Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Jesse Jane In Pirates Of Caribbean

the area of \u200b\u200bdisability

was made a day of reflection and opening of area Disability Association Professional Orientation Argentina - Apor: "Dialogues Between Counselling and Disability", on November 20, 2010. At the Institute, Avenida Nazca GLAUX 3330 - Villa Del Parque (CABA).

Opening Remarks: Dr. Cecilia Kligman (President Apor)
Panel: "Dialogues Between Counselling and Disability"
" Vocational Guidance and Disability" Ps. Sergio Enrique J. (UNR-Apor).
"General Considerations Guidance Vocational and Disability. What gives Orientation to disability? " Ps. Marcelo Rocha (UNR-INADI).
Coordinator: Liliana Rey (Apor)
Panel: " Presentation Area Vocational and Disability (Apor ) "
Ps. Marcelo Rocha (UNR-INADI); TO Gabriela Capel (UNQ) Laura Ps.María Castignani (UNLP-CONICET).
presented: Adriana Gullco (Apor)
Final words: "The importance of ongoing reflection on the rights and obligations of persons with disabilities" Dr. Liliana Pantano. (UCA-CONICET)
closing words of the day - Board of Directors of Apor

invite all stakeholders to integrate the area send an email to

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Taste Of Blood At Back Of Throat

Book Presentation in Cordoba on October 16, 2010 Presentation of the Book

Mg. Sergio Rascovan, Dr. Maria Ester Jozami and Ms. Veronica Castañeira

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Template Blake Lively

Rosario August 14, 2010 Book Presentation

Mg. Sergio Rascovan, Dr. Claudia Balague and Ps. Sergio Enrique

Monday, August 16, 2010

Safeway Bakery Birthday Cake Designs

Buenos Aires July 23, 2010

presented Ms. Silvia Feitelevich, Mg. Alicia Cibeira,
Mr. Mario Favier Dubois, Mr. Sergio Rascovan

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Redness In Corner Od Eyes

consider that facilitates a career years employment Lead

Journal Supplement Education Capital. Rosario, August 7, 2010.

In order to provide a comprehensive view and exploratory on the decision they must face teens to complete their secondary education, the Association of Professional Guidance Argentina (Apor) has just published the book "The vocational choices of young students." Edited by the editorial Noveduc, the text will be presented next Saturday in Rosario. Inter alia, include the assessment of students to careers as a step to the first job.
Compiled by researcher from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Sergio Rascovan, the book part of a study of more than 4,300 youngsters from a hundred schools in the country during the years 2006 and 2007.
itineraries construction vocational guidance and inclusion of young people, and subjective and social uncertainty in the transition to middle school - college, are some of the chapters of the book, with contributions from researchers from different universities.
The main data from this study shows that 67 percent of young people expressed their interest to pursue a college career, mostly in the public domain. With respect to the chosen careers, are at the top of public accounting, law, psychology, business administration and medicine. Asked about the importance of a top level race, 85 percent of respondents felt its value to get a job.
Regarding the work activities of children, the report also emphasizes that Apor 2 out of 10 students last year the average work. In addition, the report notes that 70 percent of parents of students finished high school, and 45 percent of them started or completed college.
"The ambitious research conducted by Apor provides a framework from which threshed proposals of methodological and conceptual, necessary to give support to the partial and final results of the study on the project, expectations and obstacles involved in elections future of those enrolled in the final year average level, "write the authors.
The book will be launched on Saturday 14 August, 1030, School of Biochemical Sciences, UNR, Suipacha 531

Friday, June 25, 2010

What Can A Urine Culture Show

A confidential report on letterhead and seal of the University of Tucumán, dated April 19, 1976. Details of the personnel career center and professional "is a Marxist, are extremely dangerous (all women, psychologists and pedagogues) not only for his very radical Marxist ideas and advanced (teaching Paulo Freyre, Bohoslavski, etc.), but by the contact they have with youth groups who come to be targeted. "

Friday, June 18, 2010

Engagement Wording For Cards To Friend


The research conducted by Apor ambitious in order to obtain a picture exploratory charting the vocational choices of young people in schools, is the framework from which threshed proposals of methodological and conceptual, necessary to give support to the partial and final results of the study on the project, expectations and obstacles involved in future elections who are attending their last year of middle level .

From an extended perspective, the final results of national research can be taken as an integration of the progress and results emerging from different localities and regions, recognizing the diversity of socio-cultural realities, points encounters and differences in expectations and intentions for the future and the uniqueness of the profiles personal and professional projects for young people.

Foreword by Silvia
Feitelevich and Adriana Gullco
Introduction by Sergio Rascovan
Chapter 1. youth and vocational pathways to build a world without moorings. Sergio J. Enrique
Chapter 2. Elections vocational, public policy and subjectivity. Sergio Rascovan
Chapter 3. orientation and inclusion of young people. Mario A. Favier Dubois
Chapter 4. At the gates of the future: a question of intent? María Celia Ilvento
Chapter 5. Two faces of uncertainty: subjective and social. Veronica Castañeira
Chapter 6. Young people and projects in contemporary societies. The role of the school. Analía L. Pereyra
Chapter 7. chosen yourself. Lorena Compiano
Chapter 8. Vocational guidance in the public hospital. Red
Work Orientation and Education (ROTATE) - Hospitals GCBA
Annex 1 Research data
Annex 2 Model survey

More Information: