperactive children with attention deficit (which we now know is a condition favored by stress in pregnancy and which if not treated in time favors a range of other disorders). Moreover protocols should continue to apply to all parturients obsolete conducive to further increase the number of caesarean sections and babies spend the first hours of life away from their mothers and fathers, thus putting the link and lactation are far more difficult task of what nature has planned to increase postpartum depression and family crisis. To return to work is a source of tremendous stress and that with current pay both parents have to work to afford a place in the private nurseries will also contribute to your goal. If in subsequent years continuously sick children, need high doses of antibiotics and asthma medications is a sign that we are on the right track.
As for the school stage the guideline to follow is also quite simple: just keep doing everything possible to stop public school run by investing in it as little as possible, encouraging the best teachers feel all alone and burned. To do no more than maintain the current ratios of 20 and 22 children from three years in early childhood education teacher, including all those with special educational needs in the same classroom without any support. Of course we will continue giving priority to children newly arrived from other countries attend public schools joining in the course that touches their age and that the concert is still the place to which children are "good" families, we can be sure that this tactic also will pay off. Throughout all the education we can encourage students to engage priority is to learn to use the Internet and computers before reading a single book or having climbed one mountain.
also will help continue to bombard children with all types of advertisements on television, radio and newspapers encouraging them to ask their parents all kinds of toys and packaged foods loaded with dyes and preservatives. To fare better preparing the further proliferation for their birthdays and holidays so-called "children's entertainment centers" where can surfeit of coca-cola and worms and then fight with their friends in the ball pools.
In secondary education there is to do much more than it already is doing: Please send to 12 years at the institutes to feel as lost as possible, encourage them to smoke and drink alcohol from 13 to 14 years and teach them so they can be thin and look like boys and girls you see in the TV series and commercials. 25% of school failure is likely to be increasing.
While it is important that if a child gives signs of depression or anxiety can not be handled with the dedication and time required, much less proven professionals. Remain one of only two European countries where child psychiatry is not recognized by law is highly desirable. Just to follow with some very poor resources in the network of mental health (child and adult) that make a child if anyone needs 12 sessions of psychotherapy to an anxiety disorder will probably only get two or three, or if you have attention deficit the only treatment he is going to offer medication. Family therapies are treatment of choice for many disorders of adolescence continue to be excluded from benefits.
With all these policies is easier than ever there are more teenagers hooked on alcohol, snuff, to chat or video games. Clear that as these kids drop out of that and I have to work hard to not know where they will be able to get the money to go to the casino on vacation. Surely not then be surprised if these guys end up stealing to afford their dreams come true. Thereby also recommend them for part of the benefits of the Grand Casino de los Monegros to build more jails for children, which as you know also produce huge profits.
Finally, I insist that not even think to spend money on improving conditions for all workers, or providing better means schools and public health or social services, much less something as ridiculous as to promote responsible drinking and love to land, because we know that all that could derail his fantastic project to get 25 million addicts, as you think this casino "will be the showcase of Aragon to the world." Lest all these people end preferring a walk in the beautiful Pyrenees for a day at the casino ...
Ibone Olza
Child Psychiatrist
Ibone Olza
Child Psychiatrist
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