Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Modest Cocktail Dresses For Older People

CCOO union section of PANRICO supports the United Left candidate to the City of Sevilla


Several hundred union members, including Section CCOO Trade Union Panrico met June 9 in the CREA building in an act of support for the candidacy of the United Left the City of Seville.
In their speeches stressed the idea that the United Left political force has been the benchmark for the various committees and companies in control, who told her to seek institutional support. It recalled the role of UI in the General Strike and the support given to companies like Mercasevilla, Tussam, Lipasam and others who have experienced the threat of outsourcing.
In the final statement, Antonio Rodrigo Torrijos welcomed the presence of the union and said he had to go further, proposing a strategic alliance to work side by side in the coming years by a Seville without inequalities.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What Are The Notes For Sweet Dreams

2 º Argentine Congress

6 and October 7, 2011 - National University of Tucumán
With the endorsement and support of the

University Policies Secretariat Ministry of Education's

This congress aims to promote, systematize and disseminate results on the tutorial system being developed at the National Universities.
From the Secretariat of University Policies are promoted various projects to improve and support the quality of education that promote the installation of various mentoring schemes, which cooperate in resolving issues related to the problem the entry, stay and departure of the various races.
know that there are currently many initiatives tutorials that are in various stages of evolution, as well as increasing production of specific material, and records of concrete experiences, which enable us to carry out processes of review, reflection and evaluation of the proceedings.
We are convinced that the proposal to assess the experiences in this Congress will create an instance of integration of activities and tutoring systems together so that the process is established as an articulate and coherent events to generate new policies.
Since the system mentoring work proposes a meeting between tutors and students, the assessment should be able to reflect all dimensions: subjective, social, technical, epistemological, political, institutional, ethical and ideological. To this end, we propose the participation of all stakeholders (Academic Authorities, Coordinators, Teachers, Tutors and Tutorandos) and the combination of quantitative and qualitative approach.
therefore understand that the evaluation is needed as it allows review: achievements and challenges presented in order to make good decisions with the ultimate aim of securing tutoring systems.

Mr. Victor Kowalski (Faculty of Engineering, National University of Misiones)
Dr. Lisa Laco (Facultad Regional General Pacheco of the National Technological University)
Ms. Celina Curti (University Network of Greater Buenos Aires) Eng Esp
Angel Augusto Roggiero, Elina Verónica Videla, Mr. Erica Beatriz Roggiero (Faculty of Applied Sciences Industry at the National University of Cuyo)
Mg Nestor Blanco, John S. Eng. Pavlicevic, Esp Claudia L. Minnaard, Esp Marta S. Comoglio (Faculty of Engineering of the Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora)
Prof. Teresa H Codagnone; Mg.Ing. Adolfo E. Onaine; Esp Eng Lucrecia E. Moro (Faculty of Engineering, National University of Mar del Plata) Prof. Ana M.
Lascano Alves, Prof. Leonor Vela, Dr. Jane Moran, Mrs. Rosa M. Cerrizuela (Faculties of Arts, Biochemistry, Chemistry and Pharmacy and Psychology, National University of Tucumán)

AIMED AT: University Authorities, Teachers Tutoring, Peer Tutors, teachers, and coordinators and members of Tutoring Systems Degree Career .
OPEN A: Teachers and students in general

• Promote and disseminate the results of mentoring as a strategy for addressing the problems insertion and retention in college.
• Strengthen a space for reflection and debate on specific problems in implementing the tutorial system in higher education.
• Determine the guidelines of the tutorial system for consolidation and education policy.

1. Structure Tutoring Systems:
• Evaluation of processes and implementation stages
• Advantages and disadvantages of various models tutorials
• Assessment methodology
2. Tutors: profile, their function and role in the system
• Tutors teachers and peers, review the profile and competencies
• Tutorandos Rating
3. Tutorials and systems:
• Resources and spaces for tutoring on line
• Information about courses, practices, services
• Responding to queries curricular
• Instances tutored continuous monitoring
• Proposed activities of self
• Self-management of their studies and job opportunities

1. Specialist conferences.
2. Round Tables.
3. Communications.
4. Workshops.
5. Book presentations and other publications.

2 th National PEER GUARDIAN: In the framework of the Congress will be held on 2 th National Peer Tutoring. To promote and encourage the participation of students who serve as guardians, UNT will provide accommodation and SPU will support mobility *.
For more information, the Academic Manager in charge of tutoring systems in each institution should be reported by June 20 to (Subject: Housing and Mobility Tutors). The contact person will be referred to this issue CPN Liliana Kreisel: phone 0381-4107552.
* subject to availability.


• Provide a space for reflection on the advantages and strengths of the tutoring system in order to consolidate and experience extends to more Career Education.

reception for abstracts (300 words) June 6
Acceptance of abstracts July 6
Reception August 1
Papers Papers Acceptance corrected August 22
Date of Completion of Congress in June and October 7

CERTIFICATES Exhibitors will be awarded certificates and assistance.

CONFERENCE VENUE: National University of Tucumán: University Residence Horco Molle, Yerba Buena, Tucumán.

Early registration (from 21 June until 30 September inclusive):
Assistants $ 200 Students $ 80
From that date until the start of the conference:
Assistants $ 250 Students $ 100
It may make Payment in advance via bank transfer or deposit into the following bank account: No 3489 / 0 089 / 8 (rec. specific) Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Banco Galicia and Bs
For the purposes of accepted paper published previously should be sent by e-mail a copy (scanned) proof of payment, without exception, to email:

CONFERENCE Minister of Education Mr. Secretary Sileoni
University Policies Secretariat: Dr. Dibbern
Mr. Daniel Morano (University Quality Program - SPU)
Dr. Marina Müller (Apor - USAL - UNTREF)
Mr. José Luis Corica (Flead)

• Only accept a work by author.
• All axes can be submitted papers relating to accounts of experiences, research results or developments and projects, theoretical conceptualizations Undergraduate degrees in general.
• Papers should be submitted as a document in Word 6.0 or higher, Arial 11, single spaced, A4 size paper. Work should not exceed 12 pages, including graphics, footnotes and bibliography page final.
• Title, authors and institutional information: TITLE
be entered in capital letters and bold, centered. Locate
names and surnames of each author, institutional affiliation and contact the first author (e-mail, phone) in the right alignment.
• Summary:
be entered in a text summary not exceeding 300 words. Consist of a synopsis of what is presented in the article, using simple language, consistent and direct. Justifying the text Arial 11.
• Keywords: record of four to six key words at the end of the Summary.

• Report:
The body of the text will start on another page after Keywords justified and typed single-spaced and no indentation.
Figures and tables are inserted in the text using a size that allows to read and understand. Each figure should have a title explanatory Arial 9 bold, numbered, placed under each object and focused.
• The bibliography is included at the end of the work, arranged alphabetically by surname of the author, taking into account the following examples:
Book: Bernstein, Basil (1998), Pedagogy, symbolic control and identity, Morata, Madrid.
Article: Vaideanau, George (1987), "Interdisciplinary Teaching: Test synthesis", in Prospects, Unesco, Vol.XVII, No. 4.
Quote from an article in an electronic journal:
Miranda Diaz, Alejandro Germain. Of virtual learning environments to communities online learning. [Online]. Revista Digital Universitaria. November 10, 2004, Vol 5, No. 10. [Accessed: November 11, 2004]. Available online:
ISSN: 1607-6079. Quote
Web site: Perseus
Plan. The Perseus Digital Library [online]. Gregory Crane, Editor-in-Chief, Tufts University. URL: . [Query: February 9, 2001].

Paper Submission: Send submissions to: Academic Secretary of the National University of Tucumán and
In the message, indicate Case Presentation and Last Name first author with reference Institutional (eg Gómez Paper UNT)
Sender Address: send to the email the first author
Format: Word
Submission Form: as an attachment
Communicating Results: After receiving the file, the organizers will issue a line reception.

Can I Give Someone Hpv By Fingering Them?

Info-RIES Bulletin No. 201

now available the last newsletter American Network for the Study of Sects (RIES), Info-RIES . Registration is free, www.ried .

Info-RIES Bulletin No. 201 (10/05/1911).

1. The Holy See warning about the incompatibility of alternative therapies and the Catholic faith.
2. English youth: their beliefs today and the near future.
3. An essay published in Spain over talks about exorcism sects.
4. Sai Baba: the death of a controversial guru.
5. Argentina Justice exempt Jehovah's Witnesses to pay taxes for their publications.
6. Who was David Koresh, leader of the Branch Davidians of Waco, protagonists of a slaughter in 1993.
7. France condemned the leader of "Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary" for kidnapping a child.
8. Teacher acquitted in Argentina Love of sexual abuse allegations.
9. The Santa Muerte is currently starring in Mexico.
10. Charles Manson has an extensive interview with a English magazine.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

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podcast now available of the last program "Meet the sects" Radio Maria Spain, produced and directed by the Latin American Study of the Sects (RIES). Download here. Every Saturday every two weeks at 20 h. (English time).

"Meet the sects." 4 th time. 13 º program. 7-May-2011.


- With us today ...: The Congregation of the Olive, with D. Vicente Jara.
- With us today ...: What does the Catholic Church of Yoga, with D. Vicente Jara.
- news of sectarianism: the priest D. Luis Santamaría.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Template For Membership Form For Church Members

4x13 Meet John sects and cults Paul II: Speech at the Fourth General Assembly of CELAM. Santo Domingo. 1992 Info-RIES

We few words from the texts listed in the Bulletin number 200 Info-RIES , the recent declared Blessed John Paul II on the subject of cults .

Inaugural Address of Pope John Paul II at the Fourth General Assembly of CELAM in Santo Domingo (October 1992):

"Following the example of the Good Shepherd, you have to feed the flock entrusted to you and defend of ravenous wolves. Cause of division and discord in your church communities are well-know-what sects and movements "pseudo-spiritual" that speaks the Puebla document (n. 628), whose aggressive expansion and urges face. As

many of you have noted, the progress of the sect emphasizes a pastoral vacuum, which is often the cause in the lack of training, which undermines the Christian identity and causes large numbers of Catholics without appropriate religious care, among other reasons for lack of priests, are at the mercy of sectarian proselytism campaigns very active. But it can happen that the faithful will not find in the pastoral strong sense of God that they should pass on in their lives. "Such situations can be an opportunity for many poor and simple," as unfortunately is happening, they become easy prey to sects in seeking a religious sense of life that might not find in those it would have to offer with both hands "(Apostolic Letter Paths of the Gospel, 20).

Moreover, one can not underestimate a certain strategy whose objective is to weaken the ties that bind Latin America and thus undermine the forces that arise from the unit. For this purpose, devote significant financial resources to fund propaganda campaigns, trying to crack this catholic unity.

The worrying phenomenon of sects must respond with pastoral action At the heart of everything the person, its European dimension and their desire a personal relationship with God, is a fact that where the presence of the Church is dynamic, as is the case of the parishes in which is provided with ongoing formation in the Word of God, where there is active and participated liturgy, a strong Marian devotion, an effective social solidarity in the field, a strong pastoral care for the family, young and sick, we see that the sects or para-religious movements fail to install or move.
Deep-rooted popular religious
of the faithful, with their extraordinary values \u200b\u200bof faith and piety, sacrifice and solidarity, properly evangelized and joyfully celebrated, oriented around the mysteries of Christ and Virgin Mary, may be, for its roots predominantly Catholic, an antidote against sects and a guarantee of fidelity to the message of salvation. "

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

5 Days Before Period And Very High Soft Cervix

Tutoring Systems Becoming ...

Monday, May 2, 2011

Invitation Matter For Marriage In Tamil

Bulletin No. 200

We offer a monograph ico on Blessed John Paul II and sects, corresponding with the number 200 of our newsletter American Network for the Study of Sects (RIES) Info-RIES . Registration is free, www.ried .

Info-RIES Bulletin No. 200 (05/02/1911).

1. John Paul II: Pope has spoken out more boldly on cults.
2. The challenge of the sects to the pastoral, in ad Limina visits of the bishops.
3. John Paul II and concerns about sectarian proselytizing among migrants.
4. The challenge of the sects in various aspects of the life of the Church, according to John Paul II.