Intensive Care Unit commonly referred to as (UCI). It is intended for patients who need special attention because there may be a risk or any of its vital functions. Therefore
ICU must be staffed specializes in caring for these patients and the staff must also have tangible assets to facilitate and ensure such care.
Whenever a patient enters the (UCI) is to carry out a series of tasks:

- placing the patient on the bed that has been assigned.
- will have to monitor the patient. To know the current status of their vital signs. We will have
- open a graphic in it and record their vital signs .
- will have to see if the patient has any intravenous tube (nasogastric, bladder ...) drainage. In that case we shall be noted on the graph of nursing. We will look
- in the physician's orders sheet whether to give the patient oxygen therapy. If so we will look at the type and volume of oxygen to provide therapy.
- notice of entry doctor in the case were not present.
Area connections on the monitor:
Blood Pressure Cuff:
Blood pressure is one of the parameters I will warn of circulatory complications: bleeding, dehydration, cardiac tamponade ... Therefore the importance of having blood pressure monitored.
Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by blood as it passes through the vessel walls. Is determined by cardiac output and peripheral vascular resistance.
There are two measures:
- Systolic: is the maximum pressure.
- The Diastolic : The minimum pressure.
- Hypotension
- Normotensión:
-Diastócica: 60/80 mmHg
- Hipertensión:
Blood Pressure is measured in mmHg (millimeters of mercury).
The cuff is placed on the arm that has not forwarded the peripheral route 2 cm above the elbow and will be made to encompass the entire circumference of the limb (arm or leg) loosely. Adjust on the monitor how often we take blood pressure and alarm limits.
The cuff width should be 40% of the circumference of the arm and should be placed at the midpoint.
Therefore we must have the appropriate cuff to the arm or leg of the patient.
The cuff blood pressure measurement tells you its size in Centimeters: Adult
- :25-35 inches. Children
- :18-26 inches. Child
- :10-19 inches. Newborn
- :5-9 inches.
different image sizes
oximeter : Place index finger of the patient and used to measure oxygen saturation of hemoglobin inside the blood vessels.
Heart rate:
The speed of the pulse, ie beats per minute. The monitor will give us a numerical data (heart rate) and a curve with the QRS complex and T wave The pulse varies with age, physical activity, emotional state ... normal values \u200b\u200bbetween 60 and 120 beats can detect frequencies too slow (bradycardia) or frequencies very fast (tachycardia). With heart rate monitoring are going to have continuous monitoring, is detected arrhythmias, conduction defects, myocardial ischemia and function of pacemakers.
Cable 3 and 5 lead to be coupled to the electrodes will be placed on the patient.
3-lead cable
- Red under the right shoulder (mid-clavicular line)
- Yellow below the left shoulder (mid-clavicular line)
- Green or black xiphoid below
5-lead Cable
- Red ; under your right shoulder (middle line clavicular)
- Yellow and underneath left shoulder (mid-clavicular line)
- Black , upper right abdomen
- Green ; left upper abdomen
- White , On the chest, according to the derivation you want to choose
adhesive electrodes:
- How
- record their vital signs?:
Figure hospital is a clinical document that collects data from a patient. Represents the relationship
data or observations are to each other and provides fast and accurate information on patient outcomes.
is an element that is part of the patient's clinical history and, therefore, is subject to the Data Protection Act (Organic Law on Data Protection) with regard to confidentiality, custody and preservation thereof.
The section on vital signs:
This section provides a grid where recording vital signs. It is graduated in intervals to represent the values \u200b\u200bof each constant and thus has the same reference scale for each constant, represented by the letters R, TA, P and T (breathing, blood pressure, pulse and temperature).
The grid has constant vertical divisions that separate the days and shifts morning, afternoon and evening (MTN) and horizontal divisions of two types: thick lines mark the parameters
displayed at the different levels of constant and thinner lines to represent values \u200b\u200bbetween those intervals.
The value of each interval in a graph will vary according to the design and continued to be treated.
Click here to see how records are made on the graph.
The oxygen therapy:
patient consists of administering oxygen to increase blood oxygen concentration. ABG
By your doctor may be able to assess whether the patient needs oxygen or not.
Click here to view blood gas sample collection.
we can supply oxygen through:
- oxygen Bullets: are typically used in hospital transfers, whether to take the patient to perform some sort of test, etc. They are also used for patients at home.
bullets are different sizes of oxygen. 6000, 350, 175 and 150 liters.
to administer oxygen to the patient must provide oxygen to a certain degree of humidity. To this we must use it by passing the oxygen through the humidifier vessel containing distilled water. In this way we avoid the dryness of the mucosa of the patient.
We will take special care that the humidifier bottle Distilled water has always inside to be effective and for a new one when approaching emptying.
humidifier bottle
- oxygen Backpacks: are used exclusively in home use. Giving the patient the possibility of mobility with comfort.
Adjustable flow (LPM): 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, or continuous flow 2 LPM
Autonomy: 9 am to 2 LPM and 16 BPM (Breaths per minute, breaths per minute) and 7 hours at 2 LPM and 20 BPM
normal evaporation coefficient: 0.54 kg / day
Operating Pressure: 20 psi
Weight: 1.6 kg empty 1.95.-kg
full Battery life: Approx . 500 hours
polyester urethane cover
- central system: comes to taking the patient's room through pipes from the central oxygen of the hospital. This decision is on the wall or on the console at a suitable height.
accessories for use with oxygen cylinders:
- Pressure Gauge: It indicates the pressure at which oxygen is within the oxygen tank. The pressure must be greater than atmospheric (greater than 21grados Celsius). If less oxygen would not.
- output gauge: Thanks to the regulating wheel can regulate the amount of oxygen that will manage the patient in liters per minute.
- capacity gauge: It indicates the pressure inside the ball of oxygen. As oxygen is consumed will be less pressure. When you get to 21 degrees at atmospheric pressure and then decajará out oxygen.
- humidifier connection: To thread the humidifier bottle and it will connect the mask or nasal cannula that will the patient.
- Regulator: To regulate the amount of oxygen administered to the patient.
- Bala Connection: Connection whereby the gauge is attached to the shot of oxygen.
- flow: regulates the amount of oxygen that the patient admistramos liters per minute.
footage outlet connection:
- Humidifier: The small piece is connected to the humidifier container by screwing. To match the numbering (1-1) piercing and said container. The numbering will 2 curled in the flow of the previous image. Area Connection humidifier. 3 The numbering by breaking his hand in your precinct is intended to connect the nasal cannula or oxygen mask.
is very important to use humidifiers when managing oxigenotarapia by nasal cannula or oxygen masks through the bullets of oxygen. Thereby avoiding the drying of the mucosa of the patient.
oxygen Management Systems Patient:
- nasopharyngeal tube or catheter Nasal is a tube of varying thickness and materials of 15 to 20 inches long and has one or more holes in the ends. Is inserted into a hole only nasal.Queda hosted more or less in the nasopharynx. It is often annoying and irritating the area. The nurse places (DUE).
- Masks: There are several types in which also include the nasal cannula.
oronasal mask: They adapt to the nose and the mouth of plastic or silicone paciente.Construidas usually have two or more side holes thus diluting the concentration oxygen. There are many models of masks. Some need to be regulated to achieve oxygen concentrations deferens.
Mask with Bag Reservoir: These masks use a reservoir to accumulate medical oxygen during exhalation of the patient. Increasing the amount of oxygen for the next breath.
Fog Mask: The mask has a capsule in which the liquid medication is inserted. As the capsule of the liquid mask has the patient will receive nebulized medication.
Tracheostomy Masks: Fits cannula the tracheotomy.
Laryngeal Mask: is designed to be placed in the hypopharynx. The edge of the mask is composed of an inflatable silicone cuff, reaching the hypopharyngeal space creating a seal that allows positive pressure ventilation.
incha The inflatable cuff adding air with a syringe into the blue device is in the image. To take the mask must deflate aspirardo the air.
In the front of the mask is where it connects to the anesthesia circuit manual or mechanical.
This technique is performed by the anesthetist.
Laryngeal Tube: The Laryngeal Tube is a supraglottic device for use in anesthesia to spontaneous or mechanical ventilation. In an emergency, is an effective device to secure the airway in case of a difficult airway as an alternative to face mask or intubation.

Video Intubation in Laryngeal Tube:
- oxygen Bell: This device simplifies oxygen therapy in neonates. Babies breathe and alone, but require additional oxygen is provided by the oxygen hood.
- Shop
- oxygen: is a device that covers the head and neck of the patient as a store. Is well accepted as they allow examination of the patient without removal.
- Insufflation System Manual: insufflation is performed using the Ambu . By after endotracheal intubation or not. Manual strokes giving air. In the event that you want to give a higher concentration of air is connected to an oxygen tank.
Ambu Intubation Through
Ambu Intubation Without
CPR and intubation Video:
- Mechanical Ventilation: consists of administering oxygen to the patient with positive pressure greater than atmospheric. It is used mostly in acute respiratory failure requiring intubation endotracheal. Almost all fans are in volume. DUE nurse is the one that handles these fans. We set tidal volume, frequency and flow of inspired gas. The fan will provide the volume no matter what pressure is reached in the patient's airways.
- will connect the oxygen outlet and electricity. Review
- they are all the piping and valves.
Respiratory Filter: Designed for use with anesthesia breathing circuits and to protect patients, health workers and ventilation equipment from potential microbial contamination.
Double Socket Branch:
respirator laptop: is used along with the monitror for the transfer of patients for evidence; requests or entries in other services. Range battery has more or less 2 hours. Once used must be left in place avitual loading.
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