"Following the example of the Good Shepherd, you have to feed the flock entrusted to you and defend of ravenous wolves. Cause of division and discord in your church communities are well-know-what sects and movements "pseudo-spiritual" that speaks the Puebla document (n. 628), whose aggressive expansion and urges face. As
many of you have noted, the progress of the sect emphasizes a pastoral vacuum, which is often the cause in the lack of training, which undermines the Christian identity and causes large numbers of Catholics without appropriate religious care, among other reasons for lack of priests, are at the mercy of sectarian proselytism campaigns very active. But it can happen that the faithful will not find in the pastoral strong sense of God that they should pass on in their lives. "Such situations can be an opportunity for many poor and simple," as unfortunately is happening, they become easy prey to sects in seeking a religious sense of life that might not find in those it would have to offer with both hands "(Apostolic Letter Paths of the Gospel, 20).
Moreover, one can not underestimate a certain strategy whose objective is to weaken the ties that bind Latin America and thus undermine the forces that arise from the unit. For this purpose, devote significant financial resources to fund propaganda campaigns, trying to crack this catholic unity.
The worrying phenomenon of sects must respond with pastoral action At the heart of everything the person, its European dimension and their desire a personal relationship with God, is a fact that where the presence of the Church is dynamic, as is the case of the parishes in which is provided with ongoing formation in the Word of God, where there is active and participated liturgy, a strong Marian devotion, an effective social solidarity in the field, a strong pastoral care for the family, young and sick, we see that the sects or para-religious movements fail to install or move.
Deep-rooted popular religious
of the faithful, with their extraordinary values \u200b\u200bof faith and piety, sacrifice and solidarity, properly evangelized and joyfully celebrated, oriented around the mysteries of Christ and Virgin Mary, may be, for its roots predominantly Catholic, an antidote against sects and a guarantee of fidelity to the message of salvation. "
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