Friday, December 4, 2009

What Wear Under Singlet

The expectation of those completing secondary

Saturday, October 27, 2007 Diario La Capital

A survey of more than 900 students from the region determined to be essential parenting skills for further study

A UNR research indicates that the public is privileged to choose a career
Isaiah / The Capital

Study. That is the greatest expectation that young people who finish high school. Immediately follows the idea that this study will give them personal satisfaction, then get a job and then earn money. Almost half say they want to study and work, most favors the public to learn and teaching is not an alternative.

The claim comes from a survey undertaken by the Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR), the national research framework of the Association of Professional Guidance Republic Argentina (Apor) "The vocational choices of young people in school. Projects, expectations and obstacles ", as applied in the region in 2006.

The survey undertaken by the UNR was answered by 923 young people from 32 schools, most public and polymodal, Santa Fe, Entre Rios and Buenos Aires. Most of the students who participated are Rosario. It was taken the first week of November 2006, coinciding with the end of the course.

Nationally, research is directed by Sergio Rascovan psychologist, also scientific secretary of Apor. The data from this study will be analyzed in vocational conference to be held in Rosario in November (see separate article). But it is anticipated that local results are broadly in line with other regions, where the total sample amounted to 4,323 high school students.

"The first impression left by the study is that no one can think of a project outside of school. Then the familiar educational environment influence this decision, we hypothesize that those who complete the secondary are those with greater education of the family environment, "said research coordinator at the local level, the psychologist Sergio Enrique, who worked together by Erica Iturbe (educational scientist), Marcelo Rocha (psychologist) and Andrea Colaneri (psychologist).

The data cited by Sergio Enrique links you to another reality: many of young people who are in middle school. "We did a survey on school population, but 36% of young people in the country was not in the classroom. Will have to see what happens with this significant segment of kids, "says Enrique.

Regarding the influence of parental education, the survey reveals the impact it has on the children: "The whole side is the highest percentage in both parents, which showed the same school careers of 12 years or more spent in the educational system represents a high educational climate. "


as highlighted by the work, 43.88% of those surveyed choose as a project to study and work. Those who intend to study only represent 42.04% of young respondents. In either case, the percentage increases if we add the young people also have other complementary projects such as travel, do sports or charitable work.

The fact that attention is most of those who do choose to study at university level (the 62.24%), and largely in the public university (84, 04%) and only 24, 02% chose a non-tertiary career university.

addition, except those decided by the physical education (ranking 7 th in order of preference), none look to teaching as an alternative study. "In addition to low manifested towards tertiary courses, we also drew attention to the teaching little choice," says psychologist Sergio Enrique.

If it comes to choosing a career, the public accountant is in the first place. Architecture and medicine followed. Then (in a ranking of 15 preferences) the boys were in favor of law, psychology, BA in business administration, physical education teachers, mechanical engineering, agricultural engineering, civil engineering, degree in kinesiology and physical medicine, "not known" graphic design, industrial engineering and veterinary medicine.

Research indicates that "the total of respondents who choose to study at university level, the study intended only 29.79%, while 19.28 % Want to also work. Proportionally, this represents 60.7% intended only to study and 39.3% study and work. Data coincide with what is happening today at UNR where 70% of students does not work.

Most states that want to work to pay their own expenses, then to pay for training, followed by those who want to help around the house and the same number who seek to gain work experience. A small percentage (4%) chose only to work.

On the other hand, to the time of the survey, only 25% of young people who completed their secondary work.


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